The Waiting by Suzanne Fisher Woods


Jorie King has been waiting for Benjamin Zook to return home to Lancaster County so they can marry. When news arrives that Ben has been killed, Jorie finds comfort in the friendship of his brother Caleb. That friendship ripens into love, and it seems that they are meant to be together. But when the unexpected happens, their worlds are turned upside down once more.

Will Jorie trust God to lead her into the arms of a new man?

My take:~

Suzanne Fisher Wood returns with her second Lancaster County Secrets novel set during the war in Vietnam. While Amish novels rarely find their way to my TBR, both of Suzanne’s have been enjoyable and for me, it comes down to Suzanne’s character development. The focus of her stories are on the emotions, heartache, hopes and dreams of her characters rather than the religious order and rules, which appeals to me. Jorie, Cal, Ben and Ephraim are unique and complex, each dealing with grief and pain, battling duty and love and facing difficult choices. The only drawback for me was the slow pacing of the story which is not unexpected for an Amish novel, otherwise The Waiting is a satisfying read.

With thanks to Revell for my review copy

Relz Reviewz Extras

Review of The Choice

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Suzanne Woods Fisher is thrilled to announce the release of The Waiting, book two in The Lancaster Secrets Collection. In The Waiting Jorie finds herself caught be two loves and two lives in this compelling page turner about complex people living the simple life.

The Waiting is the next stand alone story in The Lancaster Secrets Collection and follows in the footsteps of the best-selling, The Choice. The Waiting is in stores now and to celebrate Suzanne is hosting The Waiting KINDLE Giveaway.

One Grand Prize winner will receive a Kindle preloaded with Suzanne Woods Fisher titles and a gift certificate! The Prize Pack (valued at over $185.00) includes

* A brand new KINDLE, Free 3G, 6″, Latest Generation

* The Choice by Suzanne Woods Fisher

* The Waiting by Suzanne Woods Fisher

* A $15 dollar Gift Certificate

To enter, simply click on the icons below to fill out the entry form, then tell 5 or more friends about the contest. Oh, and enter soon! Winner will be announced on October 28th at Suzanne’s Lancaster Secrets Book Club Party

Join Suzanne for the Lancaster Secrets Book Club Party on October 28th! She’ll be announcing the winner of the The Waiting KINDLE Giveaway, hosting a book club discussion of The Waiting and The Choice, and giving away copies of both books and HEAPs of readerly prizes! Be sure to join us on Thursday, October 28th at 5:00 PM PST (6:00 MST, 7:00 CST & 8 EST) at Suzanne’s Author Page.

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One Response to The Waiting by Suzanne Fisher Woods

  1. Hi Rel–
    Thanks for your review of "The Waiting." I can appreciate that Amish fiction isn't your style…I understand! Glad you enjoyed the characters! And thanks for being a part of the tour!


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