Melissa Jagears: Fast Favourites (with giveaway)

The Writer & her Book (20)

I’ve been nothing but impressed with Melissa Jagears novels ~ she steers clear of the prairie romance stereotypes and creates complex and intriguing characters dealing with authentic challenges and circumstances, and while she declares herself somewhat unromantic, she has penned some really beautiful love stories. I’m delighted you will get to know her a little more today and enjoy her sense of humour as she shares some of her favourite things! Be sure to enter the giveaway below for your chance to win a copy of her latest historical romance, A Chance at Forever.

Over to you, Melissa!



Owning one? Cats. I’ve always wanted a Ragdoll (or Himalayan or Birman) because I think long haired white cats with dark colour points are gorgeous. But whenever I pick the prettiest cat from the litter or shelter, they always end being the dumbest! So as much as I want one of the pretty ones, my favourite cats end up being tabbies or plain black ones because they often make up for their plainness with brains and personality.


Edmund Blair Leighton. I love so many of the Pre-Raphealite artists and those associated with them, what historical romance novelist wouldn’t? Leighton’s my favourite I think because his paintings tell such stories. Like Off (1889), that’s a whole story right there!


‘Off’ by Edmund Blair Leighton

Board Game

Currently it’s Marrying Mr. Darcy, but when I’m with good friends, Taboo. With little kids it’s Sleeping Queens. (Though all of those don’t have boards! Whoops.)


I think this is a very, very unfair question to ask an author! A “favourite book” simply does not compute. I think my brain has literally gone on the fritz trying to figure that answer out….so I’ll move on to the next question.


Blue – But if we’re talking crayons, my list is asparagus, sepia, goldenrod, tumbleweed, maroon, black, and white, which strangely enough does not contain a blue. I’ve yet to find a favourite blue crayon….hopefully one day they shall make me one that I will love enough to wear down to a nub.


Any flower that smells lovely and is hardy enough to grow outside without my needing to tend it whatsoever.


Vanilla topped with crushed chocolate-covered toffee candy crushed with caramel drizzle.


If anyone doesn’t declare their favourite movie to be The Princess Bride, well, that’s inconceivable. Second to that though? Clue, Singing in the Rain, North & South…. Gah! I think I’m failing at this “pick a favourite” interview.

Non-writing activity

Reading. Or is that a cheat answer? Colouring Barbie colouring books, but only ones filled with evening gowns and princess dresses. Whoever keeps putting out Barbie colouring books where she goes to the beach on most every page or wears the same outfit over and over again needs to find a new job. Give me more fashion shows please! When I find a good one, I buy my daughter and I a copy and we have fun colouring the same page without looking at what the other is doing and have fun showing off the differences in our final colouring choices.


Melissa’s artistic work!

Reading genre 

Historical Christian Romance of course! Or Non-Fiction Theology.


Fall, the underlying breeze is warm rather than cold, unlike Spring. Plus fall foliage makes me happy.


Lately it’s been Dot’s Pretzels though I’m generally more of a sugar and carbs girl and hate pretzels. Go figure!

Sport (watch or play) 

I’m going with discus throwing, which I did in high school and learned a lot about perseverance since I was terrible until my senior year when I out of nowhere got good enough to be number 8 in my state. I had the chance to throw again 20 years later while teaching my niece a few things about it, and boy did that make me happy.

TV show 

I haven’t had television for a decade. So Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman, the best TV show ever.

A Chance at Forever

In early 1900s Kansas, Mercy McClain, determined to protect Teaville’s children from the bullying she experienced as a child, finds fulfillment working at the local orphanage and serving on the school board. When Aaron Firebrook, the classmate who bothered her more than any other, petitions the board for a teaching position, she’s dead set against him getting the job.

Aaron knows he deserves every bit of Mercy’s mistrust, but he’s returned to his hometown a changed man and is seeking to earn forgiveness of those he wronged. He doesn’t expect Mercy to like him, but surely he can prove he now has the best interests of the children at heart.

Will resentment and old wounds hold them back, or can Mercy and Aaron put the past behind them in time to face the unexpected threats to everything they’re working for?

Share a favourite scene from your current novel 

Goodness, I’m going to be bad at picking one of these too. It’s all the highs and all the lows. From the scene where my hero has reason to weep so hard he feels as if he’d rather the earth just swallow him up to the kiss where everything seems to be going right for him. But other than all the highs and lows, I really had fun giving one particular secondary couple their happily ever after, which I had to do by finding a lot of creative ways for the main characters to accidentally eavesdrop. I’ve loved this couple since they first showed up in A Heart Most Certain and couldn’t bear to end the series without making them happy. You don’t have to read the other books to enjoy their subplot, but they are definitely a favourite part of this book for me.

Thank you, Melissa! Love your responses 🙂



Much to her introverted self’s delight, ACFW Carol Award winner and double INSPY finalist Melissa Jagears hardly needs to leave home to be a homeschooling mother and novelist. She lives in Kansas with her husband and three children and can be found online at Facebook, Pinterest, Goodreads, and

Relz Reviewz Extras
All Things Jagears @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Melissa’s website
Download Melissa’s free novella, Love by the Letter, from Amazon
Buy at Amazon: A Chance at Forever or Koorong

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23 Responses to Melissa Jagears: Fast Favourites (with giveaway)

  1. I enjoy making puzzles with my grandchildren. Thanks for this interview of a new to me author. I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to reading her books.

  2. I love to color using pencils. I make my own cards and color the center piece of the card (example: butterfly, basket of flowers, etc) I like to use colored pencils to color in adult coloring books.

  3. I still love to color, too! I also enjoy rubber stamping – making cards.

  4. I enjoy doing any of the activities we do with children – coloring, colored pencils, paints, crafts, rubber stamping, blowing bubbles, etc. Now we do these things with our grandchildren & they are still so much fun to do.

  5. I love the article, especially the part about coloring with her daughter. I’m going to pass on the giveaway since I just received a book from her on Monday.

  6. I like coloring, playing jump rope, hula hooping and blowing bubbles, especially with my little cousins.

  7. I love coloring too!

  8. Coloring is still one of my favorite pass times!!
    I can’t wait for kids I babysit to understand the CONCEPT of coloring so I can enjoy it with them. 😊

  9. I still like to watch cartoons. Phineas & Ferb is one of my favorites!

  10. Living on a farm I enjoy searching out the new barn kittens. Found them in a milk can once. The Mama is a good hider, and it is always so fun to see what colors they are. Also enjoy making marble runs with our kids or any kind of game.It was Yahtzee tonight.

  11. I love puzzles!

  12. Coloring.

  13. Deanne Patterson

    Beautiful coloring pages, Melissa. My youngest daughter is 7 and we color in coloring boos all the time. I play dodgeball,football and jacks with the kids. I eally enjoy when we take turns reading out loud too!

  14. I enjoy playing children’s card games like “Go Fish” or “Old Maid”.
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

  15. I am not artistic/creative but does still enjoying going to Disney World count as a children’s activity? This has been one of my favorite series, and I am looking forward to book 3. Thanks!

  16. Danielle Hammelef

    I still enjoy roller blading and bike riding.

  17. I love puzzles, and coloring.

  18. I love puzzles, playing games, and reading!

  19. I got an adult coloring book for christmas two years ago… while I enjoyed it I just can’t seem to find the time! I am usually reading if I have spare time.

  20. Elizabeth Litton

    I still love to color too! One of my Christmas presents last year was a coloring book of 1950’s fashion.

  21. I love blowing bubbles! So pretty and relaxing!

  22. I also enjoy coloring, though it’s never Barbie coloring books. I teach preschool Sunday school, and sometimes as I wait for kids to come to class, I’ll color pictures of Joseph & Mary or baby Jesus or another Bible-related picture.

  23. I have been waiting for this book to come out, and am so excited to read it! As for what I enjoy doing that I did as a child it would be reading and playing board games and Yahtzee. Games are fun no matter your age!

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