Bookish Question of the Week

rp_Quoftheweek1-300x30011-300x300111.pngFirstly, a huge thank you to those who responded to my Relz Reviewz Info Gathering form last week. I value your feedback and you just may see a little change here or there coming up based on your suggestions. Your encouragement and support was such a blessing!

Now, for this week’s topic! As you know, most of the books I read are written by Christian authors with the CBA but I do love reading outside that niche as well. In addition to the classics, writers like John Grisham, Matthew Reilly, David Eddings, Chaim Potok, Wilbur Smith, Leon Uris, James Clavell, Bryce Courtenay, Tom Clancy, and others grace my shelves. In typing that list, I’ve realised that outside of the CBA, I mainly read thrillers written by men! That said, I currently have Rae Carson, Keira Cass, and Kate Morton books in my TBR pile that I must get to.

I’d love to know your favorite writers, who aren’t writing for the Christian market! So, my question is:

What general market authors do you recommend I read?

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21 Responses to Bookish Question of the Week

  1. Your list contains many of my favorites as well. I love cozy mysteries and my favorite authors are Carolyn Haines (Sarah Booth Delaney “Bones” series), Joan Hess (Claire Malloy series) and Jo Dereske (Helma Zukas series).

  2. Mary Higgins Clark, Victoria Thompson (Gaslight Mystery series), Kate Parker (Victorian Bookshop Mystery series) M.K. Gilroy (Kristen Conner Mystery Series) and Debbie Viguie. Although Mr. Gilroy and Mrs. Viguie are Christians I don’t believe their books are published by a Christian publisher.

    • I’ve read Mark Gilroy’s first two novels and really enjoyed them and I have read one of Mary Higgins Clark’s books many, many years ago! Thanks Amy 🙂

  3. where to start!!!!!one of my all time favourite authors in any genre is Martha Grimes ( she writes mysteries but with aplomb. they’re basically an art form). i get in trouble for this; but i prefer Georgette Heyer’s regencies even to jane austen!!! elizabeth peters’ amelia peabody series about an egyptologist and her hot husband is a favourite. i will read ANYTHING written by deanna raybourn. likewise for rhys bowen. arturo perez-reverte is a favourite: again, whether he writes mystery, historical or general fiction. sarah addison allen writes fiction with an interesting magic realism twist that i love. my favourite YA author is Arthur Slade.

    gosh. so many.

    • Love your thoughts, Rachel. I have been meaning to add Deanna Raybourn’s books to my TBR for a while, all because of your raving over them! Read Georgette in my earlier years but I’m loving the sound of Elizabeth Peters – thanks, lovely xo

  4. The hands-down favorite is the late Robert B. Parker. I love the way he writes spare prose in simple declarative sentences. Even when I catch him shifting point of view in the middle of a scene, he does it so smoothly I almost don’t catch it. Other favorites are John Grisham, the Matt Scudder books of Lawrence Block, and fiction by Michael Connelly.

  5. I read a little bit of secular fiction. It’s mostly cozy mysteries. When I read outside the CBA I still want the main characters to be moral people, no s*x on the page, not a lot of swearing or violence. I usually stop reading the book if the leads don’t have a basic moral code.

    Agatha Christie’s novels and Erle Stanley Gardner’s Perry Mason books are great mysteries. I learned a lot about law in the Perry Mason books. There are 85 of those! I haven’t quite read them all yet. Dorothy Simpson’s Inspector Luke Thanet mysteries are wonderful.

    Current general market authors would be Charles Finch (Charles Lenox mysteries; Victorian era) and Laura Childs (Charleston Tea Shop mysteries). I’ve read one cozy mystery each by Amanda Cooper and Julie Hyzy. I’ll have to read more by them to see if I’ll go on to like their writing.

    The ones I like the best are series with recurring characters where you feel like they become your friends and you know what to expect from them as individuals.

  6. fun question and love reading other people’s choices! Grisham novels are always great read. I used to read some of Dean Koontz, but haven’t in decades, so not sure about any of his new stuff. Can I say Tolkien too? ;).

  7. Have you ever read Charles Martin? Loved his most recent ‘Water From My Heart’. I don’t think his publisher is a traditional ‘christian’ publisher, but Charles certainly is!

  8. I don’t personally read anything outside of Christian fiction, however, my husband has two favorite non-christian authors he likes. Dean Koontz & Tom Clancy are his top to-go authors. I’m not sure if he has any other “favorite” ones but those are the two I can come up with off the top of my head 🙂 (maybe John Grisham?)The other genre he likes is any of the cozy mysteries by various authors. As long as there isn’t over-the-top swearing, violence or language he’ll read them.

  9. If you enjoy WWI mysteries, I recommend the mother/son writing team Charles Todd and their Bess Crawford series. They write clean reads.

    Other non-Christian authors I read on a regular basis are Lee Child, Jeffrey Archer and Elizabeth George.

  10. Susan Meissner and Kate Morton are my two absolute favourites. I don’t have to know what the book is about, I don’t need to see the cover, they’re the two authors I just buy no questions asked (and then I spend ages hoarding the book knowing that once it’s read it will be between a year and two until the next one!)

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