Character Spotlight: Liz Johnson’s Will & Jessalynn…with a giveaway

Navy Seal NoelMeet a Navy SEAL and a scientist in

Liz Johnson’s

romantic suspense

Navy SEAL Noel

Love Inspired


The Story

Abducted by a drug cartel, scientist Jessalynn McCoy’s orders are simple—produce a deadly toxin, or be killed. Trapped with no options, she’s desperate for help…she just never expected it from Will Gumble. The boy who let her down years ago is now a navy SEAL. She trusts his skills, his experience. Yet trusting him is a struggle.

Will’s Christmas wish is to heal their damaged relationship and get them to safety. But time is running out and the stakes keep rising. Any mistake could mean the difference between facing the holidays together or apart forever. 

Introducing Will & Jessalynn

Brief physical description

Petty Officer Will Gumble is a lean Navy SEAL. His eyes are the color of melting milk chocolate, warm and compassionate. He has dark brown hair, trimmed short but not in buzz cut. He keeps it natural so that he can blend in—even in a drug cartel compound. He has broad shoulders that Jess can lean on.Joshua Gordon-Levitt

Jessalynn McCoy is a beautiful young scientist. She has long brown hair with a gentle curl to it. Her eyes are green, and she has a generous smile that shows off a crooked front tooth. A gentle sprinkling of freckles on her nose remind Will of eighteen-year-old Jess, and she hasn’t changed too much in the last ten years.


I picture Will as actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

And Jess resembles actress Katie McGrath.

Strengths and weaknesses

Will is a battle tested navy SEAL. He specializes in reading and analyzing intel, especially maps. He’s fearless in the face of danger and willing to do whatever it takes to protect Jess. But he struggles to tell Jess what’s on his heart. In fact, he’s always struggled to truly pinpoint his feelings and honestly communicate them.

Jess is compassionate and quick-witted. She cares about her work and her friends, grieving with Will over a loss that he experienced years before. And she has a terrible habit of saying whatever comes to her mind without filtering it first, which means that she’s Katieperpetually putting her foot in her mouth, especially with Will.

Quirk (if any)

Will thinks better when he’s moving or in pain. If he has something physical to focus on, it helps him focus in general. He can push everything but the immediate out of his mind.

Jess is a terrible actress. She was kicked out of a high school production of My Fair Lady for missing cues and flubbing lines. So when Will asks her to pretend they don’t know each other, she’s terrified she’ll flub the most important role she’ll ever have to play.

Your inspiration for the character

Both Will and Jess were entirely original characters. I didn’t base them on anyone in particular, however, I did borrow Jess’s name from a good friend, who helped me come up with this team of SEALs years ago.

Background to the story

Will appeared in one of my previous books (A Promise to Protect), and he was just one of those characters that stuck with me. I couldn’t wait to tell his story. As I explored it, I discovered a rich backstory of betrayal and forgiveness and the freedom that comes from the latter. As I’ve explored the stories of the men of my SEAL team, each character has grown to be my favorite. And I was thrilled to match Will up with a bio-engineer and a plot ripped from the headlines, until I realized that I know almost nothing about science. My research was pretty extensive, and I wished the whole time that my grandfather was still alive. He was a biology professor, and I sure had a bunch of questions I’d have liked to ask him.

Thanks Liz!

With thanks to Liz, we are giving away a copy of Navy SEAL Noel – enter by completing the Rafflecopter form below.

Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of Seal Under Seige,  A Promise to Protect,  Code of Justice Vanishing Act and The Kidnapping of Kenzie Thorn
Character spotlight on Myles & Kenzie
Visit Liz’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Navy SEAL Noel (Love Inspired Suspense\Men of Valor) or Koorong

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20 Responses to Character Spotlight: Liz Johnson’s Will & Jessalynn…with a giveaway

  1. As I was reading the description of Jess, I couldn’t help but think of my own Jess. My daughter is one of the most direct and “in your face” people I know. She didn’t get it from me, but I admire her greatly. However, she does tend to just call it like she sees it and so end up with her foot in her mouth. I can’t wait to read Navy SEAL Noel (and of course re-read the first ones to find the mention of Will).

  2. I do read “Love Inspired” books. I enjoy their fast pace and intriguing plots. Plus, I’m a major clean romance junky.

    • Amanda, I love clean romances, too! 🙂 In the last years of her life, my grandmother and I shared Love Inspired books, and I loved that I never had to worry that the content in the Love Inspired books would bother her. I loved that we could share the stories. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I love the behind-the-scenes look at your characters, Liz! This gives your readers a lot to love about the book even before we pick it up. ; ) I can’t wait to read!

    Thanks for the post, Rel. You always have such great character posts!

    Hugs to you both – Kristy

  4. I really like Love Inspired novels. I enjoy clean romances, and Love Inspired is awesome because they release new books every month. I enjoy always having something to read!

    • Meagan, thanks for stopping by and commenting! 🙂 I love that Love Inspired books release every month, too! There’s always something new to love from LI.

  5. As a nurse with a daughter in the Navy, I must say this story sounds rather intriguing! I am looking forward to reading this ~ SOON!

  6. Yes, I enjoy Love Inspired books. Many I have read were actually better than some full length novels. I do enjoy them as quick reads, because I can usually tear through them, but that doesn’t diminish a good story. No, it’s usually because I can’t put them down. Add a military man as the hero and…I’m. All. In. Thanks for an opportunity to win this book.

  7. I have a friend who is addicted to Love Inspired and she knows my tastes so she shares with me the ones she knows I’ll like best. I love a good simmering romance with lots of character development.

  8. I am a Love Inspired reader!! I love them because they are sweet, CLEAN and short enough to read quickly when I don’t have a lot of time, but need a reading break! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!!

  9. I read Love Inspired when the author is someone I follow.

  10. I enjoy the Love Inspired series. The stories are well written, intriguing, truly inspiring, and never cross the line of impropriety. A while back, my teenaged daughter asked if she could read one that I had just finished. Now she’s hooked as well. What’s great is that I (as a mom) don’t have to worry about the content.

  11. I love love inspired books, I can never seem to get enough.

  12. I am a Love Inspired reader. The great thing about them is they are short enough to get through quickly and you don’t lose the story line with too much detail. The clean read is what I enjoy with a little mystique and rmoantic suspense it all adds up to a perfect read.

  13. I really look forward to any of the Love Inspired books, they are well written and uplifting.

  14. Yes I LOVE to read Love Inspired books, especially Love Inspired Suspense. I really enjoyed one by Hope White called Witness on the Run. I hope to win a paper back copy.

    Thanks 🙂

  15. I am a Big fan of Love Inspired. The authors offer stories that entertain, inspire and guarantee that I won’t be offended by explicit sexuality, excessive violence and offensive language.

  16. I do enjoy the Love Inspired books – along with a lot of other books! Thanks for another great Character spotlight Rel – its always good to get a bit more background for the characters and authors!

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