Stay with Me by Becky Wade (with giveaway)

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A mysterious letter alluding to a secret in her parents’ past brings Genevieve Woodward back to her Blue Ridge Mountains hometown, but she’s also in need of a break from a high-profile career that has left her dangerously burned out and concealing a powerful secret of her own. When she wakes inside an unfamiliar cottage to find the confused owner staring down at her, she can no longer ignore the fact that she needs help.  

Sam Turner has embraced his sorrow and his identity as an outsider. The solitary, disciplined life he lives on his historic farm is the life he’s chosen for himself. The last thing he wants is to rent his cottage to a woman as troubled as she is talkative. Yet, he can’t force himself to turn her away right when she needs him most. 

As Genevieve researches her family’s history and her and Sam’s emotions deepen, they will have to let go of the facades and loneliness they’ve clung to and allow light to illuminate every hidden truth.  

Necee’s take:~

Stunningly beautiful. Heartwarming. Romantic. Richly inspired with God’s grace, love, and forgiveness.

Stay With Me was so beautifully written and the characters were deep and inspiring. The issues were very real and even heart wrenching at times, and yet so filled with God’s redeeming love and hope. There were multiple storylines that might seem distracting at times, but this really set up the series. Wade shines with this contemporary romance in the midst of real life struggles and a great mystery, too.

“The woman who’d slept in his guesthouse like Goldilocks had frightening power over him.”

I love Sam and his view of Genevieve. He’s this strong, quiet, and yet determined man with a heart of gold. He has held his heart close, not allowing anyone in. However, Genevieve just seems to be crumbling his reserves. She brings a color and vitality to a world he didn’t realize lacked luster. I think he may have just knocked out the Porter boys as my favorite hero in a Wade story, and that’s tough competition. Of course, his Aussie bearing and accent may have had a little to do with that.

“The kiss tasted like destiny . . . as if she’d been waiting, without knowing she’d been waiting. For him. For this. It felt more right than anything had felt in forever and a day.”

Genevieve has been so busy and stressed for so long that she doesn’t know how to deal with it. She doesn’t understand why she can’t hear God’s voice, which is so important as a Bible teacher and leader. However, as her own secrets and family mysteries are revealed, she has tough choices to make. In the midst of it all, Sam becomes a lifeline for her.

“Why was it so hard for Christians to come clean to one another about the sins that had them by their throats? Because of pride? Because every Christian wanted every other Christian to think they were doing it right? That they were strong and good? If so, that was idiotic.”

Honestly, I wish I could shout this message from the roof tops! Our world would be such a better place if we as Christians truly accepted and gave forgiveness. Showing compassion and love is key to our faith, and yet we struggle with true authenticity. This is often because of our own fear of acceptance and judgement from others. I thought Wade did an amazing job sharing this authenticity and compassion through others in the midst of hardships. In a nutshell, that is the crux of the message of Stay With Me. Accepting one another with all our faults, sins, and frailties. Loving one another through the good and bad. Focusing on one another’s positives and gifts and truly seeing one another as Jesus sees us.

If you want divinely inspired, the love story between Sam and Genevieve made it truly captivating. There was such depth and devotion in their growing love. And wow, Sam, what an amazing leading hero to Gen’s bubbly, outgoing personality. He is a true heartthrob and I loved all the references to him being an Australia-American. A big heart, but caution in showing it. He’s very authentic, down to earth and yearning for something he doesn’t yet realize. He would give the shirt off his back and yet, has a hard time with relationships. Gen is like color and sunshine wrapping around him and yet, letting his fears go is difficult. Gen has so much to give, but is burning out, stressed and making choices that just make it worse. The romance and electricity between them will have you begging for their happy ending. Another contemporary romance must read from Becky Wade.

I was provided an advanced reader copy of this book through NetGalley by the publisher. All opinions in this review are given honestly.

NOTE FROM REL ON SAM TURNER:~ I’m a bit too close to this story to provide a review! I had the honour of reading Stay with Me early at Becky’s request, tweaking a few aspects of the excellent character Becky created in Sam Turner, to ensure he was authentically Australian. I hope I have done Becky and Sam justice. So many books written by authors who aren’t born or raised in my country provide caricatures of Australians, often over the top stereotypes that too often make me cringe. Becky’s desire to make Sam real and authentic by seeking additional input, despite the fact that she lived in Australia for a short period of time, reflects the wonderful person and author she is. I hope you enjoy Sam as much as I did!

With thanks to Bethany House for the giveaway below.

Becky Wade
Becky Wade is a California native who attended Baylor University, met and married a Texan, and settled in Dallas. She published historical romances for the general market before putting her career on hold for several years to care for her three children. When God called her back to writing, Becky knew He meant for her to turn her attention to Christian fiction. She loves writing funny, modern, and inspirational contemporary romance! She’s the Christy and Carol award winning author of My Stubborn Heart, the Porter Family series, and the Bradford Sisters Romance series.

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Wade @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Becky’s website
Buy at Amazon: Stay with Me or Koorong

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48 Responses to Stay with Me by Becky Wade (with giveaway)

  1. This book looks great!

  2. sounds good. nice cover

  3. I like their accent

  4. It is totally the fun way the different words they have for things & the accent 🙂

  5. I’m fascinated by the accent (as all Americans are, I’m sure 🙂) but also intrigued how we speak the same language but there are so many subtle differences.

    • It really is interesting how many subtle differences there are in the English language from different countries.

  6. Perhaps it’s a stereotype, but it feels like Australians are more laid back than those who live in other countries.

    Also, I really appreciate the friendship that Australia offers America and how their nation often prays for ours.

  7. Chris. Hemsworth. Rel and her lovely Sherlock 🙂 <3 <3 <3

  8. Bruce Rowland’s score for The Man from Snowy River. That alone could make anyone fall in love with the country.

  9. Elizabeth Litton

    I love listening to their accents!

  10. Beautiful country and lovely accent! Handsome Sherlock too! *wink*

  11. Perrianne Askew

    I like their accent plus the country is incredibly gorgeous.

  12. Danielle Hammelef

    Australia is one of my dream destinations–the variety of nature you have is something I just really hope to explore someday.

    • Danielle, I only saw a fraction of it on our trip and was totally entranced! It really is a dream destination worth exploring.

  13. I love learning about different countries, so I enjoy reading books set in other countries. I have learned a lot about Australia from my FB friends and authors. Different accents and different word meanings are fun!

    • Isn’t that the best thing about books, Winnie?! I love exploring new places and books are an incredible way to do that. It has been so much fun getting to know authors and new friends from around the world through social media for sure!

  14. From what I’ve reaa/heard Australia has some very diverse landscape. I’m sure it is beautiful. I would be fun to see.

    • Patty » Very diverse, Patty. We have desert, rainforests, mountains, bush, high country snowfields, rugged coastline, beautiful beaches, an arid centre, and everything in between!

  15. As has been stated above, I love the accent! I’m a big fan of accents in general (British, Scottish, Irish, Kiwi/Maori, Canadian, as well as those who speak English as a second language and lend some of their mother tongue to English, like Russians or Germans) as well as lingo from other cultures. Excited to see if Sam shares any of those fun words. 🙂 Australia also looks like it has amazing scenery! It’s on my bucket to see some of it for myself someday. Thanks for the great review and the giveaway!

  16. Lelia (Lucy) Reynolds

    I would love to visit and see the beautiful scenery and listen to that accent.

  17. Koalas! Actually, there seems to be so much wildlife unique to Australia – I think that is very special. 🙂

  18. I’ve seen pictures of Australia and it’s definitely a place I want to visit someday! Our pastor & his wife went for the first time last year and was able to go to a concert for Hillsong at the famous Sydney Opera House. I think that’s the place I would love to see in person!

    I love your review Necee. I just recently “discovered” Becky Wade’s writing with her Bradford Sisters series (I don’t read much contemporary) and was immediately hooked! I need more, lol! Thank you for the giveaway chance to win a copy of “Stay With Me”!

    • Seeing Hillsong at the Sydney Opera House would be amazing! We loved seeing it, but missed any concerts. Australia was really amazing. We loved it and can’t wait to go back.

      Thank you, Trixi! If you love this book, you should check out The Porter family by Becky Wade. The first book is Undeniably Yours and it’s one of my absolute favorites. Good luck on the giveaway!

    • Trixi » It’s funny how so many people want to see the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. I prefer our natural attractions – they outshine all the man made ones 🙂

  19. I love their accent.

  20. Sonnetta Jones

    I like the beauty of the country, the Great Barrier Reef, Sydney Opera House etc.

  21. Christina Basnett

    Sounds great!!

  22. Sara Derscheid

    As a teen, I always wanted to visit Australia (probably the accent) – until I found out I wasn’t fond of flying. But your photos depict such beauty I’ve decided I might be able to overcome that ☺

  23. Paula Shreckhise

    What appeals to me about Australia is the beauty of the country and the accents.
    We have been watching McLeod’s Daughters. Very interesting!

    • Paula Shreckhise » A show I’ve never watched – haha! But we have excellent television here, I have to say. Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Mystery Road, Water Rats, The Flying Doctors, The Man from Snowy River…I could go on!

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