Character Spotlight ~ Laura Frantz’s Cassius McLinn & Roxanna Rowan

 Cassius & Roxanna

Anticipation always runs high while waiting on a Laura Frantz release! The Colonel’s Lady has finally arrived so have fun meeting the Colonel and his lady 🙂

Over to you, Laura:~

Cassius McLinn

Brief physical description

Physically, Colonel Cassius McLinn is something of an Irish giant which helps make him a bit of a legend amongst his enemies. At 6 feet four inches tall with russet hair and blue eyes, he has few equals.

Actor/famous person

He resembles Richard Crispin Armitage only with reddish hair. Be still my heart!

Strengths and weaknesses

My editor said it best: “There is the man others see – a stern colonel, ruthless, feared – and respected. He lives a hard life, but honor is important to him. He chafes at his position in the fight against the British, brought about by his own twin, and wishes to be in the thick of the action. Then there is the McLinn he really is: a gentleman and member of the upper class, confident he has power and careful with its use.”

Quirk (if any)

Like many a soldier in his day, he is intemperate and drinks too much.

Your inspiration for the character

I fell in love with a portrait of the young George Rogers Clark while researching at Locust Grove in Louisville, KY and decided to created a hero like him. Colonel McLinn is the result.

Roxanna Rowan

Brief physical description

Roxanna Rowan is somewhat tall and slender and has blue eyes and black hair to her waist. She is part British and part Scottish.

Actor/famous person

Madeleine Stowe of Last of the Mohicans fame, among other films

Strengths and weaknesses

She has very high standards for both herself and others, and expects the best of them, often to her disappointment. Sadly, she is quick to judge and assume the worst which lands her in hot water on occasion. But her compassionate heart and ability to withstand her dire circumstances triumphs in the end.

Quirk (if any)

Though regarded as something of a beauty, she sees herself as nothing but a confirmed spinster, beyond the hope of love and happiness.

Your inspiration for the character

I wanted to deal with a lady-spinster whose thoughts on life and love are challenged by a Revolutionary War hero, Colonel Cassius McLinn. Roxanna is a “complicated woman” in the words of my editor. I have to agree 🙂 But you’ll have to read the story to find out why…

Background to the story

The idea for this novel was born after a visit to Locust Grove, the Kentucky estate where Revolutionary War hero, George Rogers Clark, resided. I began researching his amazing, heartbreaking life and was compelled to give him a happier ending. To this end, I created Roxanna Rowan, the woman I wish Clark had fallen in love with, and confined them to a frontier fort. Fireworks!

Always delightful to have you visit, Laura 🙂  Thanks for the preview of Cassius and Roxanna!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of Courting Morrow Little and The Frontiersman’s Daughter

Character spotlight on Lael Click
Character spotlight on Morrow Little
Visit Laura’s website and blog

Buy Laura’s book at Amazon and Koorong

Send an email to Laura at with your name to be included the draw for some lovely Cassius & Roxanna inspired gifts

Kindle Freebie

To celebrate the release of The Colonel’s Lady, Laura’s debut novel, The Frontiersman’s Daughter is available free to your Kindle or Kindle for PC for a short time. Click here for more.

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19 Responses to Character Spotlight ~ Laura Frantz’s Cassius McLinn & Roxanna Rowan

  1. Dear Rel, Wonderful to start the launch with you!! It's evening here, of course, but morning there, so hope your day is exceptional:) Thanks for another beautiful spotlight and for all your support of Christian fiction. You're a keeper!

  2. Carla Olson Gade

    Well, I might be able to comment if I could only breathe! What beauty, what imagery for a breathtaking tale as only Laura can deliver. I waited with baited breath to read and know I will not be disappointed as Laura's writing gets better with every novel. And the first was a hard act to follow! Thanks, Rel, for bringing this spotlight, and Laura for sharing this detail.

  3. Ooh, what a nice introduction to the Colonel and his intriguing lady. I'm eager to savor the story.

  4. Oh, this is a fabulous spotlight! I LOVE Laura's work, and I'm getting ready to dive into this book very soon – so thank you for giving me this great appetizer before the delectable main course! 😀

    And Richard Armitage??? Be still my heart, indeed!! ;D


  5. Laura ~ it is my absolute pleasure and privilege to have you share on my blog! Thank you for your sweet encouragement xo

    Carla ~ I am still waiting impatiently for TCL to make its way across the Pacific. I think it is coming on a 1750s vessel ;-D

    Keli ~ my thoughts exactly. Savouring is exactly the thing to do with a Laura Frantz novel 🙂

  6. Amber ~ glad to see you appreciate fine actors 😉

  7. What a wonderful spotlight – thank you Rel and Laura for sharing this insight into The Colonel's Lady!

  8. I can't believe the time is upon us for another Frantz spectaculor!!!! Seems like I've been anticipating for months but now I'm savoring. I got as far as the beginning of the 2nd chapter and gasped in shock, closed the book and thought: "And she expects me to read the entire story after that!!!!????!!!!" Of course, I opened the book back up again immediately and have barely come up for air since.

    Laura Frantz is sheer brilliance!

  9. Ok, I was excited for this book before I read your wonderful character launch~ now I am even more excited! Laura Frantz is such a wonderful author, I already ordered her new book and should arrive in the mail Thursday! Oh Thursday I wish you would come sooner now!! (PS Love the Richard Armitage reference, love him and am excited your character resembles him, now I want to watch my North & South DVD again!!)

  10. Hmmm, wonderful to wake up to these comments! Wish we could do this every morning! All this book talk makes me, well, want to write another one;) Thanks to each one of you for stopping here. Mondays are so busy and I really appreciate you taking the time!

  11. OH YES, dear Cassie! Another viewing of N&S is in order here! Be still my heart, indeed:) Rel knows how much that movie means to me. And thanks so much for ordering my book! Praying it blesses you. So thankful you're my reader!

  12. I should have a phone call today from my local bookstore telling me my order for The Colonel's Lady has arrived! Can't wait.
    I, too, have been fascinated by the life of George Rogers Clark. I love how fiction can provide happy endings.

  13. Oh Ann, you're always a ray of sunshine! Thanks so much for ordering my book! You said it so well – it is wonderful how we can use fiction to provide happy endings. George Rogers Clark certainly deserved one for all he did for our country and its founding. Praying the book blesses you. Can't wait to see you again!

  14. Wonderful spotlight on an AMAZING book! I'm 3/4 of the way through, and loving every bit of it!

    Happy Release Day, Laura!

    Much love and hugs,

  15. Michelle, So fun to keep up with you as you read:) Keep crocheting and turning those pages, dear friend!! Bless u for stopping here!

  16. I just laughed so hard reading Kav's comments, because when I read chapter two, my reaction was WHAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!

    I loved TCL, and honestly I find myself still thinking about it. I'm looking forward to sharing it with my mom.

  17. Kav's comments have had me on air all day! As have the others here!

    I suppose chapter two would be called "the inciting incident" in writerese;) SO glad you kept reading, dear Michelle! Though it might cause some to close the book. I added an epilogue as a reward for those of you who kept reading!

    I think the hallmark of a great reader is one who shares a book with their mom:) Thanks so much for that. Hope she enjoys it as much as you do.

    I should tell you, though you really don't need to know, that TFD is available for free on Kindle download right now.

  18. Hope no one minds if I stomp my foot a little ~ not that Laura didn't have me intrigued already by her story but not knowing what is in Ch. 2 is bugging me – LOL!

    Let's just say the Lord is teaching me patience as I wait for TCL to arrive 🙂

    My 13 year old was sick yesterday so I took the day off work and we watched North & South…again! Such good medicine ;-D

    Appreciate you all dropping by and sharing your thoughts.

  19. Rel, Hope Erin is feeling much better today! I'm sure a dose of North&South was just the remedy:) You are such a good mom.

    Still chuckling about your copy of TCL coming over by 18th-c. vessel. Here's hoping the story is worth the wait. Bless you for having me here. I truly enjoyed every minute.

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