The Reading Habits of Rachelle Dekker…and a giveaway

  The Reading Habits of Rachelle Dekker ******   Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over? I am not really a re-reader....

Lynette Eason: The Inside Scoop! and a giveaway

The Inside Scoop! Lynette Eason and her romantic suspense Always Watching Revell ********* I grew up in… Greenville, South Carolina. I was inspired to write my first published novel by…...

Jody Hedlund: The Inside Scoop! and a giveaway

  The Inside Scoop!   Jody Hedlund and her historical romance Undaunted Hope Bethany House ********   I grew up in… Iowa, Colorado, Utah, and Wisconsin (in that order!). We...

Cold Shot by Dani Pettrey

Synopsis:~ In college, Griffin McCray and his four best friends had their lives planned out. Griffin and Luke Gallagher would join the Baltimore PD. Declan Gray would head to the FBI and Parker...

Author Alert: Dorothy Adamek & an influencing opportunity

    I’m thrilled to introduce you to Dorothy Adamek and her historical romance Carry Me Home Crabapple House Publishing ********           Who is...

Author Alert: Rachel McMillan

  I’m delighted to introduce Rachel McMillan and her Herringford & Watts Mystery A Singular & Whimsical Problem Harvest House **********   Who is Rachel? Rachel McMillan is...