Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Recommended, and Loved

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It’s another Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. We’ve tweaked this topic a little today, thanks to our friend Katie at Fiction Aficionado. Basically, I copied her tweak of the topic, then tweaked it a little more 🙂 Again, Necee and I are collaborating, so you get a diverse range of books and we are hoping some appeal and get added to your wishlists and TBRs. The original topic, Books I Bought/Borrowed Because…, has been altered a little so we are sharing books that were recommended to us by others AND we fell in love with them. I’m even reaching back over thirty years for one of my recommendations and I still have those books on my shelves…in fact, a reread might be in order!

We hope you are managing your house confinement well and looking for ways to be thankful, despite the challenges – both small and enormous! Please let us know how you are holding up in the comments. As well as sharing any books someone recommended to you that you adore!

Books I Was Recommended, and Loved


Rel’s Top 5

rp_Dead_Reckoning-663x1024-663x1024.jpg The Matrimonial Advertisement

Dead Reckoning by Ronie Kendig

Over a decade ago, author John C. Olsen mentioned a dear author friend of his whose writing he thought I’d enjoy. He was spot on. I met Ronie online before the release of her debut novel ten years ago, and I owe him a great debt. Not only did he introduce me to her brilliant writing, but to a talented writer who would become the dearest of friends. Thanks John!

The Matrimonial Advertisement by Mimi Matthews

One the recommendation of two people I trust to know what books I enjoy, I’ve become a devoted fan of Mimi Matthews and her stories. Thanks Katie and Rachel! I will admit The Matrimonial Advertisement sat on my Kindle for months before I read it! Let’s just say her backlist has not suffered any such waiting period!


Happiness for Beginners THe Carpenter's Daughter

Happiness for Beginners by Katherine Center

The fabulous Amy Matayo selected Center’s Things You Save in a Fire for her online Bookmates book club. I wasn’t able to join in the discussion, but I always listen out for Amy’s recommendations and when I read the premise of Happiness for Beginners, I was invested. I’ve just finished this General Market novel and found it delightful and moving.

The Carpenter’s Daughter by Jennifer Rodewald

Another nudge from Katie had me discovering Jennifer Rodewald’s excellent character and issue-driven contemporary romances. I have not looked back since enjoying The Carpenter’s Daughter. I’ve recently finished her two latest novels and will have reviews for them posted soon.


Pawn of Prophecy Queen of Sorcery MAgician's Gambit Castle of Wizardry Enchanter's End Game

The Belgariad by David Eddings

David Eddings’ epic fantasy series, The Belgariad, was recommended to me by someone I can’t remember! I was in my first year at University so it was a VERY LONG time ago, but I fell in love with this amazing series and Eddings’ exceptional storytelling and raced through as many of his books I could get my hands on in the late 80s and 90s.


Necee’s Top 5

Danger in the Shadows by Dee Henderson I have to choose because my mom recommended it to me and when I read it I was hooked on the entire series. This really began my full adventure into Christian Fiction. Prior to this serious I had found Christian Fiction none too exciting. Henderson completely changed my mind.

Escape to Morning by Susan May Warren was recommended and given to me by my father-in-law. I am forever in his debt after turning me onto Warren‘s novels. We are both longtime fans now.

The Sunflower by Richard Paul Evans was given to me one Christmas with a high recommendation by my sister-in-law. I love the adventure and heart of this book.

The Gifting by K. E. Ganshert was highly recommended by some online readers. I have to agree. One of my fav series!

The Master Potter by Jill Austin was recommended by a dear church friend. I love the allegory as it reminded me of Hind’s Feet on High Places.


What books have been recommended to you that you now love?

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11 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Recommended, and Loved

  1. I’m glad you enjoyed all of these titles so much! I’ve heard great things about Mimi Matthews’ work.

    My TTT .

  2. I have fallen in love with the Bug Man novels by Tim Downs based on the numerous recommendations given to me. They are so well written featuring a quirky genius, fabulous forensics and interesting, unique settings. A must read for anyone who loves crime novels!

  3. I’m going to put a little twist on this topic. The first book I remember being recommended from Rel and her blog was “Waking Beauty” by Sarah E. Morin. After reading it, I knew I had a reliable book compass that would always point me in the right direction of books I knew I’d love. Even better?? After getting to know her personally, I now love her to pieces!!

  4. I don’t remember who recommended Francine Rivers to me, but I will be eternally thankful for the recommendation. I first read “Redeeming Love” and loved it – – but what moved me most was the “Mark of the Lion” series. Wow – Wow – Wow – – what an incredibly moving tale of Hadassah and other key characters – a book set in the early Biblical days of new Christians, the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome and the quiet strength of one small Jewish slave girl. As we are all under a “stay at home” order, I have hunkered down with reading again this remarkable story. Stay safe everyone – pray for believers to turn to God and ask Him to heal our land. II Chron. 7:14

    • Pam, I totally agree with you. The Mark of The Lion series was simply amazing! I don’t remember who recommended that one to me either. However, it’s a definite top read!

  5. I’m glad someone knew your style and recommended some good books to you. That’s the best!

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