Cover Art & Book News: Indie Releases (with giveaway)

Seriously, friends, if you haven’t got your hands or pre-ordered these stories you need to! I’ve paid close attention to independently released books over the past 10 years – they...

A Peek Inside Merciless by Tamara Leigh

The uber talented Tamara Leigh released her latest medieval romance novel today, and I couldn’t be happier or more proud of my friend. Merciless takes readers back to the beginning, when the...

The Raveling by Tamara Leigh

Synopsis:~ BY HONOR BOUND TO SEEK THE FOUND, HERE BEGINS A TALE Sir Elias De Morville is no ordinary man of the sword, possessing both the heart of a warrior and a troubadour. When he sets out to...

INDIE Cover Art Reveal & Book News

I’m delighted to be sharing some current and upcoming indie novels ~ their fabulous covers and story lines! I don’t know about you, but a significant number of my favourite stories from...

Cover Reveal: Tamara Leigh’s The Raveling

You all know I have a literary love affair with Tamara Leigh’s medieval romance stories, so it’s with great delight that I share with you her unique cover reveal that took place today in...

Top 10 Reads, 2017…plus a few more!

  In previous years I have posted my Top 10 on NYE, but I decided to get in a bit early this year…just because! Sadly, 2017 was another year where my reading time was significantly...