Where My Heart Belongs by Tracie Peterson & Aussie Giveaway

Amy Halbert changed her name to Sunshine when she turned eighteen and that was only one example of how she flaunted her disdain of her family and their small town life in Slocum, Kansas. At least that was the way her big sister Kathy always viewed it.

Demanding her inheritance from her parents, Sunshine, headed off for the bright lights of anywhere, just not Kansas and for twelve long years the remaining Halbert family grieved, made difficult choices and moved on with their lives. Then everything changes when Kathy answers a knock at the door of the failing farm where she lives with her dad ~ Sunshine has returned home seeking forgiveness and acceptance.

For Kathy, Sunshine’s return is the ultimate slap in the face, a trivialising of her sorrow for the sister she thought was dead and an anger she didn’t know was in her burns fiercely, robbing her peace and driving a wedge between herself and Sunshine and eventually damaging the solace she had always found in her faith in God.

Tracie Peterson’s prodigal daughter storyline is not new yet it is infused with rich emotions and deep struggle. Kathy is torn between desiring retribution against her sister for all she sacrificed due to her disappearance, the loss of her mother and the illness of her father which Kathy holds Sunshine completely responsible and the remembrance of the deep love she once had for her sister. While the story is well written and the characters infused with genuine feelings, I struggled to connect with the characters and the pacing was a bit slow for my liking. Kathy’s journey is not simplified nor are her feelings of hatred and fury diminished which is an encouraging part of this tale. Kathy’s faith and her belief in forgiveness is tested and the road is not a comfortable one. No doubt Tracie’s fans will enjoy her foray once again into a contemporary novel and the final outcome Where My Heart Belongs will please many.

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I have a copy of this book to give away! To enter:~

1. Have an Aussie mailing addy;

2. Comment by midnight on Thursday 21st February; and

3. Tell me your favourite parable Jesus told!

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9 Responses to Where My Heart Belongs by Tracie Peterson & Aussie Giveaway

  1. You know how much I love Biblical Fiction ~ modern retelling of people’s stories comes a close second to that….so I definitely want to be in the draw for this one.My favourite parable. Now there’s something I never thought about! I’m sure by the end of the year, after studying Matthew I’ll have an absolute favourite. For now, I’ll go with the parable of the builder/foundations in Matthew 7

  2. Good question! My favourite parable Jesus told is the parable of the lost sheep found in Matthew 18. Please enter me in the draw.

  3. Hmmmm… My favourite parable that Jesus told would have to be the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.Matthew 18:21-35.Please enter me.itsmyemail (at) bigpond.com

  4. I think after losing something i got from Hawaii last year then the celebration i felt when someone rang to tell me they had found it.the parable of the lost coin.please dont enter me i have this book.

  5. My favorite is the parable of the sower (Luke 8:5-8) cause it’s an important reminder.Appreciate you entering me… jojo_777 (at) hotmail.com

  6. Sounds good Rel. My favourite is the parable of the sower. Don’t know why, I have just always loved it, even as a child.

  7. Please enter me in as tis sounds good. I just cant go past the prodigal son as my favourite parable of all time!

  8. Louise Veenstra builder4lulu@hotmail.com , We have just started a biblestudy on the beatitudes and as a prelude we did the parable of the wise and foolish builders and the man who built his house on the rock (matthew 7) ” Everyone who hears these words of mine and acts upon them i will like them to be a wise person building on THE ROCK of life Mt7:24″

  9. I always enjoy the parable of the good samaritan Luke 10:30-37. I think it was a favourite of my sunday school days. Wendyb

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