Kim Vogel Sawyer: This or That (with giveaway)


The Writer & her Book (22)

With over 40 books and novellas to her name, Kim Vogel Sawyer knows how to write an intriguing story, both historical and contemporary. First making her name with stories about the Mennonite community, Kim has since added contemporary and historical romance to her repertoire. Her latest novel, in a fun twist on a well loved trope, her heroine finds herself in Spiveyville, Kansas, tutoring some rough and ready men in manners as they anticipate the arrival of their mail order brides! Be sure to enter the giveaway below for your chance to win a copy of Beneath a Prairie Moon, thanks to Waterbrook Multnomah.

For now, enjoy learning a little about some of Kim’s preferences!

Over to you, Kim…


Cake or Cookies

Cake, because it usually has frosting and goes great with ice cream.

Call or Text

I actually prefer calling—-I like hearing the other person’s voice—-but my kids prefer texting, so I text.

Coke or Pepsi

Either as long as it’s diet and I can toss in a wedge of lime.

Dogs or Cats

Cats. They smell better, they purr, and you don’t have to let them in and out all day.

Eggs or Pancakes

Eggs. I get enough sweet with my cake and ice cream.

Facebook or Twitter

Facebook, because it’s much more interactive.

First person or Third person

I prefer third person. Usually third person stories have more than one main character, so you’re able to experience several different points of view. I like that.

Instagram or Pinterest

Um…neither. They both confuse me. LOL



Kim Vogel Sawyer

Paperback or EBook

When traveling, eBook; otherwise, paperback. I like the feel of a book in my hands. Besides, wouldn’t a library shelf look silly with only an eReader on it?

Summer or Winter

Totally winter. Love the snow. Love the crisp air. (Besides, you can always put an extra layer on; you can’t always take something else off…)

Sweet or Spicy

Spicy gives me indigestion, so…

Tattoos or Piercings

Piercings, but only on one’s earlobe.

Tea or Coffee

Coffee. Oh, the aroma! And I like to add cream. That goes better with coffee. (And it’s the perfect compliment to cake.)

Thornton or Darcy

Thornton. I like his quiet dignity.

Yoga Pants or Jeans

Jeans. I don’t think grammas should wear yoga pants.

Zoo or Aquarium

Zoo, because they have lions and tigers and bears (oh, my!).

 Thanks Kim!

Beneath a Prairie Moon

Fast Facts (11)

Beneath a Prairie Moon

Abigail Brantley grew up in affluence and knows exactly how to behave in high society. But when she is cast from the social registers due to her father’s illegal dealings, she finds herself forced into a role she never imagined: tutoring rough Kansas ranchers in the subjects of manners and morals so they can “marry up” with their mail-order brides.

Mack Cleveland, whose father was swindled by a mail-order bride, wants no part of the scheme to bring Eastern women to Spiveyville, Kansas, and he’s put off by the snooty airs and fastidious behavior of the “little city gal” in their midst. But as time goes by, his heart goes out to the teacher who tries so diligently to smooth the rough edges from the down-to-earth men. How can he teach her that perfection won’t bring happiness?



KIM VOGEL SAWYER‘s titles have garnered awards including the ACFW Carol Award, the Inspirational Readers Choice Award, and the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence. Kim lives in central Kansas with her retired military husband Don. She enjoys spending time with her three daughters and a bevy of grandchildren.

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Sawyer @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Kim’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Beneath a Prairie Moon or Koorong

RR Giveaways (56)

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41 Responses to Kim Vogel Sawyer: This or That (with giveaway)

  1. Completely agree with Kim on Facebook vs. Twitter. Twitter is good for quick information, but does seem very interactive to me.

  2. Facebook over Twitter for sure!!! 🙂

  3. Books over ebooks, Facebook over Twitter, eggs over pancakes…
    I love Kim’s books and would be so delighted to win a copy of this one. Blessings on you, Kim, as you continue to write. 😍

  4. a lovely cover. this book sounds great. actually I have a lot of similarities as Kim. Eggs, FB, Paper Back Books, Sweet Foods, Pierced Ears Only, Jeans and Zoo.

  5. I agree with When traveling, eBook; otherwise, paperback. I like the feel of a book in my hands; Jeans. I don’t think grandmas should wear yoga pants either; Eggs instead of Pancakes. I read Kim’s email daily, and enjoy especially the hymns. Kim, congratulations on this new release! Fun interview!

  6. I agree with Kim about reading a real book versus an ebook.

  7. I can totally relate to both ebooks/paperback, enjoying third person narrative more, and being confused by anything other than Facebook (actually Facebook confuses me too….)

  8. Zoo over Aquarium!

  9. I see that we have a lot, way over half, of the same preferences, how sweet is that!

    wfnren at aol dot com

  10. I definitely agree with instagram and pinterest being a little confusing! And I do prefer Facebook but am trying to learn the other social media sites!

  11. Kim is one of my favorite authors!!! I don’t even have to know what the book is about; if she wrote it, I read it. (In fact I’m reading one of hers right now!!)
    Thanks for the chance to win this new book. I’m curious as to why one description of the main character is listed as Abigail Grant but in another description she us listed as Abigail Brantley!

    • Denise, I can answer that. Initially the character was named Abigail Brantley, but Brantley and Bingham were so similar, we decided to change Abigail’s last name. It didn’t get changed quickly enough for the marketing team to use the correct name in pre-publishing publicity. These things happen when marketing gets busy six months before the book releases!

  12. I love the interaction of Kim’s characters! So down-to-earth; little boys playing tag-ball at twilight, giggles of little girls… Thank you for sharing and would like to win a paperback copy! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  13. I agree with most of the things Kim likes–coffee, earring piercing only, jeans and especially the feel of a real book in my hands!

  14. This sounds like a delightful book where the polished city girl is trying to improve the manners of the uncouth. I’d love to read it.

  15. Facebook over Twitter for me, too! I have Instagram and Pinterest accounts, but they confuse me, as well. I’m just very technologically challenged.

  16. Hmm, many things. Definitely Facebook over other social media. I like cake! The zoo is great, especially when it’s one like the Henry Doorly in Omaha. I’m interested in reading this book because my father grew up in Kansas and we have visited many times.

  17. I always enjoy Kim’s books, especially when they are set in Kansas, which is my home too. She has been gracious enough to meet with my book club a couple of times several years ago. I, too, prefer real books and jeans. She didn’t mention it, but you can tell by her photo that she loves purple, as do I. Thanks for this interview with her and the book giveaway.

  18. I read both ebooks and paperbacks and enjoy them equally. Looking forward to reading this one.

  19. I also prefer books over ebooks and so do my eyes.

  20. I relate to preferring real books over e books. I love real books! I love the feel, the smell! I go to book sales and spend hours looking and buying books!

  21. There are a lot of things I agree (cake, Facebook, paperback), but there are many I am different on (text, instagram, no tea or coffee, no pepsi or coke). It was fun to get a view into an author I like. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  22. Paperbacks over ebooks, and coffee over tea.

  23. I am with Kim on the paperbacks instead of ebooks and also the sweet food instead of the spicy!

  24. Cake all the way! My favorite dessert and I agree with the icecream and coffee part too 😉

  25. I can relate to putting a lime in my soft drinks. It gives a great flavor.

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Kim’s latest novel.

  26. I agree with Kim regarding coffee and cats. Also, Facebook over Twitter and real print books over ebooks.

  27. Thanks for the giveaway and for the blog post. I really enjoy Kim’s books.

  28. I agree with Kim on eggs instead of pancakes and Facebook over Twitter. BTW – I just finished reading her novel My Heart Remembers, and really liked it! Can’t wait to read more of her books.

  29. Definitely cats! They are easier to care for and more loving!

  30. So interesting to read your personal preference. Recently read Bringing Maggie Home and loved the story and characters.

  31. Calling, zoo, and sweet. I don’t wear yoga pants either! Always look forward to Kim’s books, as they are excellent.

  32. Fun interview! I am on the same page for many things like cake, calling, facebook, ebooks for travelling, otherwise paperbacks. Instagram and Pinterest confuse me too! (I have the sweetest senior golden retriever rescue dog so I have to differ on the animal question). Thanks so much for the chance to win! I love the cover and look forward to reading this!

  33. For me its about ” coming home” .

  34. I relate most to the Dogs vs Cats issue. I do like dogs, but I am definitely more of a cat person!

  35. First thanks for the interview.Several of these I can relate to .Love only ear piercing,love paperback books,summer,and Coffee.And love reading your books.Thank you for the giveaway.

  36. I love my Diet Coke or Coke Zero with a wedge of lime!

  37. I think an e-reader would look pretty silly too on a bookshelf.

  38. No yoga pants on grandmas. I completely agree. In fact, I think they should be left at the gym. I’m known to wear them, but I’m not yet a grandmother and I’m an exercise physiologist. That’s my excuse and I stand by it. Lol!

  39. Hey now, grandmas like to be comfortable too! 😉

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