Cover Love and Book News: Coming in early 2020 from Revell Books
I love sharing covers on my blog – even when you’ve likely seen most of them already, it’s great to have them in one place, don’t you think? Here’s Revell’s early...
Cover Reveal: Coming in early 2018 from Revell Books
Reader friends! I confess I’ve been chasing my tail a bit lately and my blog has borne the brunt of my busyness. This post is going to be short and sweet, but it’s always fun to share...
Cover Art Reveal: Coming from Revell in early 2017
Following close on the heels of their sister publisher Bethany House, Revell has released their early 2017 covers with new and beloved authors.
I love that Revell is steering away – with some...
Character Spotlight: Jill Eileen Smith’s Deborah & Barak with a giveaway
Meet two Israeli warriors in
Jill Eileen Smith’s
Biblical novel
The Prophetess
The Story
Outspoken and fearless, Deborah has faith in God but struggles to see the...