Dani Pettrey: Discover more…and a signed giveaway



Discover more about

Dani Pettrey

and her romantic suspense


Bethany House


A book character that sticks in my mind is… Why?

Elizabeth Bennett because she’s so witty and memorable.

The last book that made me cry was…

Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes. I balled.

The last book that made me laugh out loud was…

Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer. All of Karen’s novels make me laugh.

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by…

Lisa Wingate. She knows how to draw readers right in.

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was…

I’ve been blessed with a tremendously supportive family, but my mom was probably the first that really nurtured that love.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…

Working with children’s ministry. I love working with toddlers and pre-schoolers. They have a soft spot in my heart.

I write stories because…

I believe it’s what God created me to do. Even if I were never published, I’d still write. Stories are such a tremendous part of me. I get squirrely if I go too long without writing.


Growing up, goody-two-shoes Kirra Jacobs and troublemaker Reef McKenna were always at odds. Now paired together on Yancey’s search-and-rescue canine unit, they begin to put aside old arguments as they come to see each other in a different light.

Then a call comes in from the Iditarod that will push them to their limits. Kirra’s uncle, a musher in the race, has disappeared. Kirra and Reef quickly track the man, but what they discover is harrowing. Frank’s daughter has been kidnapped. In order to save her, the man must use his knowledge as a mechanical engineer to do the kidnapper’s bidding or she will die.

Kirra and Reef, along with the entire McKenna family, are thrown into a race to stop a shadowy villain who is not only threatening a girl’s life, but appears willing to unleash one of the largest disasters Alaska has ever seen.

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives…

Explosive. Furry. Frigid. Frenzied. Engaging.

My main character are…

Here are Character Dossiers of my main characters. Hope you enjoy!

ReefDossier KirraDossier


My main character/s resemble….

The actor I pictured in my mind as Reef while I wrote Sabotaged is Charlie Hunnam.

The actress I picture as Kirra Jacobs is Sarah Michelle Geller.

My story’s spiritual theme is…

The spiritual theme for Sabotaged is hope in the midst of brokenness. God is able to bring healing and hope despite the worst of circumstances. It doesn’t happen overnight most times, but if we trust Him and wait on Him, He is faithful to bring healing—to turn our mourning into dancing. It doesn’t mean that all our questions will be answered, but we can hold tight to the promise that He will provide the grace we need to get through, even if it’s simply the grace to make it through day by day. God is faithful.

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was… Why?

The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. I’m a huge Tolkien fan, and I think Peter Jackson did an incredible job bringing the characters to life.

The story I’m currently working on is…

The first book in my new romantic suspense series. I really miss the McKennas already, but I’m thoroughly enjoying getting to know a new cast of characters.

You may not know this about me, but I…

I love international soccer. Go FC Barca!!!!

I might go all fan girl if I met…

Chris Evans. He’s such a cutie 🙂

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to…

When Jesus was on earth. Just to hear Him speak and perform miracles in person. Wow!

I get lost in the music when I listen to…

Lifehouse. They’re a great band.

A long held dream of mine is…

Travel extensively. There are so many places I want to visit. Australia is high up on the list.

Yay!! Come on over, Dani!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Heart of Adventure Sweepstakes
Reviews of SabotagedSilencedShattered and Submerged
Character spotlight on Jake & Kayden
Character interview with Bailey Craig
Character spotlight on Bailey Craig
Dani’s Pop Quiz
Interview with Dani
Author Alert @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Dani’s website and blog

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47 Responses to Dani Pettrey: Discover more…and a signed giveaway

  1. I have the entire series so far, but haven’t had the chance to read them! My sister in law has them right now and loves them! I am hoping to get this book to compete the collection and read them all at once!

  2. I loved Kayden the best. But I still have to read this one, so my thoughts might change!

  3. I haven’t actually read Dani’s books yet. I have Stranded but haven’t gotten it read yet. I look forward to getting it read soon.

  4. Would love to win this, have not read any of her books, yet.

  5. I haven’t gotten to read her books yet.. I hope to soon, enjoyed learning more about her today.

  6. I love this series but don’t have Sabotaged. Would love to win a signed copy!

  7. If I have to pick a favorite character, I’d have to choose Piper. I love this series and can’t wait for Dani’s next one!

  8. Reading the last in the Alaskian Courage series now and am dreading the end of the book knowing its tha last one! Love this series and am looking forward to what is in store with the new one!

  9. I’ve not read The Alaskan Courage series. It sounds amazing. Going to add to my TBR List. 🙂

  10. I just finished reading the first book. I would love to win Sabotaged.

  11. I think Cole McKenna Is my favorite. I have enjoyed all of the leading characters but as the eldest in my family, I gravitate toward the oldest male sibling. He looks out for his younger siblings. I can relate to that.

  12. Have never read any of her books, but that will change! They look really good!

  13. Would love to read this book! I inhaled the first two and am now ready to read 3 and 4 as I have a habit of wanting to have the next book in the series before reading current one – recently purchased #4. Always like to have the next read handy, so I’ll be sad to see this series end – even though I can’t wait to read Sabataged.

  14. My favorite Dani Pettrey heroine is Kayden because she reminds me of myself and she is really cool!

  15. I think I like Kayden and Jakes story the best, but I love all of them. Would love to have hard copies instead of just kindle versions. Something about an actual book to hold. By I absolutely love Dani Pettrey’s books and cannot wait to read more of her stuff!

  16. My favorite would have to be Jake. He’s very mysterious in the first few books, but once you get to know who he is, he’s such an incredible, pretty much perfect guy, and his concern for and protection of Kayden is adorable. I also love how he depends on God.

  17. I love Piper the best. She has such a caring heart but is full of fight for those she loves.

  18. I have a couple of Dani’s books but have not had an opportunity to read them yet, but am looking forward to getting into the first one.

  19. I think my favorite is Kayden, but it is very hard to pick just one! Can’t wait to read Sabotaged!

  20. I am just starting the series, so I don’t know who is my favorite yet, but can’t wait to keep reading to find out!

  21. I love this series. This family reminds me of the relationships I have with my sisters. Would love to win this book.Although I would be sad to read the end of the series.

  22. I have all of Dani’s books except for the very last book in her series!
    I am going too have to say that Kayden is my favorite
    But again all of Danie’s books are really good
    I would absolutely love too win her newest book.


  23. I have only read the first 3 books. Currently reading Sabotaged. Can I choose a combo instead? I like the Piper/Landon combo when it comes to solving a problem or case. Her creative sleuthing and his experience in law force is a force that cannot be beat!

  24. I haven’t read any of the books yet.

  25. I like all the McKennas but Piper is the favorite.

  26. I love them all! Not sure I can pick a fave! Reading Sabotaged right now and lovin’ it! Great interview! I, too, would love to travel extensively!:-)

  27. I think I like Piper the best. Probably because the first book I read was the one featuring her.

  28. I too haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of Dani’s books yet, but definitely am looking forward to checking them out.

  29. I love this series – looking forward to reading the final one! To pick a favourite? That’s a hard one. I’d have to say Darcy – she is such a faithful friend – she persists against the odds. Thanks for a great interview Rel and Dani!

  30. i love all of Dani’s books! So looking for ward to reading the final book in this great series!

  31. I have not had the chance to read any of Dani’s books. I just bought the first in this series though and am looking forward to reading it.

  32. Thanks so much for sharing this interview. I really enjoyed it!

  33. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading her books yet, but they sound awesome and I would love to read them.

  34. Great interview. My favorite character is Kayden because she is self reliant; from Silenced

  35. It’s been so long since I’ve read the other books it’s hard to choose. (It has also been too many book in-between.). I’ll go with Cole since he is from the first book in the series and made me want to read them all.

  36. Reef: he stuck by Kirra through everything. He wasn’t going to let her face her past or present demons alone.

  37. I haven’t read any of the books, but I’m sure I’d have a fav

  38. Would love to win/read! Thanks for the opportunity.

  39. I think Piper because she was one of the characters that stuck out to me.

  40. I’ve not had the chance to read Dan’s books. Thank you for this enjoyable interview and great giveaway.

  41. That is one of the hardest questions! I love all of the McKenna’s and their significant others are fabulous as well! If I had to pick, I think it would be Gage. I don’t know exactly why he’s just the one that stands out the most to me. And the story of his baby is enough to melt anyone’s heart!

  42. Cole was my favorite character.

  43. I can’t wait to read Sabotaged!

  44. Hello Relz and Dani. I really would love to win this particular book since it was this one that I won the Grand Prize on, but guess it didn’t include the book. Here’s hoping. Sounds really good and like lots of suspense. Maxie

  45. Not sure which character I like most for haven’t got to read the books yet, but should say Piper, since the test I took said I was most like Piper. LOL Would love to win this book. It was the one whose release contest I won the Grand Prize. 🙂 Maxie

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