Intermission by Serena Chase (with giveaways)


We are starlight on snow. The reflection of something already beautiful—absorbed, reflected, and remade into something… more.

And this kiss…

This kiss is everything I’ve needed to say… and longed to hear.

Sixteen-year-old Faith Prescott eagerly awaits the day she will exchange her small Iowa hometown for the bright lights of Broadway, but her success-driven parents want her to pursue a more practical career, labeling “artsy” people—including their daughter—as foolish dreamers worthy of little more than disdain.

When Faith meets nineteen-year-old Noah Spencer she discovers someone who understands her musical theatre dreams… because he shares them.

Faith’s mother despises everything about Noah—his age, his upbringing… even his religious beliefs—and she grasps at every opportunity to belittle his plans to study theatre and pursue a stage career. When those criticisms shift further toward hostility, resulting in unjust suspicions and baseless accusations, an increasingly fearful stage is set for Faith at home, where severe restrictions and harsh penalties are put in place to remove Noah Spencer from her life.

But Faith has never connected with anyone like she has with Noah, and no matter how tight a stranglehold her mother enforces to keep them apart, Faith will not give him up. Behind the curtain, Faith’s love for Noah continues to grow… as does her determination to hold on to her dreams—and him—no matter how high the cost.

My take:~

Intermission is the bomb! If you love meaningful writing, beguiling characters, musical theatre, delicious romance, and a gutsy, heart-wrenching tale, Serena Chase’s foray into contemporary YA romance is for you. The romance between Faith and Noah is beguiling and tender, against the backdrop of parental opposition and family drama. Serena handles both elements with sensitivity, penning a story that is intriguing and authentic, and will resonate with many who feel misunderstood by their family. Serena doesn’t shy away from the challenges that her characters face, nor the conflict, mistrust, and heartache that ensues, yet lightens the angst with humour, terrific dialogue, and musical tunes! An outstanding novel, reminiscent of Jenny B. Jones fabulous YA novels and Amy Matayo’s Sway. Highly recommended.

With thanks to the author for my review copy. By way of full disclosure, while I am providing author support services to Serena Chase, my views remain my own.

“FINALLY someone has written a YA for all of us musical theater nerds! Intermission will pull you in like a big Broadway show with its swoony romance and a heroine you can root for. Serena Chase brings the theater world alive with this tale of first love, family drama, and a character who’s searching for her place in this world.”

Jenny B. Jones, award-winning author of I’ll Be Yours and the Katie Parker Production series

Intermission is a singularly captivating YA novel. It delivers a wistful holding of breath while exploring the emotions experienced in the gap between what happened before and the hoped-for promise of what might happen after. This book, as with all the very best coming-of-age stories, will resonate with readers of all ages as it encourages us to come out from behind the curtain, step into the spotlight, and have the courage to live without masks. Certain to be a career-changing novel for accomplished author Serena Chase, I expect reader reviews will be a chorus of praise and, with her other fans, I eagerly await the encore.”

Sandra Byrd, author of A Lady in Disguise, and the London Confidential series


serena-chaseSERENA CHASE is the author of the critically-acclaimed Eyes of E’veria series and a regular contributor to USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog. A lifelong performer who sometimes speaks in show tunes, Serena lives in Iowa with her husband Dave, teen daughters Delaney and Ellerie, and a 100-pound white Goldendoodle named Albus, who is the biggest star of her Instagram account. Connect with Serena Chase by visiting her website and signing up for her newsletter, “like” her official Facebook page to stay up-to-date on new release news, and enjoy her sometimes poignant, but more often chuckle-inducing random observations of life on Twitter.

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Cazien & Erielle
Character spotlight on Julien & Rynnaia
Reviews of The Sunken RealmThe Seahorse LegacyThe Ryn and The Remedy
Serena’s Author Alert
Visit Serena’s website and blog
Like Serena’s FB page
Buy at Amazon: Intermission

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11 Responses to Intermission by Serena Chase (with giveaways)

  1. Great review!

  2. My daughter LOVES Serena Chase’s books!! This entry is for her. She has re-read all of them multiple times.

    As for musical theatre, that is something both my daughter and I really enjoy. A couple of our favorites have been Annie (for the story line and the songs – Easy Street is my favorite) and Mary Poppins (the props were AMAZING and the music was great too).

  3. Great review! This sounds like a great read. Musical theatre is beautiful, and I love how the music transports you to a new world!
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. Wow! Love the excerpt–so beautifully written. And the synopsis hooked me right in. Congratulations on your new release, Serena!

  5. I’ve never been to a musical theatre … but it sounds fun! 🙂 Love Serena’s books! Can’t wait to read Intermission!

    Also, I signed up for Serena’s Newsletter!


  6. *Intermission* sounds like such an interesting read! 🙂
    I performed in a play a year ago, and while it wasn’t a musical, it was a ton of fun. I highly recommend participating in a play, to anyone who hasn’t! 😀

  7. Rel, I’m so happy to see your review of Intermission. I first saw this last week during the scavenger hunt. I love YA contemporary fiction and I don’t personally find that big of a selection. I was instantly sold on the story premise and already see a space on my keeper shelf for it. 🙂

    I’m not real familiar with musical theater, but I grew up watching every movie musical made. One of my faves being 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.

  8. I like musical theater because I like music integrated into the story.

  9. I don’t really go that often to the theatre… I’m more of a turn the music up loud at home and dance and sing to it in privacy:)

  10. I love the sound obviously 🙂 Musical is a very interesting genre, a mix between theatre and conceer. And when the actors are talented in both, it is pure pleasure to attend the performance!

    Thanks for the giveaway, Rel. I subscribed.

  11. I’m not really familiar with musical theater. This books sounds good and the reviews are great everywhere. I signed up for Serena’s newsletter.

    Thanks Rel! Love your blog!

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