Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Forgotten I Loved
Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. I’ve hijacked this week’s topic as originally it was Books I Want To Read But Forgot Why. That just didn’t...
Top Ten Tuesday: Diversity
This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, is books that give off that summer vibe. Necee here 🙂 We decided to do something different as America wrestles...
Top Ten Tuesday: Opening Lines…by Amy Matayo
How is it another Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) again! How the week flies by! I intended to highlight the first lines of books by different writers when I first saw this topic,...
Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why I Love Reading Adventure by Necee
We’ve been a little behind on Top Ten Tuesdays, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, but decided to catch up this week. So, without further ado, this week’s topic is… the Top Ten Reasons Why I...
Top Ten Tuesday: Titles That Would Make Good Band Names
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, was submitted by Michelle, and is a fun play on book titles. There are some great titles of books that would make great band names. So,...
Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Enjoyed but rarely talk about
How does Tuesday keep coming around so quickly?! Maybe because it’s already Wednesday here in my neck of the woods! Regardless, welcome to my Top Ten Tuesday post, hosted by That Artsy Reader...