Roseanna M. White: Fast Favourites (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book

Roseanna M. White has fast made a name for herself penning intriguing historical page turners, most recently around the Edwardian era. I’m delighted to have her return to Relz Reviewz to share some of her favourite things and share a tantalising excerpt from her third and final Shadows Over England story, An Hour Unspent. Thanks to Bethany House, we are giving away a copy so be sure to enter via the Rafflecopter form below.

For now, enjoy getting to know a little more about Roseanna!

Over to you, Roseanna…



Duck-billed platypus. It’s actually my college’s mascot. We have a toy one that we named Plato…

Rel: So, do tell! How does an Australian native animal find itself the mascot of an American college?!


My daughter. 😉  She amazes me daily with her skill!

Board Game



You think I can name just one???




Rose. Because I’m unoriginal and it’s in my name, LOL


Mint chocolate-chip is my traditional answer. Though if you give me something smothered in hot fudge and brownie chunks, I might defect.


Book of Eli is one. Love the twist!

Non-writing activity

Reading…or knitting…or playing games with my kids…

Reading genre

Anything with romance!


Spring. Nothing like the first green grass and flowers!


Either pretzels or popcorn. Or chocolate.

Sport (watch or play)

I am so not a sports person…that said, I’ve developed an appreciation for hockey, thanks to my husband’s love of it. I attended my first professional game last year, and it was pretty cool to feel the energy in the arena!

TV show

The Walking Dead. I am NOT a lover of the horror genre in general, but the characterizations are amazing!

Share a favourite scene from your current novel 

Well I think my absolute favorite would have some spoilers, so I’ll post part of my first chapter that love—where the challenge is issued. =)


Thanks so much, Roseanna!Roseanna 2018

Roseanna M. White is a bestselling, Christy Award nominated author who has long claimed that words are the air she breathes. When not writing fiction, she’s homeschooling her two kids, editing, designing book covers, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of a slew of historical novels that span several continents and thousands of years. Spies and war and mayhem always seem to find their way into her books…to offset her real life, which is blessedly ordinary. You can learn more about her and her stories at

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things White @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Roseanna’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: An Hour Unspent or Koorong

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25 Responses to Roseanna M. White: Fast Favourites (with giveaway)

  1. I went to Emmanuel Bible College in Kitchener, Ontario Canada, and our mascot was a “wildcat”. We were the Emmanuel Wildcats 🙂

  2. So long ago I don’t remember more than 40 years.

  3. Our mascot was a bobcat.

  4. I went to two high schools; one was a bear and one was a commodore.

  5. My high school mascot was the Spartans.

  6. High school was sort of an airplane (though only on occasion; we often didn’t really use a mascot). We were the Flyers, as Charles Lindbergh was born there. As ambiguous as that was, it was unique, and I still prefer it to my college’s St Bernard.

  7. Beverly Duell-Moore

    Oh, Roseanna, we would get along great! I love, love mint chocolate chip ice cream. In fact, we a dairy near us that makes ice cream from their cows. And, this week is buy one dip (of our favorite)get one free!
    I did not read the chapter above. (I scrolled down it.) I didn’t want any spoilers!
    Great interview!

  8. I was homeschooled in high school. So since I live on a farm, I guess our mascot would be a cow or maybe an International tractor… 🙂

  9. Even though it’s been over 55 years, I still remember our mascot was the wolf!

  10. a Viking!

  11. Danielle Hammelef

    My college mascot is a husky.

  12. Tiger for high school and Lion for college.

  13. Our high school mascot was the grizzly bear.

  14. Thanks, Roseanna, for the wonderful opportunity to enter a giveaway! Would love to win a print copy of your book! Regarding a high school mascot, didn’t have any, as I grew up in Paraguay, South America, where my parents were Christian missionaries working with a tribe, where I was homeschooled. Because of the unique setting in which we lived in the jungle, my brother and I learned about many things you can’t learn in books: being around many other cultures, contacting and working with a tribe, learning their language from scratch, appreciating good and edifying books, sharing the Gospel with others, and speaking a variety of languages. Now I’m a minister wife in rural Montana! To “Like” my Western art and learn more about me, go to

  15. I went to two different high schools, one mascot was the Ramblers and the other was the Crusaders.

  16. Moultrie General, but now the school is a Middle School.

  17. I went to Baylor and our mascot is the bears.

  18. My high school mascot was the eagle. I was always proud of that because eagles are so dignified and majestic. Congrats on the new release Roseanna.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. In college at University of Tennessee the mascot was Smokey the dog.

  20. Our high school mascot was a Bluejay!

  21. My college mascot was a bulldog. No high school mascot.

  22. Indians (Waite High School). Our local Walmart has Waite Indians T-shirts.

    I like Clue too. I have a special edition that has more rooms, suspects (such as Monsieur Brunette and Miss Peach), and weapons. That’s from the late 80’s.

    I like hot fudge on ice cream too. It’s good on Cookies and Cream.

  23. My high school mascot was the Red Raider (bird). My college (Goshen, IN) mascot was the Maple Leaf, which always led to conversations about why we wrote it plural as “Leafs” instead of the proper plural of “Leaves.”

  24. Mascott from High School was Tigers. 2nd High School because we moved, it was Mustangs. Oh man, it seems like forever ago!

  25. Cowboys.

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