Katherine Reay: A Novel Journey Book Club Interview

I was thrilled to hear Katherine Reay and her Dear Mr. Knightley had not only won the Carol Award in the Debut Novel category, but also the Contemporary Novel category, announced at the ACFW Gala...

Bookish Question of the Week

I’ve been wrestling with my passion for books written with a faith framework (aka Christian Fiction) and the considerable sameness of so many of the novels available. CF has come along in leaps...

Coming in late 2014 from Thomas Nelson

Here’s a batch of covers I’m quite excited about from the good folk at Thomas Nelson. Why, you may well ask? Let me tell you the ways…. I love that Thomas Nelson are doing some...

Bookish Question of the Week

  Last year I asked for your input on questions of the week and I received some great feedback from you. One question was from the lovely Katherine Reay, author of Dear Mr Knightley, which has...

Pop Quiz ~ Katherine Reay

  Wife, Mum, runner, & Black Belt Author of contemporary romance Dear Mr Knightley ~ Lizzy and Jane (2014) ~~~~~~~~~       What did you do on/for your 13th birthday? I had a...

Character Spotlight ~ Katherine Reay’s Samantha Moore

Meet an athlete in Katherine Reay’s contemporary novel Dear Mr Knightley Thomas Nelson The Story Samantha Moore has always hidden behind the words of others—namely, her favorite characters...