Character Spotlight: Suzanne Woods Fisher’s Daphne Coffin (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book (65)

I’m delighted to have Suzanne Woods Fisher back at Relz Reviewz, sharing about her latest heroine, Daphne Coffin. If you love historical fiction, Suzanne is an author you don’t want to miss. Before she began writing Amish novels, Suzanne’s first published books were historical romance and her ability to write intricate and engaging stories has only increased. I hope you enjoy this insight into Daphne – she sounds great! Thanks to Revell, there’s a giveaway to enter below, too!

Daphne Coffin

Physical Stats

Height: 5’9…tall for a Nantucket woman

Hair colour & style: Blond, tucked under a lace Quaker cap

Eye colour: Nearly black

(*18th century Nantucket women had a reputation for beauty. Striking looks, with blond hair and black eyes.)

Dress sense: Somber Quaker clothing, lots of gray, but quite elegant. Made of silk (not cotton! Quakers were abolitionists and seldom wore cotton). Lace fichu and trimming, too.


Erika Christensen (Parenthood, Case for Christ)


Can’t live without…

Daphne’s nieces, Hitty and Henry.


Loyal, forthright, bold when she needs to be.


Loyal to a fault (funny how our best qualities can also be our worst ones).



Daphne’s faith keeps her very “centered.”

And…she has a soft spot for Captain Reynolds Macy.

What book or movie would they recommend?

Mary Coffin Starbuck’s journal

Your inspiration for the character

Mary Coffin Starbuck, one of the first white settlers to Nantucket Island. Daphne has a direct family line to Mary Coffin Starbuck.

Background to the story

During the 18th century, Nantucket Island became the wealthiest port in the world because of an insatiable appetite for whale oil. It was said that all of London was lit with oil from Nantucket’s whalers. Minding the Light took place in the 1820s, when the island’s wealth was at its peak. Such success, however, came with a cost. Husbands sailed away from the island for years at a time, returning to their families with a full purse but as strangers.

That’s where this story began, as Captain Reynolds Macy sailed into Nantucket’s harbor after a long “greasy voyage” (a ship’s full hold of barrels of whale oil) to be greeted by his wife. Beside her was a boy and a girl, children he didn’t even know he had.


Nantucket Photos, Credit: Suzanne Woods Fisher

Thanks Suzanne!

Minding the Light

Six long years ago, Captain Reynolds Macy sailed away from his bride, looking forward to the day when he would return to Nantucket Island with a ship’s hold full of whale oil. But when that momentous day finally arrives, Ren soon discovers that everything has changed in his absence. Everything. “Is nothing on this island as it appears to be?” he whispers in despair. Unlike most islanders, bold and spirited Daphne Coffin doesn’t defer to Ren as an authoritative whalemaster, but sees through his aloofness to the aching heart beneath. She encourages him to return to his Quaker roots and “mind the Light,” finding solace in God and community. As Ren becomes the man she believes him to be–honorable, wise, faithful–she finds herself falling in love with him.But how can she, when her heart is spoken for? Tristram Macy is Ren’s business partner, cousin, and best friend–and Daphne’s fiance.

Love always comes at a cost, but when is the price too high?rp_Suzanne-Woods-Fisher-2017-734x1024.jpg

Suzanne Woods Fisher is an award-winning, bestselling author of more than two dozen novels, including Phoebe’s Light, Minding the Light, the Amish Beginnings series, The Bishop’s Family series, and The Inn at Eagle Hill series, as well as nonfiction books about the Amish, including Amish Peace and The Heart of the Amish. She lives in California. Learn more at and follow Suzanne on Twitter @suzannewfisher and Facebook @SuzanneWoodsFisherAuthor.

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Fisher @ RelzReviewz
Visit Suzanne’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Minding the Light or Koorong

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24 Responses to Character Spotlight: Suzanne Woods Fisher’s Daphne Coffin (with giveaway)

  1. Love to walk by the ocean, but not travel on it.

  2. I love the ocean…from the beach!

  3. Danielle Hammelef

    I love the ocean, especially the beach and tide pools.

  4. I am definitely a landlubber, the water scares me.

  5. I like the view of the ocean but prefer to stay on land.

  6. I enjoy the ocean…but the mountains feed my soul 💜 This book sounds so good! We’re touring the west coast right now & seeing all the lighthouses made me wish for a lighthouse book, this review is perfect timing 😊👏

  7. I like to visit the beach/ocean but not really to get in it.

  8. I prefer to stay on land. Looking forward to reading this book.

  9. Enjoyed the article and always look forward to Suzanne’s books. I like the beach but am not an active water sports or fishing fan.

  10. Cherese Akhavein

    I am a Hugh water lover if I could buy a houseboat I would in a heartbeat. The water calms me. Maybe that is way I love this series so much.

  11. I grew up going to Santa Cruz every weekend, playing in the waves, fishing from the piers. I love the ocean.

  12. I love the ocean, but have never been on a sailboat on the open seas. I prefer a placid lake for boating. lol Thanks for the interesting post! I read Phoebe’s Light and it was SO good. I would dearly love to win this one! Thank you!

  13. On the shore, kind of girl.

  14. Guess I’m more of a landlubber. I like looking at the ocean, or a lake, but for the most part I’d rather be on land than on the water.

    However, I really do want to take a cruise — to Alaska.

  15. Love, love, love her books!

  16. Perrianne Askew

    I truly love the ocean but after 2 bouts with facial skin cancer, I’m trying to stay out of the sun. I guess I’m a landlubber by health default.

  17. Kathleen Newberry

    Love the ocean, I haven’t been in many a year but I love the ocean.

  18. Since I cannot swim, I am definitely a landlubber. I like to look at the ocean but not get in it.

  19. Love her books, love looking at any body of water

  20. I’m surrounded on 3 sides by water, the east is the Atlantic, the west is the Gulf of Mexico, and the south are the Straits of Florida. I love ocean life, the creatures are fascinating, and God created ALL of them! I love shell hunting, and feeding sea gulls.

    Thank you for this super nice giveaway too! God bless you.

    Romans 10:9-13

  21. I love 💘 the ocean,I wish I’d love closer to one

  22. I love being near the water. The beach is my heaven on earth. I think I would love sailing. I get carsick, so I’m not sure if I would be sick or not.

  23. I like being near the ocean, but not in the ocean. I prefer to take in the beauty from land.

  24. Christine Kilner

    I find it relaxing to be near the water.

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