Character Spotlight: Tamara Tilley’s Amber & Stephen with a signed giveaway

One Saturday


Meet a photographer, an outdoorsman,

and a pooch in

Tamara Tilley’s

romantic suspense

One Saturday

Archer Press



The Story

A random act of violence brings two strangers together.

A violent attack leaves Amber Porter hospitalized and alone. Consumed by fear, she’s terrified her assailants will come back and finish what they started. Questioning why God would allow her to be so brutally violated, Amber’s fragile faith is put to the test.

Steven Levitt is devastated when he finds Amber’s battered body in the park. As she clings to life, he promises to stay with her. Steven makes good on his promise and becomes a fixture in her everyday routine, helping Amber put the pieces of her life back together.

Can unconditional love turn tragedy into triumph?

Amber struggles with her growing attraction for Steven. He’s everything a woman could want in a man, but he deserves so much more than she can offer him. Putting Steven’s best interest before her own, Amber pushes him away for his own protection.

Steven’s feelings for Amber deepen, but he’s concerned if he admits it to her, it will jeopardize their budding relationship. Knowing Amber’s emotions are fragile, Steven holds back.

When it’s apparent Amber’s life might be in further danger, Steven refuses to stay away. He made a promise and intends on keeping it. With what few leads they have, the police do all they can to keep Amber safe and out of harm’s way.

Will it be enough? Or is Amber running out of time?

Introducing Amber, Stephen, & Bo

Amber Porter

Brief physical description

Amber is naturally beautiful. Dark hair, teal-blue eyes. She doesn’t see herself that way which makes her even more beautiful.Amber


Amber’s strength has been shaken. Before her attack, she was independent, resilient, and relied on her faith in God. We meet Amber at a very low point in her life. So we have a ringside view to watch as she regains her strength.


Amber is a bit of a loner. She enjoys her simple life and hasn’t let many people into her inner circle.


She is a photographer who insists on using film instead of digital methods.

Your inspiration for the character

There wasn’t any specific person who inspired me. Amber kind of wrote her own story.


Stephen Levitt

Brief physical description

StephenSteven is an outdoorsy guy with blue eyes and dark blonde, wavy hair. He’s not over-the-top gorgeous, but it’s his personality that adds to his good looks.


Steven is very self-assured and very caring. Raised with positive influences from his parents and twin sister. Steven feels like he can conquer anything because no one told him he couldn’t.


Steven struggles deep inside with the loss of a friend due to a tragic accident. Steven blames himself that his friend died alone, even though Steven promised not to leave him. Steven is very neurotic about keeping promises, almost to the point that it is an obsession.


The seriousness he puts on keeping his promises.

Your inspiration for the character

No one in particular. Steven tends to be a little too-good-to-be-true. But I love his take-charge attitude for difficult situations and life in general.



BoI have a furry third character. 

Bo is the epitome of man’s best friend. He’s loyal and fiercely protective. He is Steven’s companion but Bo is immediately smitten with Amber.

No certain canine inspired Bo. He’s just every dog lover’s four-legged friend.

Background to the story

I can’t say anything specific inspired me to write this story. I like to write stories that are realistic, even if that realism effects Christian characters in a negative way. I give my characters permission to be angry with God and question His plan for their life. I think people can draw on their faith even while they are struggling with it. I hope when people read my books, they find the stories real and relevant. I read for the three E’s — Entertainment, Enjoyment, and Escapism. Not Pollyanna perfection in sanitized settings. Oops, I think I brought my soapbox out by mistake. Sorry about that. But in closing, let me just add how excited I am about self-publishing and how it is changing the face of Christian fiction. There are some incredible stories being told because women have been bold enough to step out and tell the stories they are passionate about. If that is the kind of book you are looking for, seek out authors like Sally Bradley and Amy Matayo, and independently published books from MaryLu Tyndall and Kristen Heitzmann. You won’t be disappointed.

Thanks Tamara!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Joanna & T. J. (Badge of Respect)
Reviews of Full Disclosure, Abandoned Identity, and Criminal Obsession
Visit Tamara’s website
Buy at Amazon: One Saturday

One SaturdayRR

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29 Responses to Character Spotlight: Tamara Tilley’s Amber & Stephen with a signed giveaway

  1. I have a 16 year old sheltie yorkie dog.

  2. Ahh, you always introduce me to the best new book finds Rel! I am really excited to add this one to my TBR…thanks so much for sharing! Unfortunately I don’t have any pets…I’ve always wanted a dog though! Maybe one day. 🙂 Anyways, great character spotlight and thanks for the giveaway. 🙂

  3. I completely agree with Bekah M.- this blog has introduced me to some FABULOUS reads. Can’t wait to add this one. I have two pets, by the way, who fight for laptime when I’m reading- a red,mini dachshund and a gray with white cat.

  4. A dog… Best kinda pet in the world!

  5. I have a German Shepherd and a Teddybear puppy. In the past I have had cats as well.

  6. I don’t have any pets currently. I do love dogs though and my parents have a miniature poodle puppy named Biscuit whom I adore. Does that count? 🙂

  7. I have a 4 year old Yorkie/poo who is spoiled rotten and I love her bunches.

  8. We no longer have any pets. Our family dog Izzy, a miniature Maltese passed away last year.

  9. No pets right now but have had basset hounds and german shepards in the past.

  10. Tamara is a new-to-me author and this book sounds intriguing. I have a dog and a cat which are quite enough for me at the moment. 😉 Thanks for the introduction to Tamara and the giveaway!

  11. I don’t have any pets but I like to claim my parent’s dog. Whenever I visit them she keeps me company 🙂

  12. I had to put my mixed terrier dog (Dixie) down a couple of years ago and haven’t had the heart to get a new dog yet. I do have a rock in my garden…does that count?

  13. I have a black cat names Spooky. She is pretty shy but has adapted pretty well to my new husband!

  14. Two dogs–Pogo, an Australian Shepherd & Dakota, an American dog (unknown mix 🙂 We also have a cat named Paprika for her coloring.

  15. At this time I have no pet of my own. I am especially fond of Labrador retrievers. I also like most cats, but wouldn’t want a long-haired one.

  16. I have a black lab and she sheds a lot! Great temperament.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. Hi Rel! I’m so excited to see this new-to-me author. I looked at Tamara Tilley’s back list and put them all on my Amazon wish list. They sound like really good romantic suspense. I wouldn’t have heard of otherwise, probably. Thank you.

    As for pets, we have a few, but my little light is Reggie. She is a 6 year old English Springer Spaniel and one of the best dogs I have ever had the pleasure to live with.

    • Terrill – I am so excited you put my books on your wish list! Both Badge of Respect and One Saturday qualify for prime. 🙂 If you like those, let me know. I can offer you a deal on the other three(as a bundle)through my website.

  18. Tamara is a new-to-me author. Rel, thanks for the review. Sounds like a great story.

    I had an 11 year old Golden Retriever named Happy. I lost him three years ago to cancer.

  19. We’ve had a variety of pets over the years, but we don’t currently have anything. Our cat whose name was Butterball died about 3 months ago and we just haven’t been ready to have another pet yet. Before Butterball, we had a solid white rabbit named Isaac, a black lab/border collie mix named Asa, and a Saint Bernard mix named Pachelbel among others.

  20. I have a beautiful dog that we rescued from the local shelter.

  21. I am allergic to most dogs and cats, to my dismay.

  22. I have 2 Portuguese Water Dogs and 2 Persian Cats 🙂

  23. I am loved by my cherished and loyal dog, Jake, a beautiful black dachshund.
    i have read Badge of Respect, and I really loved the characters and wonderful story line. I look forward to reading Tamara’s new book.

  24. We have three pets: a poodle/bichon mix dog, a black cat, and a striped Abyssinian cat. They add so much joy to our household!

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