Catherine West: The Writer & her Book (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book (49)

Chatting with the island loving Catherine West today, about her moving new release, the music that inspires her, and her fascination with her very own Chandler family! Thanks to Cathy, I’m thrilled to be giving away a signed copy of Where Hope Begins, a powerful story that requires tissues and a secluded location if you don’t want everyone to see you using lots of them 😉

Thanks, Cathy, for stopping by Relz Reviewz once again!


The Writer

Why do you tell stories?

I’ve always loved to read, and writing seemed to come naturally.  I love creating fictional worlds and characters, and seeing where they’ll take me. I write what I call ‘reality fiction’, meaning, I delve into the hard topics of life, explore relationships and all the complications that often come along with them. I love to write about families, but there’s always a bit of romance in there too. I tell stories because I believe words are powerful, and they can touch people, and offer hope.

Your favourite place to read

Either outside in the shade, or on the couch in our family room!

Best meal of the day

That really depends what it is! If it’s a big breakfast with pancakes and eggs and sausage, then yes, breakfast. I’m not a big lunch person, that’s usually a salad or sandwich, so I’ll also say dinner, if someone else is cooking!

Most beloved childhood book

Oh, I had so many! I was a huge Enid Blyton fan though, so any of her stories would be beloved.

If your life was a TV show, what would it be?

Hahaha, oh dear. Let me think. I have no idea! I guess I’d like to be a character on a soap opera, that way I could get all the goss and write books about everyone else!

CW - Where Hope Begins (11)

Whose music inspires you?

I like a lot of different stuff really, songs from the 70’s and 80’s. Today’s music is often not on my radar. I love artists who really think about their lyrics, and present us with deep and soulful melodies. Say Something by A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera comes to mind. Also, I like Adele. And Bruno Mars. Of course I have to include The Western Den on this list – my son and his fiancée write amazing music together!

What ice-cream flavour would you be?

Häagen-Dazs Macadamia Nut Brittle

The most recent novel you read

No One Ever Asked, by Katie Ganshert

What’s your current book recommendation?

No One Ever Asked, by Katie Ganshert, lol! Also As Bright As Heaven, by Susan Meissner is excellent.

Name a book character you can’t forget

I have two and they’re from my own books. Is that okay? Luke Maddox, from Yesterday’s Tomorrow, and most recently, Brock Chandler from Where Hope Begins. Sigh.

Dream travel destination

Well, we are off to France in June, to Bordeaux and Provence, so I’d say that’s probably it. Also would love to see Italy!

The Book

Where Hope Begins

Sometimes we’re allowed to glimpse the beauty within the brokenness . . .

Savannah Barrington has always found solace at her parents’ lake house in the Berkshires, and it’s the place that she runs to when her husband of over twenty years leaves her. Though her world is shaken, and the future uncertain, she finds hope through an old woman’s wisdom, a little girl’s laughter, and a man who’s willing to risk his own heart to prove to Savannah that she is worthy of love.

But soon Savannah is given a challenge she can’t run away from: Forgiving the unforgivable. Amidst the ancient gardens and musty bookstores of the small town she’s sought refuge in, she must reconcile with the grief that haunts her, the God pursuing her, and the wounds of the past that might be healed after all.

Where Hope Begins is the story of grace in the midst of brokenness, pointing us to the miracles that await when we look beyond our own expectations.

What was the working title?

It was actually Winter’s Edge. Taken from the first page of the novel.

Describe your book in 5 adjectives

Relevant. Difficult. Meaningful. Emotional. Hopeful.

Which character did you enjoy writing most?

Oh wow, toughie. Probably Clarice Chandler. And Brock Chandler. He really stepped off the page for me. But I loved all the characters really. Not so much Kevin at the beginning though!

Which character gave you the most grief?

I always have trouble with my main character for some reason, so Savannah. Especially since I was writing her pov in first person present. She’d been through so much and she was so hurt, but I really wanted her to be likeable and for readers to empathize with her from the beginning, so I had to work hard to really develop her character in a realistic way, that was tough at times.

What emotions do you think your story will generate in readers?

I hope empathy. Because we never really know what another person is going through. Anyone who’s been through the pain of a broken relationship may find this a hard read. But a hopeful one. At least I think it is. I’ve heard from early readers that you’ll experience every emotion, so I guess that might be a good answer. 🙂

What emotions did you experience while writing this story?

This wasn’t an easy story to write emotionally. I experienced a deep sadness for Savannah. And Kevin too. There are so many tough moments. I did a lot of crying. I still can’t get through the last few pages without tears. But there are fun moments too. At the end, I think there’s a sense of peace, knowing that no matter how things work out, God has a plan, and it is good.

How do you choose your characters names?

I really have no good answer for this. I usually visualize the character first and play around with a bunch of names until I land on one that seems to suit. Sometimes I’ll change it a few chapters in, once I get to know the character better, but they usually stick.

Thanks Cathy!Cathy & Noah

Catherine West writes stories of hope and healing from her island home in Bermuda. When she’s not at the computer working on her next story, you can find her taking her Border Collie for long walks or reading books by her favorite authors. She and her husband have two grown children and one beautiful granddaughter. Catherine is the winner of the 2015 Grace Award (Bridge of Faith) and the Romance Writers of America’s Faith, Hope & Love Reader’s Choice Award (The Things We Knew). Her most recent novel, The Memory of You, released March 2017 and Where Hope Begins releases in May 2018. Catherine loves to connect with her readers and can be reached at

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things West @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Cathy’s website and blog
Buy from Amazon: Where Hope Begins or Koorong

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13 Responses to Catherine West: The Writer & her Book (with giveaway)

  1. I love Laura Ingalls in the Little House on the Prairie series, although I suppose she is a real person as well as a character 😉

  2. I love Cathy’s writing. She’s not afraid to tackle hard subjects and write realistic stories.

  3. I read so much can’t think of a character off hand.

  4. Cynthia Coppersmith Kavanaugh in The Mitford Series!

  5. So many choices of good and realistic characters in good literature though the years, but I will pick Christy.

  6. I like Nicholas (Nick) Cooper in The Things we Knew. I found him to be genuine.

  7. Danielle Hammelef

    I just finished a middle grade book with an authentic voice. The Mortification of Fovea Munson featured Fovea who seemed so real she could have been my friend in middle school.

  8. It’s hard to pick just one realistic character. I’ve read other books by Catherine and really enjoyed thwm. Looking forward to reading “Where Hope Begins”.

  9. I really like Gwen Marcey from the Carrie Stuart Parks murder mystery series.

  10. I really liked the characters in Katie Ganshert’s “Life After”. They seemed realistic.

  11. I think Katie Ganshert and Becky Wade do a fantastic job of making their characters authentic. A Broken Kind of Beautiful of Katie Ganshert felt so real to me and the characters’ inner struggles as well.

  12. I see a couple people already referenced Katie Ganshert and one mentioned Life After, but it is true, that book just stays with you after you read it. The struggles the characters go through, including the daughter, and the way it was written was amazing. My sister said Where Hope Begins is one of her new favorite books, so I’d love to read it and find out why! Thanks for the chance.

  13. One of the most authentic voices in recent memory is Chase Bradington in Forgiveness by Marianne Evans. He is a recovering alcoholic with a big heart, but still struggling with temptation. One of my favorite scenes in the book is when he calls out a Christian family who are condemning and unforgiving of an alcoholic in their own family. It was very poignant and I found myself cheering Chase on.

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