Top 10 Reads, 2017…plus a few more!

  In previous years I have posted my Top 10 on NYE, but I decided to get in a bit early this year…just because! Sadly, 2017 was another year where my reading time was significantly...

Looking Glass Lies by Varina Denman

Synopsis:~ A poignant and relatable novel, Looking Glass Lies captures the war women wage against themselves, and the struggle to see beauty reflected in a mirror not distorted by society’s...

Character Spotlight: Varina Denman’s Cecily Ross (with giveaway)

Meet a struggling woman in Varina Denman’s contemporary novel Looking Glass Lies Waterfall Press The Story A poignant and relatable novel, Looking Glass Lies captures the war women wage...

Coming soon from Waterfall Press

Waterfall Press have impressed me with the quality of their cover art and the talent of their writers. Their latest selection is no exception. Pay particular attention to the synopses ~ subjects...

Character Spotlight: Varina Denman’s Lynda & Clyde

Meet a waitress and an ex-convict in Varina Denman’s contemporary family drama Jilted David C. Cook The Story Lynda Turner has struggled with depression since her husband abandoned her and...

Justified by Varina Denman

Synopsis:~ In a small Texas town ruled by gossip, Fawn Blaylock believes others are justified in condemning her untimely pregnancy. Stifled by guilt, she yearns for grace while the local football...