Hope in the Land by Olivia Newport…and a giveaway

Olivia Newport author photoHope in the Land


Olivia Newport


“What if?”

Isn’t that where every idea starts? It’s certainly what keeps me writing.

When I first proposed writing Amish historical novels, the idea was three books. The Amish Turns of Time series would include three novels set in the 1910s exploring three different issues in Amish history. Wonderful Lonesome, Meek and Mild, and Brightest and Best came to be. The Amish Turns of Time series was complete. Ah. A sigh of satisfaction.

But I had more ideas. (That’s sort of an occupational hazard, actually.) And my publisher was interested in more Amish historicals. (An occupational joy!) “What if?” became “What’s next?”

I’m all silly giggly pleased to say that Amish Turns of Time was not finished after all. In fact, I’m not sure when it will be. It is happily open-ended at the moment.

Hope in the Land, which just released, is the fourth book under the Amish Turns of Time banner. Number five, Gladden the Heart, will be out summer 2017. What if Amish Turns of Time turns into a slew of stories? (Exactly how many is a slew? Anyone know?)

I’ve always wanted to write a Depression-era story. I just hadn’t expected it would be an Amish novel. But Hope in the Land fills both bills. Here’s the skinny on it:


Hope in the LandHope in the Land cover

When Henry Edison turns up in Lancaster County to survey farm women about their domestic contributions during the 1930s, the last thing Amish housewife Gloria Grabill has time for is the government agent’s unending questions. Gloria’s hands are already full with a farm to run alongside her husband, a houseful of children, and an English neighbor, Minerva Swain, who has been trying Gloria’s patience for forty years. Gloria’s oldest daughter, Polly, wants nothing more than the traditional path of an Amish farmer’s wife, but everything she does seems to push Thomas Coblentz further away. While the Great Depression shadows the country in gloom, can Amish and English neighbors in Lancaster County grasp the goodness that will sustain hope?

And now I’m reaching for a folder labeled “Future Amish Turns of Time Ideas,” because the sensation of “What if?” never goes away. What if for book six I write about … ?


Olivia Newport’s novels twist through time to discover where faith and passions meet. She chases joy in Colorado at the foot of the Rockies, where daylilies grow as tall as she is. Her Amish fiction includes the Valley of Choice series and three previous books in the Amish Turns of Time series.

Relz Reviewz Extras
The Historical Bug by Olivia Newport
Interview with Olivia
Olivia’s Author Alert
Visit Olivia’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Hope in the Land or Koorong

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15 Responses to Hope in the Land by Olivia Newport…and a giveaway

  1. I think what intrigues me is even though no one had any money, people still gave and helped each other out as much as possible. I know my grandparents talked about it. They had to eat some varmints I never would think to. But they did what they had to do to survive.

  2. How people learned how to survive with little money. How they all planted gardens for food.

  3. There were very few people who were not affected in some way, and everybody pulled together and helped those who were in need.

  4. My dad was a young boy during the Depression but he remembered some of the struggles. Since he lives in a rural area, he said that everyone was in the same situation but they grew their own food, so hunger wasn’t a problem. I’m sure people in the city faced very different circumstances.

  5. My parents lived through the depression, so they always told us stories of daily survival during that time. Also, my favorite television show, The Walton’s, was about this time period. I love seeing how people (real and fictional) persevered during these struggles.
    Susan in NC

  6. My parents lived during the Great Depression. The people who lived during that time were resourceful, salt of the earth, and God-fearing people.
    Even though times were tough, they still managed to get through it.

  7. What intrigues you about the Depression Era?
    The determination to survive ~ families helping families, bartering, exchanging chores. The harvester combine came and all the fields were gleaned by neighbor helping neighbor. Huge garden sharings and music and get-togethers well into the night when the crops were in. At least, for those who could stay awake.
    Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  8. When I think about the Depression Era, the first thought that comes to mind is that my parents lived through it. I cannot even fathom what it was like to live than.

  9. I love that people depended more on God then

  10. I learned a lot growing up in the 40’s with my grandparents my grandma could take a nickel and make it into a quarter. she taught me that if you would hard things will turn out right. Make sure always you keep god in your life.

  11. I heard my parents talk about the that time and my sister was born in 1936. Times were tough but they made do with little. My parents were Christians and trusting in God was a way of life.

  12. I love hearing my parents talk about those days, because even though they were hard, they seem so happy, neighbors helping neighbors. Everybody knew each other. Such a simpler time.

  13. It was a time when my parents had to really trust God for their next meal. I don’t know if that intrigues me at all. Very hard times.

  14. Michelle Corning

    They way people took care of each other and made sure everyone was okay. Sad to say not everyone would do the same today in this take care of me world. 🙁

  15. I cannot understand how things got so bad then and what did it take to come out of the depression?

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