Mary Connealy…discover more, plus a giveaway

Mary Connealy


Discover more about

Mary Connealy

and her historical rom com

Tried and True

Bethany House


A book character that sticks in my mind is…Well, this isn’t probably where you’re going, but I am a huge Jack Reacher fan. And Lee Child’s next release is coming soon so I’m crazy for the next Reacher. He’s an incredibly compelling, complex character.

The last book that made me cry was… Sarah’s Song, part of the Red Gloves Series by Karen Kingsbury. Why did it make me cry? Because Karen is a genius and a dying, sweet old lady was teaching a sad young nurse how to love at Christmastime.

The last book that made me laugh out loud was… Karen Witemeyer Full Steam Ahead. I love Karen’s work.

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by… Ruth Logan Herne. Ruthy, who is a friend, manages to write light hearted, fun romances, with backdrops of intensely serious issues. No one handles this balance better.

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was… a good friend, Janell Carson. She more or less challenged me to do it and I found out I loved it, loved writing. I’ve been at it ever since.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be… a writer. I’m sorry, that’s not the question, but I think I’d be writing no matter what. If no one paid me, I’d just keep doing it anyway. A better answer might be that I am a GED Instructor for a day job. So I guess I’d be that. I write stories because I can’t stop. Call it ambition, call it work ethic, call it obsessive compulsive disorder, but I love telling stories and I think, when I die, even if it’s at age 105, I will be half done with a book.

Tried and TrueTried and True

Saddle up for a wildly fun ride with the Wilde sisters!

Kylie Wilde is the youngest sister–and the most civilized. Her older sisters might be happy dressing in trousers and posing as men, but Kylie has grown her hair long and wears skirts every chance she gets. It’s a risk–they are homesteading using the special exemptions they earned serving in the Civil War as “boys”–but Kylie plans to make the most of the years before she can sell her property and return to the luxuries of life back East.

Local land agent Aaron Masterson is fascinated with Kylie from the moment her long hair falls from her cap. But now that he knows her secret, can he in good conscience defraud the U.S. government? And when someone tries to force Kylie off her land, does he have any hope of convincing her that marrying him and settling on the frontier is the better option for her future? 

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives…funny, romantic, heroic, action-packed, western.

My main character…Kylie Wilde, a beautiful woman forced to disguise herself as a man who wants womanly things desperately and can’t figure out why that’s such a bad thing. She wants to go back East, to civilization. Her father dragged her to the west to homestead and she wants tea parties and bonnets and to tend a house while some big strong man takes care of the manly chores. And then she meets an incredibly attractive big strong man…and he wants to live even farther into the wilderness, the big dope. His fondest dream is her worst nightmare.

My main characters resemble… my daughter and her husband Aaron. I named the hero Aaron but I couldn’t name the heroine after my daughter, it was just too close to my heart. Plus, I have four daughters and didn’t want to start something I couldn’t finish.

My story’s spiritual theme is… to be born again. To start your life on this day and live it was faith and integrity and trust in God. Kylie is done with pretending to be someone she isn’t and she’s ready to throw off her disguise, for which she has a very good reason, and face the world as a woman.

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was…Longmire. I am so in love with that show. Walt Longmire is the best cowboy I’ve seen in a long time. And the show is complex and so well written, which is something that I really want in a show, the writing needs to sing.


Mary – you do realise the lead character in Longmire is an Australian? I find that quite amusing. Wouldn’t have thought they needed to look across the Pacific to find an “American” cowboy 😉

The story I’m currently working on is… book #2 in the Wild at Heart Series. Now and Forever, another Wilde sister has to give up her disguise for love.

You may not know this about me, but…I am third of eight children. I grew up in a three bedroom farmhouse and now I have a career that requires me to be alone for long hours every day. I love my brothers and sisters dearly but I’m almost afraid to admit how much I cherish being alone.


“Emerald Bay” Credit: The Tahoe Guy

I might go all fan girl, if I met… Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman. I’d also love to meet the musicians I listen to on KLOVE radio, Jeremy Camp, Mark Schultz, Nicole C Mullins, Mac Powell, Chris Tomlin…oh there are so many and I just love their work.

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to…I don’t have an answer to this. I really like my life right now. And I’d really miss air conditioning. But just for a quick trip, I’d love to listen to Jesus speak, just hear his voice. I’d love to know what those Stone Henge guys were thinking. I’d love to meet George Washington. I’d like to go the 1893 World’s Fair and watch the electric lights go on.

I get lost in the music when I listen to… Mark Schultz singing anything. My favourite is He Will Carry Me. I buy his CD and send the album with that song mentioned, to anyone I know who’s going through something hard.

A long held dream of mine is…this is tricky. Um….to find a beautiful view in the mountains and just sit there and soak it in, and to write in that location. I’d love to see Lake Tahoe. I’d love to see mouldering old castles in England and Scotland and Ireland. I love ancient things that have survived. I guess I hope my books will survive and that makes me enjoy other things that have.

Thanks Mary!


Relz Reviewz Extras Pop Quiz with Mary
Character spotlight on Marcus Whitfield
Visit Mary’s website
Visit Bethany House’s fiction blog
Buy from Amazon: Tried and True (Wild at Heart) or Koorong

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52 Responses to Mary Connealy…discover more, plus a giveaway

  1. Longmire fan here! I do enjoy a good western. To think girls were serving in the Civil War as “boys” Would really enjoy reading this 🙂

  2. I’d go all fangirl if I met Simon Baker from the tv show The Mentalist. Sigh. 🙂

  3. This was such a fun interview! I enjoyed all of Mary’s answers! As one of nine I totally get that loving to be alone thing!
    As for who I’d fangirl over I had to break it down into categories because I couldn’t decided!
    Author: Julie Lessman
    Actor: David Tennant
    Actress: Reese Witherspoon
    Singer: Hunter Hayes, Scotty McCreery, Mark Shultz, and Anthem Lights

  4. Me too! I reallly want to meet Ree. I fear it might render me speechless though.

    • Juju, I met Ree once, at a book signing, but of course for about 90 minutes. she was so nice and took time to take a picture with everyone. Including me. And Marlboro Man and her two sons were there and I got pictures of them, too. They were sort of working the line which was LONG LONG LONG. I waiting in line FOUR HOURS!

  5. I agree that it would be fun to meet Ree Drummond. She seems so down to earth. I’d also be quite happy to meet Mary! It’s such fun to meet the authors of the books I like to read. My book club has actually met quite a few Christian fiction authors. It’s been several years since we’ve met with any. Let me know if you ever get to central Kansas and want to meet with our book club, Mary.

  6. I would love to win one of your books. I love finding new authors that I have not had a chance to read their book or books. Thank you.

  7. I bought this book when it came out last week but then Mary is auto buy in my book. Love the interview but have to say haven’t seen Longmire (is it one free to air tv in aust?)

  8. I’d love to meet Julie Klassen and Tamera Alexander! But I think I’d be a little speechless in the presence of Condoleezza Rice.

  9. Oh my . .. I just knew you had daughters from your writing. And one of 8 . . ha! I bet you love your alone time! Seriously, I would just go all fan out if I met you, Mary! I have enjoyed every single book. You make me laugh and just want to be all cowgirl! I grew up the youngest, so I love Kylie already! I was expected to be girly and was . . . no choice there . . . pastor’s family . .. . enough said. I am thankful to know my Lord & Savior and love the spiritual theme. I am a bit different and often told to behave or be quiet or given the “Really!” look but God made me like I am, outside the box, and now I just go with Him/it! Would love to win your book and thanks for the interview! Blessings!

    • Chris, you want to be all cowgirl? 😀 Well, we had horses growing up. One Welch pony and our neighbors had a horse, a big white mare and a little Shetland pony. They were ridiculous. Stubborn and they kicked and were just not that fun! Most of the love of horses is either really well trained horses or, I suspect, fiction!

  10. I would like to meet Anson Mount from Hell On Wheels I also like Walt on Longmire.
    Singers The Casting Crowns , Their music always blesses me.
    I have way to many favorite authors to name including Mary!
    Enjoyed her interview and love her books!
    thank you

  11. I would go all fan girl if I met…Richard Armitage! Loved his role in “North and South”! I also love reading Christian Fiction westerns! I love how Mary Connealy adds adventure and humor into her stories. Making it all the more enjoyable! 🙂

  12. Who would I fangirl over? Too many people to name. Seriously.

    I’m curious about reading this one because in the BH heroine quiz, I scored as being most like Kylie. Love the name, too! 😉

  13. This sound like a delightful western, and who doesn’t love to read those. I sure hope I win a copy.

  14. HI EVERYONE! Thank you so much for wanting to win my book. I really appreciate it!

  15. I love everything Mary writes! Just sayin’.

  16. I’d go crazy fan girl if I met Nathan Fillion from Castle. 😀

    Great interview, Mary. I’m the second of 8 kids. 🙂

  17. Thanks for the great interview, Mary! I adore each and every one of your books (though, Calico Canyon, Montana Rose, The Husband Tree, and Sharpshooter in Petticoats are my absolute favorites.)
    As far as someone I’d love to meet goes…either David Tennant or Ted Dekker.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Funny side note: I’m actually reading Full Steam Ahead at the moment. I’m glad to hear that you loved it 🙂

  18. Funny but for me spending time alone isn’t one of my favorite things to do, but somehow I find myself with a lot of time alone. Also I am an only child so I would go fan girl over spending time with people who have large families. I absolutely love all your books. Thanks for a chance to win.

  19. Thanks so much for the fun interview. I definitely agree with Karen Kingsbury’s books making you cry and Karen Witemeyer’s books making you laugh. “Full Steam Ahead” was a great read. I just recently read “Stuck Together” and it was so much fun. I laughed so much at the opening chapter when Tina’s picketing gets her in trouble. Hilarious! I can’t wait to start Mary’s new series!

  20. Hi Mary and Rel, great to read another interview with Mary. Minus the dead mice!! 🙂

  21. I’d love to meet so many people at Food Network…
    But I’m so sad that Longmire has been cancelled but I’m hoping some network will pick it up… I miss Glades and don’t care about Satisfaction!

  22. I’d be a totally speechless, blushing fan girl if I ever came face to face with Sam Elliott!! Him & Tom Selleck in The Sackett…oh my!!

  23. I’d go fangirl with a whole LOT of people…but Mary you’re definitely at the top of that list!! Love, love, LOVE your westerns and really hope to get to read this one as well!! I read your book Out of Control three times and reviewed it. 🙂 Ahhh I love free ebooks when I get new favorite authors!! Cannot wait to read this one!! 😀 Keep writing Mary…one of my favorite songs is by Chris Tomlin: Don’t ever Stop! Seems fitting. 😉

  24. I’m not sure who I’d go all fan girl over but I enjoy your books, Mary. Thanks for the giveaway.

  25. I’d make a terrible fan girl – I tend to shut down and revert to complete silence when too excited, even on roller coasters. But I would make an effort for James Garner if he hadn’t just died! Love the old show Maverick.

  26. I would go fan girl crazy if I met Chris Tomlin – my favorite christian singer

  27. That’s a hard question. I would go crazy if I met Hugh Jackman, Blake Shelton, or any of the Backstreet Boys lol

  28. I’m not much of a fangirl type of person but in my (and his) younger days I would’ve been fangirlling over Tom Selleck!
    Now I pretty much get that they put their pants on one leg at a time too and are just people. Granted some of them are mighty good-looking’ people though.

  29. I would go gaga over William Shatner.

  30. I’d rather meet Mary Conneally than anybody!

  31. I’m not sure who I’d go all fangirl over. I’ve never really cared to meet anyone in a fan type setting, but more in an average every day setting. Celebs are people, too, and I wonder how many get tired of the gawking and fan-clubbing? I know they appreciate their fans, absolutely, but just a one on one sit down with coffee or two mile walk would be better to me…with an author, a favorite Christian artist, not so much an actor/actress. (Call me weird! lol!)

    I have loved every Mary Connealy book I’ve read… oftentimes through much laughter and a few much needed tears. Thank you for the chance to win and for the great interview!


  32. I would go fan girl over Mark Harmon – NCIS!

  33. Hello Relz. Thanks for having Mary. One of my favorites. She can tell you a lot about cows. 🙂 Does have a good sense of humor too. Would love to meet her in person. So many authors I would love to meet. I got to meet John Wayne, my favorite star. It was so neat. But would love to meet the Mentalist and Castle too. I didn’t watch Longmier but guess I should have. Hopefully will be popular enough to come back. Would love to win one of Mary’s books anytime. Maxie

  34. I would also like to meet some of my favorite Christian authors – Kristy Cambron, Anita Higman, Melissa Tagg, Shellie Tomlinson, & so many others too numerous to name!

  35. I think I would go fan girl over Robin Roberts. I enjoy watching her on GMA. Thanks for a great interview!

  36. Great interview! I’m not sure who I’d go fangirl over. If I’d ever had a chance to meet President Reagan, that would’ve done it! 🙂 Lots of folks… particularly authors!… I’d love to meet but I try to remember that they’re regular folks. Met Ree Drummond at a book signing last year and she was real and down to earth, just like I expected. 🙂

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