10 Year Anniversary, Celebration Day 1 ~ VLOGGING


 Thanks for joining me to celebrate 10 years of Relz Reviewz!

You, my readers, have made it possible to be doing something I’ve been passionate about for years – connecting readers with authors who write stories to inspire, challenge, entertain, wrestle with, and love. Over this week I’ll be vlogging (who would have thought?!), sharing memories of the last 10 years, meeting authors, and giving away some INCREDIBLE book bundles that you are going to want a chance to win. I hope you will be patient with this interruption to my usual schedule and enjoy something a little bit different on the blog. I appreciate you all so very much. My husband and girls have already had a laugh at my vlogging face, and they haven’t seen the video yet – haha!

Hope you enjoy xo

So, I didn’t learn to splice, I’m afraid so you are stuck with two videos today! New vlogger issues 😉


Siri Mitchell

10 years ago…

I was writing….Moon Over Tokyo. The diplomat/journalist; conservative/liberal; Republican/Democrat romance between Allie O’Connor and Eric Larsen.

My favourite thing to wear was…this is going to sound kind of scruffy, but I had a perfect tee-shirt back then: not too thin, not too thick; not too tight, not too high around the neck. Not too long, not too short. It had some stretch to it, but not too much. And it was a perfectly faded lime green. Adored it. I did dress up and for those occasions, I had a Chanel-esque, ¾-sleeve suit I’d found in Japan. It was a pretty lavender with black tipping around the neck, placket, cuffs, and pockets with a nice slim knee-length skirt. Perfection!

My most beloved book to read was…anything by Rosamunde Pilcher. I’d read her books before, but I remember re-reading her entire collection.

I was dreaming about…writing my next book, A Constant Heart, in a completely different genre.


I am writing…in yet another completely different genre these days. No hints. I want to make sure I can do it before making any announcements.siri_glasses

My favourite thing to wear is…hmmm. Have to go with my new glasses. (see picture) Cool thing is, I get to wear them every day!

My most beloved book to read is…a book I just rediscovered. I have a compilation of quotations from George McDonald’s work. He was a such a deep thinker. Along the same line, I’ve been enjoying Madeleine L’Engle’s non-fiction as well.

My new dream is…to be able to write without restraint. I’ve picked up so many writing rules over the years and absorbed the expectations of every side of the publishing industry. My dream is to write a book that’s more me and less everyone else.

As you look back over the past decade, how has God inspired/transformed/challenged you?

Over the past decade, I’ve spent a lot of time examining the very basic foundations of my faith. God has challenged some of my assumptions and core beliefs. I can’t say having my faith edited by God is any more fun than having my words edited, but they’re both quite necessary.

What would you like to say to your readers?

Keep reading! Keep discovering new authors. Dip into new (to you) genres. Keep asking for more from Christian fiction.

Thank you, Siri. You were pivotal in the early days of my blog, encouraging me to be brave and approach publishers and authors to review their books. Thank you for being a part of my 10 year celebrations. I can’t thank you enough for your support AND for your wonderful stories xo

My very first review – Siri Mitchell’s Chateau of Echoes

Connect with Siri

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Giveaway #1 contains one copy of each of the following novels:


LONG WAY GONE (Charles Martin)







THE THINGS WE KNEW (Catherine West)


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218 Responses to 10 Year Anniversary, Celebration Day 1 ~ VLOGGING

  1. This is FABULOUS and you look gorgeous in front of the camera!!! Congratulations on 10 incredible years of reviewing and generous support of authors from all over the world. Where would we be without your kind heart and love of fiction? Enjoy the celebrations. What an achievement! I think I need to take you out for lunch next week on behalf of EVERYONE. xoxoxox

  2. Awesome giveaway and congrats on your 10 year anniversary! I have to say I don’t remember the first book I ever reviewed.

  3. http://lanehillhouse.blogspot.com/2011/04/heart-most-worthy-siri-mitchell.html Siri Mitchell’s A Heart Most Worthy ~ I loved it. My very first review. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  4. Wow! This is one AMAZING giveaway!! Congratulations on your ten year anniversary. Learning how it all started was a delight.

    I have no idea which book I first reviewed.

    • There’s more great giveaways to come, Staci, you won’t want to miss any of them! Thank you for taking the time to watch the video – I appreciate it. Talking to myself in my lounge room was a strange experience!!

  5. The first book review I did was Just Between You and Me by Jenny B. Jones. Congrats on ten years. Your blog is amazing.

  6. Rel, ditto to everything Dotti said. I’ll be honest I was distracted by your library in the background. I’ll admit library-envy.

    Great job on the vlog – very natural and relaxed. I hope they become a feature of RR.

    Enjoy celebrating your sensational achievement and thanks again for all that you do for the Christian fiction world: publishers, readers, authors, bloggers and more.

    • Thanks for your faithful encouragement, Ian. You are a blessing and it was so lovely to chat at ACFW. Appreciate you. As for the vlog becoming a feature…hmmm…we will see. It wasn’t as painful as I thought it might have been 🙂

  7. Happy anniversary! And no, I don’t remember the first book I reviewed

  8. Love seeing your beautiful videos, Rel! You’re such a joy. What a delight to hear how this all got started. You are a blessing!

  9. I don’t have a book blog so I haven’t got clear memories as I don’t typically review. Howver, I’ve just finished ‘The Waves Break Gray’ by Sibella Giorello and can thoroughly recommend it!

    Many thanks for your fantastic work!

  10. Thomas Nelson authors are some of my fave. I’ve already read The Goodbye Bride. Thanks for offering the bundle, and congrats on ten years!!!

  11. Congratulations on 10 years!

    I have no idea of the first book I ever reviewed. Is there a way to find out on Goodreads?

    Thanks for the opportunity to win great books.

    • I had a little search, Carol, and if you go to your Goodreads profile, on the left hand side there is a link to ‘reviews’ underneath your icon. It doesn’t display them in order but there might be a way to sort them in date order. Or you can just work it out manually!

      Thanks for the congrats.

  12. The first book I reviewed was an Amish one, but I can’t remember. I posted it on Goodreads as I do with all the books I read.

  13. I believe the first book I ever reviewed was Cecelia Dowdy’s “Raspberry Kisses”, which was two years ago! I’ve reviewed so many books since then 🙂

    Happy 10th year on your review blog, Rel! I know you’ve added quite a few books to my list 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  14. Love the Vlog Rel!! Lovely to see you and hear your story. Funny how it all started and look how far you’ve come! Congratulations on ten years, that is such an achievement. 🙂

  15. Congratulations on 10 Years! Wow, that is truly awesome! I have grown to love reviewing…meeting great authors and their stories…truly a blessing! My first official one line review was for Duty Before Love by Sarah Jae Foster…have only been doing them almost 2 years…
    Best Wishing on another 10 years of great reviewing and blogging!

  16. Congratulations, Rel!! Ten years is HUGE! <3

  17. It’s only been a year ago but I haven’t the foggiest idea what the first title I reviewed is! I started by just reviewing books I got from the library or won in giveaways then started joining reviewer programs before diving into blogging about 9 months later.

    I LOVE hearing your blogging journey, Rel!!! I had the same reaction when I first began receiving books for review and then corresponding with authors and meeting authors in person, WOW!

    Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, Rel!!! Your accent isn’t distracting, it’s mesmerizing! Hugs to you!

    • Yes, that’s often the way of it, Beth Erin. So glad you have joined the book blogger community – we are blessed to have you.

      Glad I wasn’t alone in my starry eyed wonder 🙂

  18. Congrats on 10 years! Loved the vlog, though I also have to admit to a little library envy. Enjoyed hearing how you got started reviewing and blogging! The first book I remember reviewing was Garden of Madness by Tracy Higley. Shout out to Thomas Nelson for being so awesome!

  19. Rel, awesome vlog! You should have done it well before now – it entirely suits you. As I was listening and remembering how you got started, it made me think how far a teensy bit of courage will take a person. I’m glad you took those first scary steps! It also made me wonder when it was that I first wrote a review for you. I seem to remember a book being thrust into my hands with “I won’t take no for an answer” being close to the truth!

    My first review was in 2008, Pamela Binnings Ewen’s “The Moon in the Mango Tree”. It seems that two years in you’d been noticed by those awesome book-sending-publishers and been completely swamped!

    I agree with Dotti – we need to celebrate! I’m so incredibly excited for you and proud of you!!!


    • Thank you, dear Tracy – you are one of my ‘oldest’ and dearest book loving friends. Who would have thought from that very first book club we would still be at it! Love that you are so much a part of my book loving, book blogging world. I soooo miss your regular reviews on my blog. Best guest reviewer ever!

      Your The Moon in the Mango Tree review was stellar 🙂

      Love and hugs, dear friend xo

  20. I started reading Irene Hannon & always enjoy reading any Christian suspense or contemporary romance I can find… Colleen Coble is also a favorite!

  21. Hi Rel,
    I really enjoyed hearing about how you got started.
    Congratulations on your ten years!

  22. So happy for you, Rel! Not only are you an inspiration to readers and authors alike you are encouraging and inspiring to fellow bloggers. Have a great time celebrating a decade of blogging! XOXO

    • You are a wonderful encourager, Andi – thank you so much. Looking forward to your celebrations in the not too distant future, too xo

      • Aw thanks, Rel! I want to be an encourager. I can’t even remember the first book I reviewed. I know Julie Lessman’s book A Passion Most Pure, was my favorite book of 2007. Now I am going to see what my first review was. 🙂

      • Rel,

        The first book I read and reviewed was Rachel Hauck’s book Diva NasVegas. I received it in manuscript form and I remember emailing Bonnie Calhoun and asked her if the publishing house had made a mistake. LOL I think I still have it somewhere.
        So fun looking back at ten years. xo

  23. I think the first one I reviewed was A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman. That was quite a while ago!!

  24. Happy anniversary!!!

    I don’t recall the first book I reviewed.

  25. CONGRATS, REL! Lovely anniversary!

    My first book to revies was The Monogram Murders (New Hercule Poirot Mysteries #1)
    by Sophie Hannah – out of strong dislike of how my favourite character was treated 🙂

  26. Congrats Rel, I remember meeting you on Shelfari. On my blog Sanctuary by Molly Noble Bull was the first book I reviewed. not sure if I reviewed books on Shelfari.
    you have done so well with your blog and introduced so many good authors to so many new readers.

  27. Happy Anniversary!!! I clicked over and read the review of Chateau of Echoes, I believe it may have been the first Siri Mitchell book I read. I’ve reread it a couple of times, maybe it is time for another reread.

  28. I only started reviewing last year so it was easy for me to remember. I reviewed a book called Adrianna’s secrets. It was really good. I would love to win this giveaway. There are several books there I’ve have been dying to get my hands on.

  29. Love this! Congratulations! Ten years! Woohoo! Your vlog is nice and pretty! Thanks for sharing with us!

  30. I can’t remember the first book I reviewed. Happy anniversary!

  31. Happy TEN YEARS dear Rel!!!
    Thank you SO MUCH for all the wonderful support you and your readers give to the Christian publishing industry and us authors. We certainly couldn’t do it without you. And I LOVED seeing you at ACFW! 🙂

    My question for you – When was your first ACFW experience and how did it feel to meet all your friends in person?

    • Hey Cathy – thank you so much for stopping by. Thanks for the sweet encouragement and your question. I’ll be answering it in a vlog later in the week 🙂

  32. Happy blog-iversary! It’s been such a delight to have discovered you all these years ago now (it hasn’t been that many…)! Thank you for your wonderful reviews, previews, and extra content. (I especially love the character profiles, so fun!) Here’s to many many many more years of blogging! 🙂

  33. So very proud and thankful to God for our precious Relle Congratulations on ten years darling Love you xx

    • Thanks Mum! I started this for you and Jen 🙂 Thank you for your faithful love and support and encouraging my love of reading. Sorry for the many times I hid under the covers to read when I wasn’t supposed to!

    And to think I met you LONG before I actually met you. You’re a trailblazer and a gem in this industry! Thank you for all the hard work, all the long hours and all the heart you’ve brought to the readers and writers in this massive family of book lovers!!

    • Jennifer!!! You are the best of supporters and encouragers. Thank you for being you! And for loving the Wulfriths. And for being a wonderful friend. And for being happy with Garr so they others can belong to me!


  35. Happy Anniversary, dear Rel! Thank you for championing our books. Love Vlog#1 and #1.5 and looking forward to the next. Adore Siri’s interview. xoxo

  36. Love, love, love this and happiest of bloggerversaries to you, Rel!! I remember the first book I ever reviewed, it was The Heartmender by Andy Anderews and I enjoyed it immensely! You’ve been such a special part of the Christian fiction community. Thank you for an amazing ten years and here’s to many more!! <3

  37. HAPPY BLOG-IVERSARY! What a tremendous gift you’ve given the writing community with your continued support and encouragement of authors and their books. So glad to have been there from the beginning with you! (and also very glad, that you corrected my Australian!)

    • You were truly pivotal in the growth of my blogging, dear Siri – I won’t ever forget the way you reached out to a little blogger from Australia and provided such encouragement. Can’t wait to hear what’s next from you!

  38. Congrats! How exciting! Love your site.

  39. Congratulations! I can’t remember the first book I reviewed. 😜 Thank you for the chance. Have a blessed day.

  40. Happy Anniversary! I had to look up when I left my first review. It was for Daisy McDare Cozy Mystery collection by K. M. Morgan. Sad to say, I only said “Fun to Read.” I reviewed only 5 more in the next 7 months, and yet I usually read a book every day or two. I did not realize the importance of leaving reviews, especially for the books that already have hundreds of reviews UNTIL I actually went to FaceBook parties, started winning books, and was encouraged to leave my review.

  41. I enjoyed your video.
    I am also a huge fan of Christian fiction, and have been as long as I can remember! 😉
    I just recently started doing occasional online book reviews, but I’ve been verbally recommending books, also as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, I don’t remember what my first actual book review was.
    I thought I have a large Christian fiction collection. Sometimes I think I should start giving away or sharing some of my books, to make room for new ones, of course!! I will have to say that yours beats mine when it comes to quantity!
    Thanks for sharing this, and can’t wait to read more of your reviews!!

  42. Felicitations on your anniversary! I do remember the first review I wrote (not for a class, that is) – it was on Sixty Acres and a Bride, by Regina Jennings. It moved me enough to want to write one, though looking back, it resembles a college analysis more than a typical book review. Too much education, apparently.

  43. YAY! Congrats Rel! So awesome to see that you’ve been going strong for 10 years! I love that your first reveiw was of Siri Mitchell! <3 Love this and love your blog!

  44. You did it! And you were A.MAZ.ING! Oh my goodness…it was fantastic seeing your beautiful face and hearing your delightful accent. I have a ridiculous smile on my face after the kind shout-out you gave me. If only I could reach through my screen – I’d hug you to pieces! Thank you for answering my question about how you got started. I wish I remembered what you were reviewing when I first visited your blog, but I barely remember what I wore to church yesterday. Pathetic, I know. My Monday is definitely on an upswing after watching this and I look forward to more. I’m going to go ahead and suggest right now, that you keep vlogging after this week’s celebration. Maybe once a week or month?? You are a natural, and seeing you makes the distance seem not so far. XOXO ~

    • Amy » You are too sweet, Amy – thank you. As for keeping up the vlogging…hmmm…I’ll think about it 🙂 Meeting you was such a highlight of my trip, Amy – you will never know the blessings your words have been to me xo

  45. Happy Blogiversary!!!

    My very first review was of a Dee Henderson book (can’t remember which one), and it ran in a local newspaper in my college town–an assignment for a journalism class. My first blog review was “Through the Storm” by Lynne Spears (Britney’s mom). That was a long time ago, but not quite 10 years!

  46. I dont remember which book i first reviewed. Its been awhile.

  47. With reading books for 40 years I don’t remember the first book I reviewed.

  48. Happy Anniversary and many more! What a generous giveaway celebration. . . . I see some of my favorite authors!

  49. Do you remember the first book you ever reviewed?

    One of my very first reviews on my site (Singing Librarian Books), as well as being posted on Goodreads and Amazon, was Sarah E. Ladd’s Whispers on the Moors series in April 2015. What a journey it has been since then. Improving both my review writing skills and broadening the groups and authors I blog for!! 😀

  50. Happy blog anniversary! Your vlog was wonderful and what a fun giveaway! It’s amazing to me that you’ve been doing your blog for ten years! I don’t have a blog, but I’ve been reviewing for about 4 years now and have loved meeting so many wonderful Christian Fiction writers. I’ve been excited to see the growth in books available in that genre. I want to give a shout out to all the amazing writers that share their time and talents with us!

  51. I have no idea which book I reviewed for the first time, haha. I don’t review often, only once in a while. But I’m guessing it was A Change of Fortune by Jen Turano.

  52. Rel! I loved this video and hearing your precious accent! I do NOT remember the first book I reviewed. But I’m glad I got started. I’ve toyed with the idea of a blog, but I don’t think I have enough to say. Right now I absolutely just love reading and would rather devote my time to that.

    Your bookcase looks like mine! I have close to a thousand fiction titles, not counting nonfiction and cookbooks. I recently gave away about 150 because seriously, my house is 980 square feet. I even have a storage building on my property that I asked for as a gift for our anniversary about 10 years ago.

    Again, loved hearing you! I wonder what you’d make my my very southern accent. 🙂

    • Susan Snodgrass » I’m sure I’d love your accent, Susan! I’m almost at the 3000 mark, just of CF titles. Not including all my other general market, non-fiction, and textbooks! I love working with you on influencer teams, Susan – your enthusiasm and support of writers is second to none!

  53. Loved this interview with Siri Mitchell. I have been a faithful reader of hers since I discovered Chateau of Echoes way back when. I can’t remember the first book I reviewed, there have been so many!

  54. I have read so many books over the years that I can’t remember but I loved them all.
    Here’s to another 10 years and than some.

  55. Rel! Congratulations on your ten years – how fabulous. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you, and I truly appreciate all the time you take to get the word out about Christian fiction. Also, was lovely to see you in Nashville – you’re always so delightful.

    Here’s to another ten years of great fun with you!

    All the best,

    ~ Jen ~

  56. REL, Congratulations on 10 years blogging! It has been a pleasure getting you know you over the years. I love your videos! Thank you for ALL you do to support Christian fiction. Blessings to you!!!

  57. I cannot for the life of me remember the first book I reviewed. All I know it was 3 years ago I started posting reviews on different sites when I became a member of Bookfun.

    Great giveaway!


  58. Hmm . . I really can’t remember. Maybe a Becky Wade book. I loved her writing and wanted others to know about.
    Thank you,
    Becky B.

  59. Rel, some of us can’t remember what we had for breakfast, much less the first book we reviewed. I do know that, as an author, reviews are important, and I thank you for what you’ve done for authors, publishers, readers, and others during your decade of blogging. Thanks so much.

  60. Congratulations! This is a great giveaway,

  61. No. I don’t remember which book I reviewed first. I had to do book reports in elementary school. I suppose they are a sort of review. I read so many books, no particular book stands out as one I did a book report on.

  62. Congratulations! Happy 10 year Anniversary! I am sure it seems like it’s been a while but has flown by as well. Thanks for sharing your love of books with the rest of us!

    In answer to the question, I haven’t reviewed a book before.

  63. Congrats!!!! You made it! Ten years is a super long time in the blogging world and you are a superstar. I wish I could have lasted as long as you did so I know how much work you’ve put into this. I’m so glad to regularly read your blog and to also have known you all these years.

    Congrats again!

    • Deborah » You were one of my first true blogging buddies, Deborah, and had a big impact on my blogging. Oh, to read as fast as you! And I’m no slow coach. It means the world to have you drop by xo

  64. Happy Anniversary!

    I have to admit… I couldn’t remember what the first book was! So I looked up my reviews on Amazon. Looks like the first book I ever reviewed was “Teacher: The Henrietta Mears Story.” 🙂

  65. No, I don’t remember the first book I reviewed. I don’t have a blog, but have learned from reading blogs such as yours how important it is to authors to leave reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, CBD, etc., so I am trying hard to do that for almost all the books I read.

  66. ah Lovely Rel! A most congratulatory message to you on TEN years of blogging! WHat a tremendous accomplishment. I’m so honored to have met you through the Inspys and constantly in awe of your fortitude. Sending you much love and a huge bouquet of virtual balloons and flowers 🙂

  67. I love your reviews! And love seeing the what books are coming out and the covers!!!

  68. I love love love your site—it’s one of the first places I go to find new books and authors. And I always know I can trust your reviews. 🙂 So thank you, Rel, for creating this blog and for being so dedicated at producing quality content!

    P.S. I’m really enjoying your vlogs! 🙂

  69. My very first review was of one of Jen Turano’s books and I fell in love with her as an author!

  70. Congratulations on making 10 years. The first review I wrote was when I was young, for the church newsletter. I had read a biography of Fanny Crosby. I’m sure it was more of a summary than a review.

  71. Congrats, Rel, and thank you for all you do for readers and authors – it is so appreciated!! Love those beautiful book cases of yours!! The first book I reviewed was ‘Mine Is the Night’ by Liz Curtis Higgs. Thanks so much for the fabulous giveaway opportunity!!

  72. I only started writing book reviews a couple of years ago. You’ll never guess whose book it was, Rel?!! Tammy L. Gray’s, Mercy’s Fight. It’s kind of ironic since one of my most recent reviews is Tammy’s newest book, My Hope Next Door. 🙂

  73. I don’t remember the first book I reviewed. Lol! Congratulations on your 10 years! You are very appreciated and I hope you know it. 🙂 Thank you so much for the giveaway opportunities.

    Thank you,

  74. Congratulations Rel! I love this site and look forward to each one.
    I honestly don’t remember the first book I reviewed, it seems like a long time ago.

  75. Congrats on 10 Awesome years! I love your accent and no subtitles needed. As for the first book I ever reviewed, I haven’t a clue. I try to review every book that I like.

  76. First book I reviewed was The StoryKeeper by Lisa Wingate and it has been an awesome book review adventure since then.

  77. I first started reviewing on Amazon, and the first book I reviewed was actually Siri’s Love’s Pursuit. Siri was the first Christian Fiction author that I read, and I’ve been hooked on her books every since!


  78. Congratulations on ten years. I don’t remember my first review. It’s difficult to know what to say sometimes. I would rather give a positive review than a negative one, but that isn’t always possible.

  79. Wow – 10 years of reviews! That’s amazing! Here’s to 10 more.

  80. Mmmm, Forsaken Dreams by MaryLu Tyndall.

    Congratulations on ten years.

  81. Congratulations on 10 years, Rel! And on your first vlog– I really enjoyed it! 😀

    I couldn’t recall my first book review so I headed over to Goodreads to look it up. 😉 It appears that I started out with some little couple-sentence or one-paragraph reviews, my first one being “Digitalis” by Ronie Kendig back in April 2011. And my first longer review seems to have been “River’s Edge” by Terri Blackstock.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!! 😀

  82. Congratulations on 10 years Rel!
    I can’t remember my first book review – but I know I had to do them regularly in high school:)
    Enjoy your week of celebrations and thanks for the opportunity to win your awesome giveaway!

  83. How lovely to ‘see’ you, Rel. Congratulations on the 10 years. Wonderful to have you as such a wise and respected resource. 🙂

  84. I can’t remember my first book review.
    Congratulations on ten years.

  85. “The Boyfriend List” by e lockhart

  86. I’m just starting to write more reviews. I’m not a blogger, just a reader, so my numbers are pretty limited. My first review was for The Daisy Chain, a novella by Heather B. Moore.

  87. No, I have the worst memory when it comes to things like that.

  88. First, congratulations on 10 years! I am really thinking hard on what book I first reviewed! I can’t remember!

  89. I had to look at my Amazon account and it looks like Shannon Hale’s Midnight in
    Autstenland was my earliest review… though it seems like I just read that yesterday and surely there must have been some before that! 😉

  90. Congrats on 10 years! I’m not sure I remember the first book I’ve ever reviewed but I remember an author told me once how important reviews are to them, so I try to review often. It’s fun to connect with the authors in this way! 🙂

  91. Fabulous and Fun! Congrats Rel on 10 wonderful years!

  92. I’ve just started reviewing books because I now realize how important they are for the author. My first review was for “Geared for the Grave” by Duffy Brown.

  93. Very fun to hear your reminiscing about your start in the blogging world! And what a great book bundle…
    I can’t wait for Long Way Gone by Charles Martin!

  94. I had to look it up… it was Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball. I could not remember!

  95. I believe that my first review was for Tiffany Girl by Deanne Gist and was I ever nervous! I hate having to write anything due to a learning disability, so anytime I write a review I’m always stepping out of my comfort zone. The things we do for dear friends, and that how I view my favorite authors . Thanks ladies and gentlemen for all the wonderful stories!!!!

  96. I don’t really have a blog anymore, but one of the first ones I reviewed was Lizzy and Jane by Katherine Reay! All of her books have been a delight 🙂

  97. GREAT giveaway with fabulous authors. Thank you!

  98. So cool to hear about how you got started! Thanks for sharing and doing what you do! 🙂 I THINK the first book I reviewed was Sell Out by Tammy L. Gray. 🙂 I haven’t been reviewing books long, but I do love it, especially when I get the opportunity to connect with the authors and hear their heart behind their stories.

  99. My goodness, I do not! It may have been Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz. I loved that book so much it just had to have a review! I review pretty much every book I read now! 🙂

  100. Sorry I’m a little late to the party, it’s been a crazy week! Congrats on 10 years Rel, so glad you started blogging!
    The first book I ever reviewed was Out of Control by Mary Connealy through the CFBA. My sister (who started the blog I now run) told me if I read it for her and wrote the review I could have the book. I wasn’t sure about the whole reviewing thing but I was rather broke at the point and was willing to do just about anything for a free book-lol. And the rest was history I was hooked and I still love it!

  101. I don’t think I’ve ever reviewed a book that wasn’t part of a class. Thanks for the giveaway.

  102. I don’t remember the first book I reviewed.

  103. Congrats!

  104. I believe the first book I reviewed was Beth Harbison’s When in Doubt, Add Butter.

  105. I’ve tried to remember what my first review was but I just can’t. I do write one for all of the books that I read as I understand their importance.

  106. Rel I love your library! Your video was fun to watch, it’s so much more personal than words on a page. However, I do enjoy reading your blog. Happy 10th anniversary and looking forward to many more.

  107. Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I also really enjoyed your vlog! Hope you continue to do them.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  108. I can’t say that I have ever reviewed a book other than just verbally to a friend. I always have a hard time knowing what to say!

    • Colleen » It can be a challenge, Colleen, but even two sentences about why you loved a book can be a great review and recommendation to other readers.

  109. The first book I reviewed was by Ronnie Kendig

  110. Happy Anniversary! I am so glad that I’ve gotten to know you and be a part of your world for the past couple years. And in ten years, we’ll celebrate again!

  111. I don’t generally write reviews for books but one that I did write was for “Healer of Carthage.”

  112. I think the first book I reviewed on Goodreads, Amazon etc was Katherine Reay’s Dear Mr Knightley. I’m trying to get in the habit of leaving more reviews bc I know it’s one way to support authors.

  113. Congratulations on celebrating 10 years as a blogger. I hope that God will renew your love of writing again by inspiring you with stories of great impact for him.

    I love to read Christian Fiction with romance and suspense.

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