Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover

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Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Necee here, with my take on being a book lover!

Well, this is a fun topic for all of our book loving hearts. I’m looking forward to finding out what stands out about you being a book reader. As I look around my home, I wonder why I don’t have MORE book loving things out 🙂

#1 – Hoarding books in any form, even if you already have a copy on your ereader! There are so many choices now! How do YOU choose between an e-book, which is in your hands immediately, hardback which looks beautiful on your bookshelf, audiobook which is amazing to listen to while you do other things. And of course, the soft back novel, which tends to be less than a hardback.

#2 – You start losing track of favorite authors, because there’s so many amazing authors available to read now. However, we all have those favorites that we will talk your ears off all about. Signs of how much we love books are usually on our social media, too.

#3 – Your own personal library looks pretty, but you dream through Pinterest of having the epic library comfy zone in your own home.


#4 – On Pinterest, you have separate lists all relating to books you recommend or love. Mine is called “Books Worth Reading.” I love seeing all the quirky sayings for books, too!

#5 – Your secret life of loving romance novels can come out, if someone just looked at those shelves. I’m a romantic at heart, but being an Air Force veteran as a female, definitely made me keep that a secret.

#6 – You might be a book lover if you go through hours of looking up T-shirts or hangings or anything else relating to your book loving nerdy self. You might relate to Belle from Beauty and the Beast, too.

#7 – A worn out library card… If you can wait that long to wait for the book, which I rarely do anymore, LOL. However, going and checking out books to support your favorite authors is still a great way to keep that card in use and to try new authors, too.

#8 – Your local bookstore, Christian bookstore or librarians know you by name. Also, you confess to them about facing out books that you love so other readers can find them!

#9 – When half of your conversations, you refer to an author, reader friend, or book scene.

#10 – And of course, in light of being stuck at home for weeks, one of your first thoughts are… will I have enough books to see me through! So thankful for technology and ebooks! Whew!!!

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On a side note and taking things seriously, we are in much prayer over everyone’s health and safety. Stay home and read a good book. Exercise, eat well and drink often to keep up your health. Stay your mind on things that are positive and uplifting. Leave worship music on throughout the day. Play games with your family/friends whether online or real time. Put together that puzzle you hid away. Start that spring cleaning early,.

This too shall pass and in the midst we pray that many would come to know the one that is Unshakable. Learn to quiet your souls and find rest. Stay your minds on Him.

*Don’t be surprised if you have a hard time focusing or need to read or watch something lighter. That is a normal part of heightened stressors… look for those travel books or things that take you to another world. Fiction is a great stress reliever. Count your blessings.

Praying for all of you and happy reading…after all this is an excuse for book lovers to just hole up and read. Authors would love your reviews, too. So, it’s a great time to support your author community.

What signs show you are a book lover?

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12 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover

  1. I’m guilty of all except #6. And I love that shelf of books in the photo; I own almost all of those books too! And the book cozy 🙂

  2. I didn’t realize people used Pinterest for bookish stuff. I thought it was only used for recipes, home decor, wedding planning, craft ideas for kids, etc. Interesting.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. Having a whole room in the house for your personal library would be amazing.

    My TTT .

  4. We may have different tastes in what we read, but we are all avid readers and the ways we go about it are much the same.

  5. A sign that I’m a book lover is that I’m never without one. At work during lunch or breaks, waiting in doctor’s offices or anywhere else. Also, I contact the author if their book really spoke to me and let them know how much I appreciate their ‘gift’. I’ve become very good friends with a few of them because of this and it makes me treasure their books even more. And my absolute dream room would be one filled with books! I love the feel, smell and texture of turning that next page. And last but not least a sign that I’m a book lover is I read this blog 🙂

    • Amy, I love your reply! So many beautiful ways we love books, especially the author and reader friends we make. I’m truly blessed by your stopping by and commenting. Blessings, friend : )

  6. “Learn to quiet your souls and find rest.” Thank you for these words. They are so true. As one who just recently retired, I can empathize with those still working who have been temporarily forced off the treadmill. It takes a while for your mind and body to figure out that’s it’s okay to slow down. It is hard to recognize and take advantage of the opportunity God has given us to quiet our soul and find rest. Those struggling with this may want to learn quickly. The race will begin again, soon enough.

    • You are welcome, Donald Jay. Yes, those words have been speaking to me. We are finally settling into family time, learning to just find rest, and speaking continuous prayers for our world. You are so right about returning to the rat race soon enough. Although, hopefully, we will all learn to find that rest for our souls and maintain it a little better after this. Blessings to you and yours, Necee.

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