Coming in mid 2014 from Thomas Nelson

Short and sweet today but here’s a peek at Thomas Nelson’s mid 2014 covers! I’m enamoured with Liz Tolsma’s, Beth Wiseman’s, and Rebecca and Nancy’s. Kristy...

“Behind the Scenes” with Kristen Vasgaard ~ Part 2

Back with Part 2 of my exclusive interview with the fabulously talented, Kristen Vasgaard, who the Art Director for HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Before you dive in here, make sure you have...

Behind the Scenes ~ Kristen Vasgaard, Pt 1

During my time in the US, I got to connect with many amazing authors but I also had the opportunity to meet up with many of the dedicated professionals within the Christian publishing industry who...

Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay

Synopsis:~ Samantha Moore has always hidden behind the words of others—namely, her favorite characters in literature. Now, she will learn to write her own story—by giving that story to a complete...

Author Alert ~ Katherine Reay

  I’m delighted to introduce you to Katherine Reay and her contemporary novel Dear Mr Knightley Thomas Nelson ~~~~~ Who is Katherine? I am a writer, a wife, a mom, a runner, a tennis...

Gunpowder Tea by Margaret Brownley

Synopsis:~ She’s a Pinkerton detective. He’s working undercover for Wells Fargo. Neither has a clue about love. Annie Beckman arrives at Last Chance Ranch in the Arizona Territory holding the...