Siri Mitchell: Discover more…with a giveaway

Siri MitchellDiscover more about

Siri Mitchell

and her historical romance

Like a Flower in Bloom

Bethany House


A book character that sticks in my mind is… Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables series). She was always so completely herself. Absolutely unique among the characters of literature.

The last book that made me cry was…One Shenandoah Winter. I re-read it this Christmas.

The last book that made me laugh out loud was…Becky Wade’s Meant To Be Mine.

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by…Maureen Lang. She’s my critique partner. I have to stop myself and slow down in order to pay attention to the mechanics of what I’m reading.

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was…Maureen Riols, a British novelist.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…a high school history teacher.

I write stories because…I keep coming up with ideas! It’s a compulsive behaviour.

Like a Flower in BloomLike a Flower in Bloom

He Stole the Work She Loved.
Will She Let Him Steal Her Heart as Well?

It’s all her uncle’s fault. For years Charlotte Withersby has been free to pursue her love of plants and flowers by assisting her botanist father. But now that she’s reached the old age of twenty-two, an intrusive uncle has convinced her father that Charlotte’s future–the only proper future for a woman–is to be a wife and mother, not a scholar.

Her father is so dependent on her assistance that Charlotte believes he’ll soon change his mind…and then Edward Trimble shows up. A long-time botany correspondent in the South Pacific, Trimble arrives ready to step in as assistant so that Charlotte can step out into proper society–a world that baffles her with its unwritten rules, inexplicable expectations, and confounding fashion.

Things aren’t perfectly smooth between Trimble and her father, so Charlotte hatches a last gasp plan. She’ll pretend such an interest in marriage that the thought of losing her will make her father welcome her back. Only things go quickly awry, and she realizes that the one man who recognizes her intelligence is also the person she’s most angry with: Edward Trimble, her supposed rival. Suddenly juggling more suitors than she knows what to do with, Charlotte is caught in a trap of her own making. Will she have no choice but to leave her beloved flowers behind?

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives…witty, comedy-of-manners (hyphenated words count as one, right?), poignant, Victorian, charming. At least I’m hoping that’s how readers will describe it!

My main character is…an extremely practical introvert thrust into the ridiculously mannered world of Victorian England when all she really wants to do is continue her work in botany.

My main character resembles….Julia Stiles in basic character and temperament.

My story’s spiritual theme is…worth. You are a unique creation.

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was…Turn. It’s an American Revolutionary War-era spy drama. It kind of takes up where my book, The Messenger, left off. When I watch it, I feel as if all that research I did has come to life.

The story I’m currently working on is…set at the military academy at West Point in the 1850s.

You may not know this about me, but I…play golf. Sometimes I even enjoy it 🙂

I might go all fan girl if I met…Coco Chanel. She really transformed fashion for women, releasing them from the box of the corset and society’s rigid expectations.

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to…Ellis Island on the day my great-grandmother arrived in the United States from Finland.

I get lost in the music when I listen to...the musical Notre Dame de Paris.

A long held dream of mine is…to get my golf handicap low enough to be able to play the Old Course at St. Andrews.

Thanks Siri!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Siri’s Pop Quiz
Character spotlight on Ellis Eton
Character spotlight on Charlie & Lucy
FamilyFiction Plus with Siri
Exclusive Book Club Interview with Siri
Review of The MessengerA Heart Most WorthyA Constant Heart and She Walks in Beauty
Character spotlight on She Walks in Beauty’s Clara Carter, Love’s Pursuit’s characters and A Constant Heart’s Marget & Lytham
Visit Siri’s website
Buy at Amazon: Like a Flower in Bloom or Koorong

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28 Responses to Siri Mitchell: Discover more…with a giveaway

  1. Rel, your website is so fun! In one day, I’ve learned about Chris Fabry AND Siri Mitchell AND had an opportunity to enter two giveaways!! Thank you.
    I’m just excited if any flowers will grow! I’ve finally had success with my mums. I’d like to try a toad lily next.

  2. My favorite flower to grow in my own garden is Johnny-jump-ups. They have the cutest little faces and remind me of my childhood 🙂

  3. I most definitely do not have a green thumb. I pick flowers that are hardy. I’ve tried to grow hibiscus around four times and it sadly never works out. My favorite flower is the stargazer lilly. Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. I don’t have a garden. My mom has a very green thumb, but it skipped a generation. I was given a succulent for Christmas and I haven’t killed it yet.

  5. I love daffodils, tuplips, and hyacinths.

  6. Herbs and heirloom roses (heirloom as in they’ve been in the family a minimum of since my grandmas were young wives, and back as far as a great-great-grandma).

    Notre Dame de Paris does have gorgeous music – I remember studying the song “Belle” in college, which led to watching as much as was available on youtube. Garou is spectacular!

  7. I don’t garden but if I could, I would have a garden full of lilacs! Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I love flower gardening. My favorite flowers to grow are the Japanese Iris. They are so striking and elegant.

  9. Paperwhites, they’re my favorite.

  10. I love flower gardening. Peonies are my favorites and so easy to grow!

    Thanks for the giveaway! I love Siri’s books and enjoyed reading the interview. : )

  11. We only just bought a house so I’m looking forward to starting a small garden. Something warm – orangey and red – for me & purpley flowers for my husband.

  12. I love to grow sunflowers. They are tall and pretty, and the birds enjoy them when summer is over.

  13. The kind of plant that I like to grow in my garden are Hibiscus
    Thank you for the free giveaway.

  14. I like to grow simple easy flowers because i am still learning lol. I love a hanging petunia plant!

  15. There are many flowers I like to grow in my garden but irises are ones that I absolutely must have. I love the variety of colors and some of them even smell good.

  16. I love having a variety of flowers in my garden. My favorites, though, are roses, peonies, and irises (many, many different color irises). I have read most of Siri Mitchell’s books and loved all that I have read. She is a wonderful writer.

  17. Unfortunately I have never been able to grow flowers. If I could I would probably try to grow any kind of blue flower since that’s my favorite color 🙂

  18. I don’t have a garden, but if I did, I would grow roses!!

  19. This has to be one of my favorite author interviews and one of my favorites authors as well. 🙂 Excited to finally get my hands on Siri’s latest book. They always delight and entertain me. I love petunias. Especially the wave petunias that just take over a flower bed with blooms.

  20. Roses and daylilies

  21. I am SO not a gardener! I have a hard time even keeping house plants alive. I do have some lilies outside that seem to keep coming back no matter what I do or don’t do to them=)

  22. I can relate to the children’s poem that asks the question …. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary …How does your garden grow ??
    Unfortunately, my garden doesn’t grow because I don’t have a “green thumb”.

  23. I love sunflowers, mums and petunias. Thank you for letting me get to know Siri.

  24. I don’t have a green thumb like my mother did, and I don’t have a good place for a garden now but if I did, I would like Peonies, tulips, mums, and anything else that is hardy and comes back every year. I would love to win Siri’s book. I love the cover. Maxie > mac262(at)me(dot)com <

  25. Too many years of forced weeding have spoiled any enjoyment of gardening for me!

  26. Daisies and lillies

  27. I don’t have a garden as I live in student accommodation, but I usually have a vase of tulips somewhere in the house. They never fail to make me smile and make the place feel more homey!

  28. Anything I can keep alive! 🙂

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