Suzanne Woods Fisher: The Writer & Her Book (with giveaway)

Suzanne Woods Fisher 2017
Chatting today with Suzanne Woods Fisher about Oprah, apples, and the Contessa! Be sure to enter the giveaway below for your chance to win a copy of The Newcomer, Suzanne’s latest historical Amish novel.

The Writer

Please describe yourself in three words (ask your best friend or family if you are struggling!)

Energetic, hardworking, creative

What’s your favourite season, and why?

There’s something wonderful and not-so-wonderful about each season. Take summer. Love the early morning light, long evening light; hate the hot, glaring afternoon light. (FYI: I’m a tennis player.)

What is the best part of your day?

Dawn! The Amish have a saying: “There’s gold in the morning hours.” Very true for me—I get twice as much done, and its twice as good, before ten a.m. as I do in the afternoon.

What do you miss most about your childhood?

The anticipation of Christmas. It seemed to take forever to get here! Now, each time I turn around, it’s December again!

Which TV talk show host would you like to be interviewed by? Why?

Oprah Winfrey. I feel as if she is always on the cusp of finding true faith…then backs away.

You are at a fruit market – what do you reach for first?

Honey Crisp apple!

What was the first Christian Fiction novel you read?

Christyby Catherine Marshall. What a thrill it was to have one of my first novels nominated for the Christy Award!

What is one author and/or book you always recommend?

Philip Yancey. Any and all of his books.

What book character has stuck in your mind from a book you have read this year?

The father in The Kitchen House. To me, he was the real villain in the story. Although he didn’t intend to, he was the one who set all the terrible, shocking events into motion.

The Book

The Newcomer

In 1737, Anna Konig and her fellow church members stagger off a small wooden ship after ten weeks at sea, eager to start a new life in the vibrant but raw Pennsylvania frontier. On the docks of Port Philadelphia waits bishop Jacob Bauer, founder of the settlement and father to ship carpenter Bairn. It’s a time of new beginnings for the reunited Bauer family, and for Anna and Bairn’s shipboard romance to blossom.

But this perfect moment cannot last. As Bairn grasps the reality of what it means to be Amish in the New World–isolated, rigid with expectations, under the thumb of his domineering father–his enthusiasm evaporates. When a sea captain offers the chance to cross the ocean one more time, Bairn grabs it. Just one more crossing, he promises Anna. But will she wait for him?

When Henrik Newman joins the church just as it makes its way to the frontier, Anna is torn. He seems to be everything Bairn is not–bold, devoted, and delighted to vie for her heart. And the most dramatic difference? He is here; Bairn is not.

Far from the frontier, an unexpected turn of events weaves together the lives of Bairn, Anna, and Henrik. When a secret is revealed, which true love will emerge?

What was the working title?

The Newcomer was a difficult story for us to title; it required a lot of back-to-the-drawing-board moments. My working title for it was The Seekers. Didn’t work!

Describe your book in 5 adjectives

Historical, factual, compelling, character-driven, amusing

Which character took you by surprise?

The actual newcomer! He provided a lot of unexpected twists and turn. Including the one at the end…that one came out of the blue.

What was the latest you stayed up working on this story?

Just the reverse…as I neared deadline, I got up at two a.m. to work on it. My husband thought I was crazy.

Which character’s name was the hardest to choose? Why?

The Contessa. It was difficult to make sure I had the correct description for 18th century European royalty. It was constantly changing as all of Europe was in an upheaval!

What’s something that didn’t make it into the final copy?

There was an angel, one who had appeared in another book of mine, written into the story. I thought he added a wonderful touch. Alas. He got axed. 🙂


Suzanne Woods Fisher is a bestselling, award-winning author of books about the Old Order Amish. It’s a genre that chose her—her grandfather was raised Plain on a homestead in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, originally purchased by William Penn. She grew up with a deep and sincere interest in the history of her relatives. Suzanne lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family and two big yellow dogs.

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Fisher @ RelzReviewz
Visit Suzanne’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: The Newcomeror Koorong

RR The Newcomer

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19 Responses to Suzanne Woods Fisher: The Writer & Her Book (with giveaway)

  1. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of “The Newcomer”
    Wishing Suzanne much success with this book 😊

  2. I do not have any pets at this time.

  3. Love your interviews! I’ve not read anything by this author before, but I do have one of hers on kindle that I’ve been wanting to read. I don’t have my own pets, but my mom keeps several chickens :))

  4. Hi Rel! Thank you, thank you, for shining the spot light on my latest release…and on my work! You’re the best. Just. The. Best.
    Warmly, Suzanne

  5. I have a little wiener dog, named Midnight. He got his name from that fact that when he is outside at night you can hardly see him. His eyebrow are brown but the rest of him was all black when we first got him. Now he has more brown on his face. We love him to death.

  6. no Don’t have any pets

  7. None now, but in the past had cats and dogs.

  8. Use to a bassett named max he was a real sweet dog.

  9. Yes, I have a 3 year old yellow lab named “Dixie”!

  10. Enjoyed reading the interview! I do not currently have any pets.
    I have really enjoyed the books of yours that I have read and look forward to reading your newest release! Would love to win a copy! Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity!!

  11. I love dogs and currently have a rescue/shelter Red Heeler mix, whom we adopted when she was about 6 months old. The story is that she was dumped out, found by neighborhood children, and was taken to the small local volunteer shelter. Most of our other dogs through the years have been rescues, also. I always so greatly enjoy Suzanne’s books, and I appreciate the chance to participate.

  12. Thanks for the interview Rel!

    I have two dogs. One is a Rhodesian Ridgeback and one is an English Mastiff.

  13. I’ve had many pets over the years, but none at the moment. I’d love a huge yard dog again.

  14. We only have fish because my son has asthma so we cant have any furbabies.

  15. I just adopted two beautiful kittens, Hamilton and Jefferson. After losing my 19 year old cat in December, the house just wasn’t the same and it made me realize how much love and companionship they add to life. Looking forward to reading “The Newcomer”, I enjoy reading Amish fiction.

  16. I have a beautiful Maine Coon Cat boy!

  17. No, I do not have a beloved pet! I live in a non pet apartment. one day, I may have a pet though. the companionship would be appreciated. 🙂 Thanks for the chance at this giveaway!

  18. Yes, we have a rescue cat named Doc. He is very special because he is the first pet our daughter ever has had. Our allergy doctor told us we should never have pets, so our daughter longed for one all throughout her childhood. My husband said he would do shots if we could get a pet so she would know what it was like to have one.

    Doc had been abused but with all the love our daughter lavished on him he slowly became less skittish. He definitely sees our daughter as “his person” but we all enjoy him, and my husband has been able to avoid needing shots, too.

  19. We have one pet now, she’s an 18yr old chihuahua/terrier. We had a cat but had to put her down because she got cancer. Our dog will be the last pet as we’ve just been too heartbroken with the other animals we’ve had and passed on. It’s too hard to see a beloved family member get sick and have to put them down 🙁

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