Apologies for the delayed posting, friends! Here are some more wonderful memories from ACFW – actually from before the conference began. Tamara Leigh and I had the pleasure of dropping in on the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat, fabulously led by bloggers Annie, Bonnie, and Carrie. It was great fun to meet authors, readers, and bloggers who we adore. Amy Messer, who encourages me every time she posts a comment on my blog, was simply delightful. I think hugging her and hearing her squeal for joy just about made my year! Kara, too.
I hope you enjoy these pics, despite me being too weary to crop, enhance, or tweak!
Julie Gwinn, agent extraordinaire!
Laura Frantz is amazed, Pepper Basham is unimpressed! What were you saying Gabrielle Meyer?!
My dear friend and fellow INSPYs Advisory Board member, Jamie Lapeyrolerie – love this girl!
Lovely Laura Frantz
One of the tireless women behind the retreat – the amazing Carrie Schmidt. So sad I didn’t get a pic with Annie & Bonnie 🙁
Fellow devoted readers – Nancy McLeroy & Melony Teague
This gorgeous woman made our day (as she always does when she comments on my blog) – Amy Messer
It’s Kara Boone from Flowers of Quiet Happiness!
These two precious women – Jamie Lapeyrolerie & Ronie Kendig
August 31, 2016 at 10:04 am
I did do quite a bit of squealing, didn’t I? Can’t deny that. 😀 YOU made my year, my dear Rel! The hard of my past few months got a huge boost of happy last Thursday! (Our chat wasn’t nearly long enough though.) I will treasure that memory for a long, long time. Thank you for being so wonderfully nice!
September 1, 2016 at 1:19 am
AHHHHHHH! And the squealing continues! Can’t believe I got a shout out! I’m still gushing over finally meeting you in person and having Tamara with you was an added bonus. Not the best picture of me, but I was trying to control myself **Cough – you know what I’m talking about – Cough**. I’m actually surprised the picture isn’t worse considering I was literally shaking with excitement. Best. Day. EVER!! Happy to hear you made it home safely. I’ve heard they are planning on having another CFRR next year and I’m all in. Hoping you’ll be able to come too, as the little bit of time together wasn’t near enough. Maybe you could bring some more Tim Tams…they were delish! Since you’re so far away now, I’m sending electronic hugs!! 🙂
September 1, 2016 at 5:40 am
Wonderful pictures, Rel! It was fantastic meeting you in person, and what a great readers retreat Annie, Bonnie, and Carrie put together! I look forward to CFRR next year, hopefully in Dallas. 🙂 Praying you made it home to the other side of the world without too many delays and now feel rested and recharged! 🙂
September 1, 2016 at 3:18 pm
I have made it! I’m on your blog! It was such a joy to meet you in person and get a hug! Even if it was ever so brief! So glad you made it and looks like your time in the US was fun! Safe travels home! I’m sure you’re ready to see your family and they you!
September 2, 2016 at 1:16 am
Rel, as promised, I looked for you for the couple of days I was at the conference. Sorry we didn’t connect.
September 3, 2016 at 2:51 pm
Aw, love those pics with Jamie – and of course Kara. Both wonderful ladies. 🙂
September 6, 2016 at 1:28 pm
It was so much fun – I still haven’t give up hope on an INSPYs Advisory Board retreat ;).
September 6, 2016 at 1:28 pm
Have I mentioned how much fun I had hanging out with you? 🙂 🙂