Coming in mid 2014 from Thomas Nelson
Short and sweet today but here’s a peek at Thomas Nelson’s mid 2014 covers!
I’m enamoured with Liz Tolsma’s, Beth Wiseman’s, and Rebecca and Nancy’s. Kristy...
“Behind the Scenes” with Kristen Vasgaard ~ Part 2
Back with Part 2 of my exclusive interview with the fabulously talented, Kristen Vasgaard, who the Art Director for HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Before you dive in here, make sure you have...
Behind the Scenes ~ Kristen Vasgaard, Pt 1
During my time in the US, I got to connect with many amazing authors but I also had the opportunity to meet up with many of the dedicated professionals within the Christian publishing industry who...
Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay
Samantha Moore has always hidden behind the words of others—namely, her favorite characters in literature. Now, she will learn to write her own story—by giving that story to a complete...
Gunpowder Tea by Margaret Brownley
She’s a Pinkerton detective. He’s working undercover for Wells Fargo. Neither has a clue about love.
Annie Beckman arrives at Last Chance Ranch in the Arizona Territory holding the...