Davis Bunn: Pop Quiz & a giveaway



Get to know

Davis Bunn

and his international suspense novel

The Patmos Deception

Bethany House


What was a favourite childhood book of yours?

The first author who really impacted me was Robert Heinlein.  I don’t know how old I was when I first discovered his books, six or seven.  My mother took me to the public library once a week.  I was allowed to take out one book for each day, seven in all.  The first place I would go was the Heinlein shelf, to see if any had come available that I hadn’t read.  Sometimes if she left me there for an hour or so I would sneak into the adult section and gorge on the Heinlein novels that I couldn’t check out.

Do you remember the title of the first story you ever wrote? What was it about?


If you weren’t a writer, what career would you/did you/do you have pursued?


Why do you write stories?

I am going to answer all these three questions at one time, if that’s okay.  I came to faith at age twenty-eight, and started writing two weeks later.  Up to that point, I had never written anything longer than a business report.  After that day, there was nothing else I ever wanted to do with my life.

I love teaching.  But the passion here is for writing.  I teach all over the world these days, and consider this my attempt to give back to the creative process, helping others who yearn to make the same step I did, and hopefully shorten their training time.  I wrote for nine years and completed seven full-length stories before my first was accepted for publication.

Writing is an expression of my faith.  This is equally true when I am writing for the general market.  Two years ago I had an opportunity to see a screenplay I wrote be filmed (Unlimited, to be released by the Sony Group in spring 2015), and once again this new method of story-structuring carries that same basic imprint.  To give from what is most important, what is deepest, what is most real.

The Patmos DeceptionThe Patmos Deception

An Ancient Island Holds an Ancient Secret . . .

Nick Hennessy, 
a young Texas journalist yearning for his big break, finds himself in Europe–his assignment, to investigate the alarming disappearance of invaluable Grecian antiquities. Nick has the credentials–and cover ID–to unearth the truth. And he knows just the researcher to help him…

Carey Mathers, fresh from her studies in forensic archeology, has accepted a job with the prestigious Athens Institute for Antiquities–a dream come true, really, particularly when the Greek isle of Patmos, where the Apostle John received his vision of the Apocalypse, was a particular focus of her research.
Dimitri Rubinos, for whom the Greek islands represent his life, holds on by his fingernails to the family charter boat business. But his country’s economic chaos isn’t the only thing that has turned his world on its head…

Describe your novel in 5 adjectives






Please share a little about one of your main characters 

Carey Mathers is one of my all-time favorite lead characters.  She is tall and rangy, somewhere between auburn and blond-headed, and from the first moment you meet her you know this is a young lady in love with life.

What spiritual theme or question does your story deal with?

Patmos has remained one of the world’s greatest pilgrimage spots.  It is one of the rare locations that every branch of Christianity both reveres and visits.  Baptist, Mennonite, Quaker, Catholic, Orthodox, Syrian, Egyptian Coptic, all come here and set aside their differences and kneel in the cave where God imparted his final plan for mankind.  The island holds a reverential feel, and this I hope is imparted in the story.  The past is alive in a most remarkable fashion here, as though Patmos lives both now and two thousand years ago.  This bond to the moment when Paul listened to God’s voice is what I hoped to share.

What novel are you working on now?

In January, I and Revell Publishers, another imprint of Baker (which also published Patmos) are trying something new.  In the past, my mainstream novels have been published by New York houses.  There are positive and negative aspects to this.  That month, Revell (one of the original Christian publishers of fiction) is going to release the first of a three-book series, entitled Emissary.

I have been contracted by a UK film company to write the screenplay.

Thanks Davis!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Marc & Kitra
Get to know Davis
Reviews of Full Circle,  My Soul To Keep and All Through the Night
Interview with Davis
Visit Davis’ website
Buy at Amazon: The Patmos Deception or Koorong

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16 Responses to Davis Bunn: Pop Quiz & a giveaway

  1. Ancient Egyptian culture has always fascinated me!

  2. I don’t think there’s only one aspect that appeals to me. Generally, as a history lover, just the thought of other times and places excies me. I love the cultures, the clothing, the leaders, the differences in thought, and just the variety of life existing before now.

  3. Love Davis Bunn stories. Have read several fiction and non-fiction by him. Can’t get enough of them. Thank you for the giveaway.

  4. My interest in historical fiction is primarily centered in Biblical times.
    Davis, you’d have no reason to remember this, but when I attended one of my first writing conferences (Mt Hermon) I was totally lost–both figuratively and literally. I stopped a man to ask directions and received not only a reply but a smile and some encouragement. Only later did I find that I’d asked the featured speaker–you. Thanks so much for what you do and who you are.

  5. Really enjoy the writing of Davis Bunn. Have read several! A go to author!

  6. Wow! I didn’t know this interaction was available. Thanks for the give-away opportunity. I’ve read a lot of Davis Bunn’s writing including T. Davis Bunn. Right now I’m studying Sarai and Abram, so finding a lot of interesting reading about Ur, Haran, Canaan, Egypt. I have read other periods also.

  7. Ancient Greek culture has always interested me. Looking forward to reading this book

  8. I do like historical fiction. Ancient Egyptian is always a good read !

  9. All of them – but especially anything Biblical. Egypt is always a win with me, as is Rome! So… Middle East and Mesopotamia, I guess! 🙂

  10. I love the Ancient Greek culture.

  11. I enjoy reading about the ancient Greek, and history.

  12. They are all interesting to me… but I guess I’d say Ancient Greece and BC Israel. 🙂

  13. I have read several books by Davis Bunn. Love them all. Would love to win this too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  14. I am a huge fan of Davis Bunn. I have enjoyed every book of his that I have read. I am looking forward to reading this latest book.

  15. I’ve always been fascinated with the ancient Rome, Egypt and the Middle East.

  16. I went on an European Study Tour while attending Grand Rapids Baptist College (now Cornerstone University). Two of the countries we visited were Greece and Italy. I was able to see and imagine the places Jesus and the Apostles walked. We were on Mars Hill, and traveled the Appian Way among other places. I developed an appreciation for how the early Christians lived. When I read historical fiction, the locations come alive for me. Thanx for the giveaway!

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