Thomas Nelson Cover Art & Book News

Once again the talented team at Thomas Nelson have designed some beauties of covers and then the stories!!! Much to love here but so little time to post. A quick note on the ones that especially...

Coming in late 2017/early 2018 from TNZ Fiction

Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, known as TNZ Fiction, have released not only late 2017 covers, but a couple of 2018 ones as well! TNZ Fiction are willing to reach outside the box these days, with cover...

Cover Art Reveal: Coming in late 2016 from Thomas Nelson

Thomas Nelson are the most adventurous when it comes to cover art within the CBA…well, that’s my view 🙂 While they still have traditional style covers for some authors, I love seeing...

Cover Art: Coming soon from Thomas Nelson

I’m really pleased that publishers are now making it a priority for their authors to be the first to release their new covers ~ seems just the way it should be. For that reason, you may have...

Top 10 Reads, 2014

I tell myself I keep this post for the last day of the year because it seems fitting – truthfully, I think I’m procrastinating as I always find this my most challenging post every year!...

Lizzy & Jane by Katherine Reay

Synopsis:~ Sometimes the courage to face your greatest fears comes only when you’ve run out of ways to escape. At the end of a long night, Elizabeth leans against the industrial oven and takes...