Chris Fabry is an extraordinary storyteller and his stories have been favourite book club picks of mine for years. It’s my pleasure to host him on the blog. I love his advocacy of fiction and I know you will too! Be sure to enter the giveaway for your chance to win a copy of his newly released novel, A Piece of the Moon, thanks to Tyndale House.
How Fiction Broadens your view and helps you value everyone
I fell in love with stories when I was a child listening to my uncles spin tales of their hunting and fishing exploits during the Depression. In a haze of smoke at my grandmother’s house, I would request the same stories and they would tell them over and over. I laughed and got scared in the same spots every time. My uncles were the first to teach me that if you tell a story well, the listener plays a part.
It’s the same with the written word. In a
good story, the reader is right there with Scout and Jem looking for Boo
Radley. You feel such empathy and sadness that Cosette has to put up with the
abuse of the Thénardiers and such warmth when Jean Valjean approaches her while
she is fetching water. In any well-written story, the reader participates in
the action.
What this creates inside the reader is not
only an ability to see the world through someone else’s experience, but to
value that perspective enough to become fully immersed in it. And what I love
about the fiction I write and about characters from my home state of West
Virginia is that readers expect a caricature or a stereotype and what they encounter
is a person with a complex backstory.
For example, one of my main characters in A Piece of the Moon runs a junkyard that her father started. She’s called Pidge because she took in a wounded pigeon that walks the desk in her makeshift office. At first glance, Pidge seems like just another cliché. But as the story progresses, you see the depth of her desires and dreams for the future.
Fiction can call us to look not at the outward appearance but deeper, at the heart. Those are the types of stories I want to tell, ones that take readers on a journey they want to come back to again and again.
Thanks Chris!
When eccentric millionaire Gideon Quidley receives a divine revelation to hide his earthly treasure somewhere in the hills, he sets out to find a fitting hiding spot, choosing only a few Bible verses as clues leading to untold riches of gold, silver, cash . . . and one very unexpected―and very costly―item.
Treasure hunters descend upon the hills of West Virginia, including those surrounding the small town of Emmaus, where TD Lovett and Waite Evers provide the latest updates and the beating heart of the community on radio station Country 16. Neither man is much interested in a wild-goose chase for Quidley’s treasure, though. Waite is busy keeping the station afloat and caring for the bruised souls who have landed there. Meanwhile, TD’s more intent on winning over local junkyard owner Pidge Bledsoe, who has taken in a shy, wounded boy to raise.
But after an estranged friend goes missing searching for the treasure, TD is unexpectedly drawn into the hunt. As TD joins the race to find Quidley’s wealth, he discovers where his own real treasure lies, and he begins to suspect there’s a hidden piece to Gideon Quidley’s treasure that no one could’ve expected.
Chris Fabry is an award-winning author and radio personality who hosts the daily program Chris Fabry Live on Moody Radio. A graduate of the W. Page Pitt School of Journalism at Marshall University and a native of West Virginia, Chris and his wife, Andrea, now live in Arizona and are the parents of nine children.
Nice to find out that Chris is from my state of WV. I love Christian Fiction because it is clean, gives us hope, and provides an escape from everyday life.
I’m a native of West Virginia too. I read a lot of fiction because I enjoy it, and reading non-fiction puts me to sleep. I also think that reading just makes me smarter.
Hello fellow Mountaineers! I hope when you encounter the folks in my story that you will nod and smile and say, “I know a fellow like that.” It’s one of the best compliments I get that the people in my stories “feel real.” Blessings on you today!
I think for me, fiction has helped me see the world from different perspectives and to realize that just because someone thinks differently that doesn’t make them any less of a person especially in God’s eyes. Sometimes we need to be challenged that way.
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April 8, 2021 at 9:54 pm
Nice to find out that Chris is from my state of WV. I love Christian Fiction because it is clean, gives us hope, and provides an escape from everyday life.
April 8, 2021 at 10:49 pm
I’m a native of West Virginia too. I read a lot of fiction because I enjoy it, and reading non-fiction puts me to sleep. I also think that reading just makes me smarter.
April 9, 2021 at 12:36 am
Hello fellow Mountaineers! I hope when you encounter the folks in my story that you will nod and smile and say, “I know a fellow like that.” It’s one of the best compliments I get that the people in my stories “feel real.” Blessings on you today!
April 9, 2021 at 3:13 pm
I’m looking forward to this book. What a wonderful quote about valuing others. Thank you for sharing your heart.
April 11, 2021 at 11:39 am
Christian fiction has encouraged growth in many areas of my life. I’m looking forward to reading “A Piece of the Moon”.
April 13, 2021 at 5:03 am
I think for me, fiction has helped me see the world from different perspectives and to realize that just because someone thinks differently that doesn’t make them any less of a person especially in God’s eyes. Sometimes we need to be challenged that way.
April 14, 2021 at 7:44 am
I love to read and read almost strictly Christian fiction. I always feel I learn something/it makes me smarter. Especially historical fiction!.
May 11, 2021 at 9:14 am
I’m so excited to be receiving this book! Thank you Relz and Tyndale House.