Character Spotlight: Elizabeth Camden’s Dr Trevor McDonough with a giveaway

With Every Breath


Meet a brilliant doctor in

Elizabeth Camden’s

historical romance

With Every Breath

Bethany House


The Story

In the shadow of the nation’s capital, Kate Livingston’s respectable life as a government worker is disrupted by an encounter with the insufferable Trevor McDonough, the one man she’d hoped never to see again. A Harvard-trained physician, Trevor never showed the tiniest flicker of interest in Kate, and business is the only reason he has sought her out now. 

Despite her misgivings, Kate agrees to Trevor’s risky proposal to join him in his work to find a cure for tuberculosis. As Kate begins to unlock the mysteries of Trevor’s past, his hidden depths fascinate her. However, a shadowy enemy lies in wait and Trevor’s closely guarded secrets are darker than she ever suspected.

As revelations from the past threaten to destroy their careers, their dreams, and even their lives, Trevor and Kate find themselves in a painfully impossible situation. With everything to lose, they must find the strength to trust that hope and love can prevail over all.

Introducing Trevor

Brief physical description

Dr. Trevor McDonough is the annoying, irritating boy you knew in grade school who tormented you and made your life miserable. Back then he was gangly, sickly, and annoying, but he grew up to be the tall, dark, and dangerously handsome doctor who makes your heart kick up a notch. Oh, and he is a little bit mysterious, too. He keeps his turbulent emotions locked down behind a stony façade, but every now and then a hint of the deep swath of pain cracks through.TrevorEC


Here are two pictures of how I picture Trevor. The guy on the left is actor Thomas Gibson, who looks exactly how I imagine Trevor, but the guy on the right is all decked out in the dress of a Victorian doctor.  He is Tom Riley of the BBC production of London Hospital, a Victorian-era medical drama.

Strengths and weaknesses

Trevor is brilliant. He is committed and passionate about curing people, but he is also prickly, difficult, fastidious, and hard to work with. As the heroine gets to know him better, she learns that his tetchy demeanour is actually a cover for an intensely shy and introverted nature. As someone who has spent years working with terminal patients, Trevor is beginning to break down under the psychological strain.  This is where Kate comes into play. He picked her to be his research assistant because he knows that her fierce, indefatigable, and sunny optimism is exactly what he needs to power through the difficult days ahead.

Quirk (if any)

Trevor is a hot doctor, and the nurses have noticed. Despite being off-the-charts brilliant, he is awkward and tongue tied around women.  All women except Kate, that is. With Kate he immediately resorts to the acerbic wit of their childhood rivalry and enjoys every moment of it.  He tolerates her gentle teasing about how to warm up and be nice to people, but its still a stretch for him.

Your inspiration for the character

I was inspired to write this story after reading an amazing memoir by Dr. Edward Trudeau (1848-1915), a physician who eventually contracted tuberculosis during the course of his work. It made me realize the heroism of doctors and nurses who risk their lives to treat people with lethally contagious diseases, and I knew it would be the basis for a terrific romance novel.  Near the end of his life Dr. Trudeau wrote that “spiritual courage is of a higher type than physical courage; and that it takes a higher type of courage to fight a losing rather than a winning fight.” This is the theme that drives With Every Breath.

I load both Trevor and Kate down with more than their share of heartrending burdens, but I didn’t want to write a depressing book.  I wanted this to be a book about how two people can find inspiration, strength, and joy in another person.

Background to the story 

I wanted to write a romance about former childhood rivals who join forces in the same heroic campaign. In this case, it is the dangerous quest to find a cure for tuberculosis in the early 1890’s, when tuberculosis was one of the leading causes of death in America.  Trevor and Kate have a long history, and sparks immediately fly as their drastically different personalities bump against each other. Their saving grace is that they both have a sense of humour, so although their romance plays out against a deeply emotional backdrop, they each come to depend on the sparkling chemistry that flares to life when the other person walks into the room.

This is probably the most passionate, deeply moving romance novel I have written so far, but despite the heavy subject, I always try to insert glimpses of wit and the sheer joy of being alive in each chapter.


Thanks Elizabeth!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Review of Into the Whirlwind
Character spotlight on Zack (Into the Whirlwind)
Review of The Lady of Bolton Hill
Character spotlight on Bane & Lydia (Against the Tide)
Visit Elizabeth’s website and blog
Visit With Every Breath‘s Pinterest page
Buy at Amazon: With Every Breath or Koorong

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36 Responses to Character Spotlight: Elizabeth Camden’s Dr Trevor McDonough with a giveaway

  1. I don’t know that I have one favorite characteristic. I suppose honor and integrity are up there.

  2. I like just what you describe in Trevor – ‘brilliant, he is awkward and tongue tied around women.’ That is, until he meets that one special lady that just clicks 🙂
    Oh, and he is a little bit mysterious, too. Great review!

  3. Ironically, I’m watching a show with Gibson in it now and since I loved Trevor’s character, it’s awesome to “meet” him over here. 🙂

    This romance was beautiful as was the entire story. Well done, Elizabeth.

  4. This was such a wonderful story! I’m working on my review now and I’m sad the book ended :). I didn’t even think of Thomas Gibson, but yes! He’s perfect for Trevor.

  5. I think a hero should be a man of integrity.
    I enjoyed this interview, especially since I’ve enjoyed Elizabeth’s other books. I’m looking forward to reading this one.

  6. I like it when the hero sticks to his morals.

  7. The hero needs to be real, and trustworthy – have morals and integrity

  8. I like heroes with strength and confidence. Not too much straying into arrogance but dependable.

  9. My favorite characteristic in a hero is probably tenderness or sensitivity.

  10. My favorite characteristic in a hero is confidence yet humility at the same time.

  11. My favorite characteristic in a hero is integrity.

  12. My favorite characteristic is teachable. He has to be a little vulnerable but with the ability to change for good.

  13. This is the man of many people’s dreams, smart, cocky and mysterious wrapped up around a man who will lose his heart to a special woman, who will put him in his place!!! Good review! Would love to read this book!!!

  14. I love Thomas Gibson, especially when he played the lead in The Inheritance years and years ago. But to be honest, I’ve been picturing Trevor as Colin O’Donoghue from Once Upon a Time. 🙂 To me a hero needs to love the heroine as Christ loves the church; willing to do anything for her.

  15. I don’t have a favorite characteristic in a hero. I like reading varied types of heros.

  16. My favorite characteristic in a hero is integrity.

  17. I like to see flaws in my hero’s…and how they deal with them with integrity and honesty.

  18. Courage to stand for his convictions.

  19. My favorite characteristic in a hero would be his down-to-earth maturity based on Biblical wisdom and principles(which includes a good sense of humor!)

  20. Compassion.

  21. My favorite characteristic in a hero? Probably being a man of integrity, coupled with other biblical character traits. Someone like my husband! 🙂

  22. I love Elizabeth Camden’s books :)I think a hero is willing to fight for what he believes is true. Even when it’s hard.

  23. I think a hero is willing to fight for what he believes is true. Even when it’s hard.

  24. Honesty, high principled and courage.

  25. Thanks for the chance to win!

  26. Being honorable in thought and deed with a little bit chivalry and some good natured humor.

  27. Honesty, being noble and courageous are traits that I like in a hero. It doesn’t hurt either if he’s dashing!

  28. I like a hero to have integrity and persevere in doing what’s right, courageous and kind. My great grandmother died of TB in the early 1900’s. They even moved across country hoping a drier climate would help. The book sounds great! Thanks for doing the giveaway. 🙂

  29. My favorite characteristic in a hero is faith in God. IThis sounds like a fascinating book! I never thought about what difficult and life-threating work treating diseases like tuberculosis could be.

  30. One who is oh-so-handsome, but doesn’t know it, and who honors women.

  31. I like a male lead who is serious and responsible, almost taken as mysterious, but then has a fun and quirky side to him that is rarely seen but is brought out more often by the female lead.

  32. I like most of these answers! For me, a hero would have as a bedrock to whatever his personality is, a deep faith in God that will cause him to be a man of integrity.

  33. I love it when a hero is steady, loyal, and honorable. I’m so looking forward to reading this book! I love Elizabeth Camden’s prior works.

  34. Bravery and loyalty

  35. I love characters who are witty and live true to their Christian beliefs.

  36. I think he should be honorable and have integrity. I see that missing in so many men today. I’m so thankful my husband had those characteristics.

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