Samuel Parker: The Writer & his Book (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book (18)

It’s my pleasure to feature Samuel Parker today and his second novel, another intense thriller, Coldwater. Be sure to enter the giveaway below for your chance to win a copy of Coldwater for yourself or someone in your life who loves a book that ratchets up with the tension with great characterisation and a powerful plot!

The Writer

Why do you tell stories?

Because I’m too risk adverse to do anything I write about in real life.

Your favourite place to read

I usually read in bed. We have a new futon in a spare room that is now becoming a choice spot.

Best meal of the day

I eat lunch around 10 everyday, but then dinner is when we all sit around the table. Both are needed at their particular times.

Whose music inspires you?

For writing, usually Nick Cave or similar music

The most recent novel you read

Savage Country by Robert Olmstead

What’s your current book recommendation?

It would totally depend on who is asking. Robert Parker is always an easy recommendation if I do not know the person’s taste.

Name a book character you can’t forget

Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

Dream travel destination

Spain. My wife and I went there 20 years ago and it still holds magic in my memory

The Book

Cold Water

The vigilantes behind him are nothing compared to the enemy within.

Having forfeited his youth to the state prison system, Michael moved back to the still vacant house of his parents in a town with one stoplight. A town that hated him. Had always hated him. And was ready to pick up where the prison system had left off.

Now he’s on the run from men who’ve tried to kill him once; but Michael is more than an ex-con. A powerful, sinister force skulks within him, threatening and destructive. What–and who–it will destroy next is the only real question. 

From the bold voice that brought readers down Purgatory Road comes a new pulse-pounding, spine-rattling tale of vengeance and justice.

What was the working title?


Which character did you enjoy writing most?

I enjoyed writing the main character, Michael, because he encompassed many traits that most writers do not want to explore in themselves. He was both bad and good, hopeful yet lost. He ran the full gamut in my opinion.

Which character gave you the most grief?

Michael’s sister, Melissa. I think it was difficult to put a noble slant on her intentions without making her seem overly sentimental and weak. She is a very strong character who is driven by a deep seated desire for justice, but also aware of what that will do to her.

What emotions do you think your story will generate in readers?

Beside the basic thrill and entertainment, I hope readers will find that they will discover empathy for characters that our society usually has no sympathy for.

Thanks Samuel!Samuel Parker-Author Photo

Samuel Parker is the author of Purgatory Road. Born in the Michigan boondocks, he was raised on a never-ending road trip through the US. Besides writing, he is a process junkie and the ex-guitarist for several metal bands you’ve never heard of. He lives in West Michigan with his wife and twin sons.

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Parker @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Samuel’s website
Buy at Amazon: Coldwater or Koorong

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11 Responses to Samuel Parker: The Writer & his Book (with giveaway)

  1. Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird.

  2. I like all the characters I read.

  3. Alex Cross from some of James Patterson’s books.

  4. Ty Porter from Becky Wade’s Porter family series.

  5. Danielle Hammelef

    I will never forget the narrator in The book Thief by Marcus Zusak.

  6. Isabella St. John, a character in the book, “Oath of Honor” by Lynette Eason.

  7. Scarlett from “Gone With the Wind”.

  8. Coldwater was one of my favorite books of 2018 so far!

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