The Writer & her Book (86)

A fun Top Ten Tuesday post this week, thanks to That Artsy Reader Girl. I’m far from crazy when it comes to anything! Suffice to say I’m pretty conservative, fairly emotionally reserved, seriously risk averse…you get it, right? I’m not sure that I’ve done anything too crazy for the love of books, at least not in the eyes of other book nerds, but for those who aren’t as devoted to books as me, maybe there’s a bit of a bookish wild child in me after all!

1. Reading while in the shower. This was something I was known to do as a child – shower with one arm out the shower door holding the book! Seemed a waste of good reading time doing anything else 😉


2. Establishing my book club. When I was asked to start a book club at my church, I wasn’t sure there would be much interest. I couldn’t have been more wrong. We are coming up to almost two decades of my book club – we now meet in my home – and it’s been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done. A shout out to all my Novel Journey Book Club members, past and present.


3. Starting a book blog in 2006. Okay, so not super crazy given I believed only my mum and sister would read my reviews! But still, knowing nothing of blogging, book blogging, or the like, I went ahead and started Relz Reviewz. If I’d known then what I know now, I would have chosen a more savvy book blogging name, that’s for sure…sigh…


4. Hopping on a plane to the States by myself. That’s over 20 hours travelling time, friends!! In 2013, I was given the opportunity to attend the American Christian Fiction Writers conference in Indianapolis. Leaving my family and travelling internationally on my own wasn’t something I’d ever thought I’d do. Not because I was scared to travel on my own, it just seem such an indulgence to take a trip like that just for me. But the pull of meeting my beloved friends in person – I’m looking at you, Ronie Kendig and Tamara Leigh – was too great and I had the BEST time. It was in a bar in Indianapolis that I met the amazing Dorothy Adamek who is now one of my dearest and closest friends. So fun that we live only 30 minutes apart but never knew it. I will never forget the experience of being with other book loving people, my people!


5. Sacrifice sleep. There have been many times over the years that I’ve read until 3 or 4am in the morning with a book I just couldn’t put down. Made sense at the time until I had be up at 7am.


6. Sharing my personal library. I loan my books to many friends, family, and their friends and family, as well as church members. I eventually purchased subscription software and uploaded all my books – yes, that took an AGE to do – to record my loans, I select the books personally according to my borrowers’ tastes, and face the fear that some of the books I won’t ever see again. That is a book lover’s worst nightmare! But I know the source of blessing a book can be, so I can’t not share them with others who wouldn’t otherwise have access to Christian Fiction novels.


7. Collecting books. Officially – according to my software – I currently own 3227 CF books. This doesn’t include my non CF books, of which there are plenty, nor does it include the 20+ books that have arrived and I’ve yet to add to my collection. It’s a good thing my family is supportive of my habit as we have bookshelves and books in every room of the house, excluding bathrooms and laundry. Do refer to #5 if any justification is needed!!

That’s all for today! What crazy thing have you done for the love of books?



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  1. Reading whilst in the shower? Wow, that’s impressive and ever so dedicated!

  2. The reading in the shower is like the best image in the whole entire world. LOL

  3. Lol to number one! I’m pretty sure that’s about the only place I HAVEN’T read! And perhaps I should have mentioned starting a book blog in mine! Trust me to miss the obvious… As for collecting books, I’m definitely over 3,000 now in electronic form. Much tidier 🙂

  4. Starting a book club 17 years ago was one of the best things I have ever done. Our group still discusses books, but our relationships are about so much more. I started a Faith And Fiction Bible Study a few years ago. We have a 3-week study and then on week 4 we discuss a book that was inspired by the Biblical story we have been studying. What a great combo for me.

  5. I used to be able to sacrifice sleep for more reading time. These days it’s not so easy. How often do you do it?

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  6. I think Relz Reviews is a fun name. 🙂

    And two decades of running the same book club is impressive!

    My post.

  7. Not really a crazy thing I’ve done… but something that just might make me crazy; when I feel an illness coming on, I find solace in knowing that “hey, now I can listen to the audible books I’ve been wanting to hear, and no one will interrupt me!” But don’t tell anyone I think like that! They’ll think I’m nuts! (Also, I don’t actually like being sick, for the record.) 😉

  8. Oh yes, I’ve sacrificed LOTS of sleep for several books, and most have been totally worth the red eyes, yawning and struggling to stay vertical the next day.
    Not that it would be considered ‘outrageous’….but going to my first CFRR in 2016 was exhilarating. I was so nervous to meet the authors that I’d been reading for years. I’m sure Julie Lessman, Mary Connealy and Becky Wade’s eardrums are still recovering. But the absolute BEST part??? Meeting you and Tamara Leigh! <3 I thought my heart would explode out of my chest right then and there. Still get a goofy grin on my face remembering it. Dreams really do come true 🙂

  9. I’ve also read while in the shower. I don’t know why I didn’t think to add that one to my list! It’s not that hard really haha, but sometimes my books to get a little wet.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  10. I think establishing a book club is a terrifying undertaking. Good for you! I have a waterproof Kindle now, so I’ve read in the hot tub at the gym before.

  11. I love this list, dear Rel. And I love you, my Aussie friend! I’ve been immensely blessed by your crazy love for books that, among many things, led to two more beautiful friends–Dotti and Ronie. If you don’t fly to the States again soon, I’m gonna have to fly to you 🙂

  12. I read in the shower once. It was because I was late for class and needed to get my homework done. Multitasking!

  13. I love this! I’ve done a lot of the same!

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