Character Spotlight ~ Sarah Sundin’s Allie Miller & Walter Novak

Allie Miller & Walter Novak

Sarah Sundin’s debut novel takes you back to the 1940s ~ a time of war, deprivation, fear and opportunity, when boys became men overnight and women entered the workforce like never before. Enjoy this insight into Sarah’s characters and read the book to immerse yourself in another place and time!

Over to you, Sarah:~

Brief physical description

Allie Miller—22 years old, medium height, slim, curly brown hair, large green eyes, not considered attractive.

Lt. Walter Novak—24 years old, tall and solidly built, curly black hair, hazel eyes, an odd nose (the “Novak nose”), also not considered attractive.

Actor/famous person

That is so difficult with less than gorgeous characters! I think I drove the cover art department at Revell mad with this.

Rel: I picked these pictures out!

Strengths and weaknesses


Strengths—loyal, compassionate, wants to serve the Lord.

Weaknesses—shy, low self-esteem, overly concerned with what other people think.


Strengths—courageous, good-humored, thoughtful.

Weaknesses—shy, has a tendency to lie

Quirk (if any)

Allie is sensitive about her wealth.

Walt has always been tongue-tied around single women because he feels he doesn’t measure up.

Your inspiration for the character


I visited a particularly gorgeous friend after her daughter was born. The first words I heard the mom say were, “Thank goodness she’s pretty.” My thought? What if she wasn’t pretty? That thought expanded—what would happen to a plain-looking daughter of a woman who thought beauty was a virtue? Would she think she could never find true love?


Walt came about primarily as Allie’s counterpart. I gave him two brothers and no sisters so he’d be clueless about women.

Background to the story

During World War II, Lt. Walter Novak flies a B-17 bomber in battles over Nazi-occupied Europe, while Allie Miller serves in the Red Cross against the wishes of her wealthy parents and controlling fiancé in California. Walt and Allie meet at a wedding and begin a correspondence.

As letters fly between Walt’s muddy bomber base in England and Allie’s mansion in an orange grove, their friendship binds them together. But can they untangle the secrets, commitments, and expectations that keep them apart.

Sarah ~ thanks for these characters. They are unique in many ways 🙂 Looking forward to Jack’s story!

On Monday, the spotlight shines on Danika Morales & Alex Price from DiAnn Mills’ Sworn to Protect

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6 Responses to Character Spotlight ~ Sarah Sundin’s Allie Miller & Walter Novak

  1. Juju at Tales of

    O sounds awesome. I love the pictures you included.

  2. I tore through this book. Yes. It's that good. I love Sarah's characters. Allie may not be drop-your-jaw gorgeous, but Walter sees her as beautiful, and that's what counts. He may not be hunk-of-the-year material, but Allie finds his Novak nose an endearing feature. Best of all, they see the inner beauty in the other. Although I rarely read WWII historicals, Sarah's book is sooo good I'm glad I made an exception. I can't wait for the next in the series.

  3. Lori (sugarandgrits)

    I absolutely LOVED this book! I read it in one day, and am now "im"patiently waiting for the second one. 🙂

  4. Thanks, girls 🙂 Love reading your comments!

  5. I, too, loved this book. The setup with Allie and her mother was painful to read–I so felt bad for Allie. It's hard to grow up with constant criticism, whether for one's appearance or some other "fault."
    Great story–I recommend it highly.

  6. Rel – thanks for posting this – and for picking out photos when techno-loser me couldn't convert mine to jpg 🙂
    Keli, Lori, & Ann – thank you – I have the most supportive friends & readers.

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