The Reading Habits of Susan May Warren (with giveaway)

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If you’ve been reading Christian Fiction for any length of time you are sure to have heard of Susan May Warren and it’s very likely you’ve read one or more of her novels. Contemporary, romance, historical, romantic suspense, Susie May has made her mark! Enjoy this insight into Susie’s reading habits and be sure to  enter the giveaway below.

Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over?

I am!!  I love stories, characters and WORDS. I’m a crazy person who totally defaces my books with highlights, dog-earred pages and smiley faces (and comments in the margins). Now that I have a kindle, it’s a little cleaner to highlight.  But I love reading a favorite story over—recreating those emotions, and remembering why I loved it so much.

When is your optimal time to read – do you prefer to read in one long block, or do you also read for five minutes here or there when you can?

I read a book every weekend, starting Friday afternoon, then onto Saturday afternoon and evening, and then Sunday.  I can’t read during the week as I am usually doing research, or writing, and my brain is tired.

I’d love your thoughts on novellas. Are you thumbs up or down? Or does it depend?!

I like novellas for certain reasons. Christmas novellas are super fun—just a quick read designed to help you get into the holiday spirit.  I like prequels, to set the scene or setup of a novel series.

Are you faithful to a genre, an author, or simply quality writing?

Quality writing.  I will read anything if it is well written.

Which factors most influence your selection of a book?

POV—I am not a huge fan of first person, so you really have to draw me in with voice if you write first person.  I love words and the poetry of words, so if the first page is well crafted, with a compelling set up, I’ll continue on. I’m not swayed by popular opinion—I’m not super impressed if a book is on the NYT.  But, if it has won an award, I’ll usually take a look. And I always listen to the recommendations of my friends!

Your fiction pet peeve?

Poor use of internal dialogue, clique statements and telling of emotions.  I also hate it when an author doesn’t dig deep enough in a story to get at the real heart of the matter, but stays with the familiar trope.

SMW booklist

What book have you read this year that you could not put down, and why?

I loved Melissa Tagg’s Christmas novella, One Enchanted Eve.  (As well as her Walker series book, Keep Holding On).  I also loved The Lady and the Lionheart by Joanne Bischof, and The Wood’s Edge by Lori Benton.

How do you mark your spot – folded page corner, bookmark, dollar bill, whatever is at hand?

Bookmark. 🙂

Whose debut novel impressed you more than you anticipated?

Lindsay Harrel.  She just had a book come out called One More Song to Sing. I knew she was talented, but that book really blew me away.  She’s a talented author you’ll hear more of. 🙂

When reading, what makes or breaks a story for you?

The hero. If he is sacrificial, generous, brave and vulnerable, well, I’m a goner.

What are some of your favorite CF reads from around 10 years ago, or further back?

Francine’s Mark of the Lion series, of course.  Dee Henderson’s O’Malley family series.  And I will always be an Angela Hunt fan—all of her early words are fantastic. (as are her current works!)

Snack/drink of choice while reading?

Hot Cocoa and Popcorn.

What book cover has really caught your eye?

Recently, I’m hugely jealous of Ronie Kendig’s covers. She always finds a fantastic hero/soldier.

Which author makes it easy to turn off your internal editor?

Ronie Kendig, Rachel Hauck.  Melissa Tagg.  Beth K. Vogt.  Lisa Jordan. These are my favorite authors that I love to escape with.

What book do you wish you had written? Why?

Outlander.  Because of Jamie.  *sigh*

Thanks Susie!

Rescue Me

When Deputy Sam Brooks commits to something, nothing can sway him–not just on the job as liaison between the Mercy Falls sheriff’s department and PEAK Rescue, but in his private life. He’s the one who stuck around to take care of his mother after his father’s accidental death. And he’s the one–perhaps the only one–who believes Sierra Rose is the perfect girl for him. Safe, practical, and organized, she’s nothing like her hippie, impulsive, bleeding heart sister, Willow.

Willow, however, has been in love with Sam Brooks for as long as she can remember. But she wants her sister to have a happy ending. Besides, Willow has other things to focus on–namely, nabbing the job as youth pastor for her small-town church. Best thing for her to do is to purge Sam from her heart.

Neither can predict the events that will bring them together in a fight for their lives in the forbidding wilderness of Glacier National Park. Stranded, injured, and with the winter weather closing in, Sam and Willow will have to work together to save a crew of terrified teenagers. As they fight to survive, they might just discover a new hope for love.

Susan May Warren is the ECPA and CBA bestselling author of over fifty novels, including Wild Montana Skies, with more than one million books sold. Winner of a RITA Award and multiple Christy and Carol Awards, as well as the HOLT and numerous Readers’ Choice Awards, Susan has written contemporary and historical romances, romantic suspense, thrillers, romantic comedy, and novellas. She can be found online at, on Facebook at SusanMayWarrenFiction, and on Twitter @susanmaywarren.

Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of Where There’s SmokePlaying with Fire, and Burnin’ For You
All Things Susie May @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Susie’s website and blog
Buy from Amazon: Rescue Me or Koorong

Relz Reviewz Giveaways (1)

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43 Responses to The Reading Habits of Susan May Warren (with giveaway)

  1. I am a hard core weekend reader! Aside from the gym, that’s when I do the majority of my reading. I can’t wait to dive into this latest series by Susie. I’m sure it’s bound to be exceptional!

  2. When I worked full time I was more of a weekend reader, but now I try to read nearly every evening. I enjoy the Glacier National Park setting in this book….excellent story and setting….have visited the beautiful area twice and hope to again some day.
    Thanks for the review and opportunity to participate.

  3. Yes, definitely a weekend reader like Susie! I’m usually finishing the book and ready to start Monday with something else 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I’m a big weekend reader, but also try to carve out time during the week to read. If I don’t finish a book over the weekend, I can’t stand to wait to find out what happens 🙂

  5. I’ll admit it, I’m a bookoholic! I read daily, nightly and weekend rightly. I’m rarely without a book – whether during my lunch hour at work or before going to bed. On weekends, I’m usually doing chores around the house or running errands that don’t get completed throughout the week, but I’ll always find time to read. A rare weekend where everything is caught up and nowhere to go and nothing to do, but curl up between the pages of a book?? Utter. Bliss.

    • Amy » Ditto, my friend! I even ‘read’ in the car now by listening to audiobooks. That’s been fun and I didn’t expect to enjoy them as much as I have. Hugs xo

  6. I’m an all week reader. 😁 I read almost every night. This was such a fun interview to read. Thank you so much for interviewing Susan and for the giveaway. I love Susan’s books.

    Thank you,

  7. I read every chance I get!!! 😀
    Thanks so much for the giveaway and fun interview!

  8. I love reading on weekends, but often there’s so much going on… I read pretty much any time I can fit it in!

  9. I read on my days off, no matter when they are.. and in between those times

  10. I am an any time of the week or day reader. Whenever I have a spare moment I am reading. I’ve been a fan of Susie’s since way back when, started with her Heirs of Anton and have read almost every single one of her titles. She’s an excellent author I can always count on!

  11. I read when I get the chance and have something good to read. I try not to read “my” books during the school week because once I start reading I can’t put it down & I have to be at school early in the mornings. Plus there are so many children’s books to read as an elementary school librarian.

  12. I generally have longer stretches of time to read on the weekend, but I’m an every day reader. I take a book with me to read at work during lunch, read sometimes in the evenings, and always read before I go to sleep.

  13. I read every day. I always carry my Kindle with me or the current paperback I am reading.

    Great interview! I love Susie. She is one of my favorite authors.

  14. I like to read every night. It helps me relax.

  15. I am most definitely a weekend reader.
    Annnnd…. a weekday reader.

  16. Definitely! That’s when there are more time.

  17. Yes, I guess I would be considered a weekend reader. I read a little everyday but my heavy reading is done on the weekend!

  18. The afternoon is my favorite time to read. It’s quiet and peaceful and I have a couple of hours free!

  19. I actually get most of my reading done during the week right now. My weekends have been a lot busier than my weeknights. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. I read all week. Sundays are my biggest reading day after church.

  21. I do play catch up on the weekend, but try to read a bit each night. Morning reading is for quiet time, nightly and weekend reading for pleasure. Thanks for writing Susan May Warren! 🙂

  22. I love to read everyday but I have more time to read on the weekend

  23. I am an all day, everyday reader. If I’m not reading, than I must be sick.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

  24. Great interview! I love all the books Susan talked about and I definitely LOVE all of Susan’s books. I can’t seem to get enough of them!

  25. I have so much to read that I try to get reading in every day. I wish I had larger blocks of time for it. I am a fan of Susan’s writing so I am looking forward to reading this new series. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

  26. I usually read a book a day. Thank you for the fun interview and giveaway!

  27. I read a lot on the weekend, but I read whenever I have time.

    I am so excited about Rescue Me, I loved Wild Montana Skies.

  28. I try to read every day, but the majority of my reading happens on the weekend!!

  29. I just try to stay awake long enough to read, any day of the week!

  30. I am not a weekend reader particularly , I am more of an evening reader . Very few nights go by that I don’t read a few chapters of my current book before heading to bed.

  31. I can’t WAIT for Rescue Me to come out!! I love Susan’s books! I read whenever I get a chance, weekend included. I usually read for an hour or two every night in bed. My hubby gets up early, so we go to bed early and I’m not ready to sleep, so I read. I often read a book a day, sometimes even 2. I read inline at the store, in the car, any time I have to wait. But my TBR list is so long! I drop everything the minute Susan or several other authors have new books out.

  32. love reading on the weekend

  33. I love to read every day 🙂

  34. I read whenever I can fit it in, but I mostly read at night before bed. One of my favorite times to read is in the car while I’m waiting for my son to get out of school. I leave early for a good parking spot and get about 30 minutes of great reading time.

  35. I read weekends and during the week.

  36. I actually rarely read at all during the weekends. I work at our local bakery on Saturday’s and often have evening plans or am just brain-dead afterward. Then Sunday morning is church and the afternoon is really my only time to get stuff done around the house so reading doesn’t take priority.
    My main reading time is at my full-time nanny job, usually when I first arrive since the kids are typically still asleep and the parents are getting ready to leave.

  37. I read whenever I can find the time and if the weekend days are quieter than the week nights then I take full advantage of my reading time!

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