The Reading Habits of Irene Hannon and a giveaway

Irene Hannon 2016



The Reading Habits


Irene Hannon



Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over?

I very rarely re-read a book. There are too many new books out there waiting to be read!

When is your optimal time to read – do you prefer to read in one long block, or do you also read for five minutes here or there when you can?

Both. I love having a free afternoon when I can indulge myself with hours of uninterrupted reading, preferably on a summer afternoon in the screen porch with a tall glass of lemonade, or on a cold winter day in front of the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. However…with all the demands on my time, those idyllic interludes are an infrequent luxury. So I read whenever I can squeeze it in—even for five minutes while waiting for a pot on the stove to boil while cooking dinner.

I’d love your thoughts on novellas. Are you thumbs up or down? Or does it depend?!

On the whole, thumbs down. I like fully developed characters and rich plots, and those are very hard to come by in novellas because of the short word count.

Are you faithful to a genre, an author, or simply quality writing?

Quality writing, hands down. I’ll read a book in almost any genre that is well written. That said, my go-to genres are contemporary romance/women’s fiction and romantic suspense. No surprise, I guess, since those are the genres I write in! 🙂

Which factors most influence your selection of a book?

Authors I’ve read and loved are always at the top of my TBR list. Beyond that, I look at the cover, read the blurb on the back, then skim through the first couple of pages. If all of those appeal to me, I’ll give a new author a try.

Your fiction pet peeve?

Logic lapses in both characters and plot. I want characters to behave consistently, and I hate plot holes where the author didn’t ask the obvious questions and resolve them.

What book have you read this year that you could not put down, and why?

Gone Girl (late to the party on that one, for sure!). I didn’t like some of the language, I disliked the main characters more and more as the story progressed, and I hated the ending…but the author really blindsided me about halfway through, and I was riveted to the page to see how things would turn out. I think the book stuck in my mind because it totally threw me for a loop with a plot twist I never saw coming. It was masterfully done—and memorable.

How do you mark your spot – folded page corner, bookmark, dollar bill, whatever is at hand?

I never fold down the page corner. Never. But I’ve been known to use whatever is available to mark my place—bills, paper napkins, ads, pieces of newspaper, envelopes…the list is endless.

Whose debut novel impressed you more than you anticipated?

Hmm. I can’t recall the last debut novel I read. Most authors I read have been writing for a while.


When reading, what makes or breaks a story for you?

The characters. I have to fall in love with and care about the characters almost from page one or I quickly lose interest in the story. Also, excellent writing is a must.

What are some of your favourite CF reads from around 10 years ago, or further back?

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers; The Guardian by Dee Henderson; and One Tuesday Morning by Karen Kingsbury.

Snack/drink of choice while reading?

I’m not a snacker. Besides, when I’m engrossed in a story I’m not thinking about eating or drinking, other than the lemonade and hot chocolate mentioned above.

What book cover has really caught your eye?

There are SO many good covers out there these days it’s hard to single one out as especially eye-catching. But the cover for The Red Door Inn by Liz Johnson (coming in March) appeals to me. It has a fresh, wholesome, feel-good vibe.

Which author makes it easy to turn off your internal editor?

Linda Goodnight

What book do you wish you had written? Why?

Every author’s voice is unique, and I wouldn’t want to sound like someone else. But I do admire specific qualities in a lot of writers’ works  and have tried to learn from those to enhance my own writing.

I asked Irene to share a photo of her TBR ~ here’s her response!

This is a tough assignment! I don’t have a TBR pile—because if a book is physically present in my house, the temptation is too strong to resist. I’ll either cave and end up reading instead of writing, or I’ll stay up way too late. However, I do have a TBR list. I get the books one at a time so I can’t overindulge. Among the novels on this list right now are Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good and Come Rain or Come Shine by Jan Karon; The Rain Sparrow by Linda Goodnight; The Hearts We Mend by Kathryn Springer; and Her One and Only by Becky Wade.

Thanks Irene!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of That Certain Summer, TrappedVanishedLethal LegacyDeadly PursuitFatal Judgement,  Against All OddsAn Eye for An Eye and In Harm’s Way
Character spotlights on Jake & LizCoop & MonicaMark & Emily and Nick & Rachel
Discover more about Irene
Interview with Irene
Visit Irene’s website
Buy at Amazon: Thin Ice or Koorong

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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35 Responses to The Reading Habits of Irene Hannon and a giveaway

  1. I am the same… I have a list not a pile… piles are too tempting and I won’t accomplish anything but reading 🙂 cant wait to read Thin Ice 🙂

  2. I have a huge TBR physical and digital pile. Thank you for taking the time for this interview. It was fun reading a bit about your thoughts.

    Thank you,
    Stephanie C.

  3. I have both! My TBR list is of books that haven’t been released yet but will be within the next year and my TBR pile is mostly digital with some library books thrown in there, too 😀 Irene’s new book is definitely on my TBR list! Excited about this giveaway!!

  4. I have both and they are HUGE! In fact, I had to put my physical ones on a spreadsheet so I could keep track because I would buy duplicates ;o) I love Irene’s books and I am looking forward to reading THIN ICE. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

  5. When I get a new book I cannot resist the temptation to read it right away. I have heard so much about Thin Ice and would love to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. I answered the questions almost exactly like Irene. I am not a writer though and do have a large pile of TBR books. I have read Jan Karon’s Mitford series more times than I can remember. I have re-read and given to many friends REDEEMING LOVE by Francine Rivers and ONE TUESDAY MORNING is my favorite Karen Kingsbury book.

    I am looking forward to reading THIN ICE.

  7. I have both. 🙂 A bookshelf with several books I intend to read and a list of books to acquire. Thin Ice is on that list!

  8. Nice interview.

  9. I kinda have both. I have a tbr shelf on my bookshelf, but I also have a tbr list– and it’s quite long. ;P

  10. Oh, I have both a list and a stack! I have a whole collection of fabulous novels to read. I just need to get through my stack of books from the library first! I also have almost 200 books on my TBR list on Goodreads. There just aren’t enough reading hours in a day!

  11. I don’t typically have an actual stack of books, but I have ones on my Kindle, a list on Goodreads and try to keep a mental list – especially for things I want from the library. The mental thing doesn’t work too well though!

  12. ACK!! I have multiple piles of TBR books & unread titles on my Kindle and lists, pins on Pinterest, notes on my iPhone. Sooooo many books, so little time!

    I am an elementary librarian so I try to limit myself to reading books for my own pleasure to breaks or long weekends. I never thought I would be a book abandoner; I used to finish every book I read even if it wasn’t that good, but now with so many kids & adult books I want to read, if a book doesn’t enthrall me I put it down. (I know–horrible for an avid reader and book lover!!!) On the other hand, I can read for hours non-stop if I find a book that interests me that I can’t put down. I have been known not to eat a meal (so not me) and stay up until I finish (I’m an early to bed; early to rise kind of girl).

    I also keep my favorites and re-read them often when the mood strikes.

  13. Such fun to get to know Irene! We are twinning on novellas and re-reads. 🙂

    I’ve already read Thin Ice so am not entering the giveaway. My favorite Irene Hannon novel is actually not suspense: One Perfect Spring.

  14. I have quite a towering TBR pile, plus more in a basket. It’s hard to resist a good book, especially when it’s a bargain. There’s always room for one more. THIN ICE sounds like a great book to add to my pile.

  15. I have both. I have a few actually in my possession to read and review and then I have many more on a list that I want to read. Just added a new one after reading this post!

  16. I have both. I have a few actually in my possession to read and review and then I have many more on a list that I want to read. Just added a new one after reading this post.

  17. I have TBR shelves both physical and digital! Not sure when I will ever make it through them but I keep adding on anyway. 🙂

  18. I have both! I have a physical pile and a TBR list that I rotate between! Crazy..I know, but it works sooooo well! I mean why wouldn’t it? I still get to read. but both pile and list have always magically increase in numbers….*wink wink

  19. I have both a TBR pile and many lists, shopping baskets and reminders. And the funny thing is, I still end uo with books that I never intended to read or I’ve never heard of.

  20. My physical TBRs are in tubs. I have several on the Kindle to read also. I don’t re-read books except for non-fiction ones that help in my spiritual walk.

  21. I have a large TBR pile, but I guess I also have a list. I use my Amazon wish list for that! Jan Karon’s newest is also on my list.

  22. I have a physical pile that has become desperately overwhelming….lol! The goal I have for myself this new year is to knock it in about half 🙂

    Irene, I was agreeing with everything you said here! Especially about the quality writing part. I’ll follow any new author as long as the writing is exceptional. I don’t like reading a poorly written book, I’ll put it down faster than anything! Like you said, there are too many other books waiting to be read 🙂 My rule of thumb, a book must capture me within the first chapter. I simply won’t torture myself any further with it!
    Thank you for the author interview. I thoroughly enjoyed it & as stated, agreed with every point you’ve made. I’m so excited for you on “Thin Ice”, you are among my favorite suspense auhors 🙂 Congrats on the new book & may the Lord bless you with many more to come!

  23. I have both. Can’t wait to read this book!!!

  24. I have both a physical and virtual tbr list. I have to make a list of books and priorities when I start getting overwhelmed. LOL And THAT does happen!

  25. Both. On my desk I have a huge stack of library books to read and a list of more I want to interlibrary loan. Plus all of the books I want to re-read this year.

  26. I have both. I have a stack of paperback books I am working my way through but I also have a list of books I want to read. I follow Avid Readers of Christian Fiction on Facebook and when I read about I book I’m interested in I add it to my TBR list.

    I generally read books on my Kindle but I also enjoy reading the paperbacks since I can actually feel the pages in my hands.

  27. I have a list AND a pile! 🙂

  28. I have a list because I have books in so many places…bookshelves, kindle, nook, and I am fortunate to have a fantastic library where I live.

  29. both

  30. I have a physical pile thanks

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