10 Year Anniversary, Celebration Day #5 ~ Tamara Leigh & Blog Stats!


I’m excited to be chatting about Tamara Leigh today and her medieval and contemporary romance novels. Tamara has been a wonderful encourager to me in so many ways over the years and I’m so thankful for her, more than I’ll ever be able to put into words. In addition to Tam, I have some fun talking about my blog stats – as requested by the lovely Terrill – how many posts, reviews, interviews I’ve done over the past 10 years. The authors who I’ve featured the most, and the publishers, too. Hope you have some fun and don’t bore you silly!

A huge thank you to Revell for their brilliant 10 book giveaway below – don’t miss it!

Tamara Leigh



That would be when I first met, by way of RelzReviewz, a certain Aussie who has become very dear to me. Yes, she has! So what was I writing? I believe I was putting the finishing touches on my second inspirational contemporary romance, Perfecting Kate, and writing the opening chapters of the third—Splitting Harriet. And thinking: love the change of pace, but I do miss writing medieval romance.


That’s a tough one, so I’ll make an educated guess. Since one of the pieces of clothing I still have from ten years ago is my boho-ish fringed dress I wore a few days ago, that was surely a favorite.


Warning: stock answer ahead! But how lovely that it is stock. The Bible. But wait! Let me be specific. Ten years ago, I was particularly attached to The Message translation, toting it just about everywhere.


Writing wise, I was dreaming of several years down the line when I could finish my medieval Age Of Faith series and share it with readers.




Well, look at that—a dream come true! Yes, I’m writing medieval romance again and have released fourteen full-length novels since 2012, including the Age Of Faith and The Feud series. Loving it!


Tie! Two items—a breezy ankle-brushing white dress I first wore at the ACFW conference, and a beautiful Shovava scarf that makes me feel as if I can fly.


Though the Bible is my number one keeper, I’m currently hooked on Edward Rutherford’s tome, Sarum, the novelized story of England from prehistoric times to 1985—research and entertainment all wrapped up in one. I’m listening to the audiobook version and am just over halfway through 40 disks. As I said—tome.


Writing wise, to continue writing medieval romance and… Well, maybe a new contemporary series. Yeah.


God has challenged me in many ways, but I’ll narrow the answer to two areas: family and writing. God has challenged me to accept change as our sons transition from boys to young men and grow lives separate from mom and dad. My writing challenge has been to take complete control of my career, but now I’m blessed to choose what I write, when I write, why I write, how I write, and where I write. Just call me Indie Tam.


Thank you, dear readers! Having you join me on this writing journey makes it so much more beautiful—and inspiring. Happy reading!

Read my first ever review of a Tamara Leigh book – Perfecting Kate

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162 Responses to 10 Year Anniversary, Celebration Day #5 ~ Tamara Leigh & Blog Stats!

  1. Love it, Rel. Please make them a regular feature of RR …

    Love how your still such a “fan” – that even after all these years you haven’t lost the sheer joy, wonder and innocence of reading Christian fiction. Yes, you’re a ton wiser and more discerning but there’s such elation in how you speak about authors and novels.

    Tamara, so loved meeting you in Nashville and your kindness towards Rel & Dotti was a delight to watch.

    • Oh my goodness, how thankful I am to you, Rel! You have blessed me and numerous others with your support, encouragement, and–above all–friendship. Ten years isn’t long enough to know you. I’ll take another ten…and another…and another 🙂

      Ian, it was lovely to meet you at ACFW. I look forward to seeing you at future conferences. ACFW is in Nashville again in 2018. Did you hear that Rel and Dotti? 2018.

    • Ian » Always a fan, Ian, and always in awe of the incredible amount of effort and emotion writers put into writing a novel. It’s no small feat!

  2. Oh, that is a good question and there are several I could list. Some of them would be Beth Vogt, Denise Hunter, Jenny Jones, Kristin Billerbeck, Krista Phillips, Jocelyn Green, Pepper Basham, Kristi Ann Hunter and Elizabeth Camden, just to name a few (or several). 😃 You have had so many amazing authors on your blog. Thank you for featuring Tamara Leigh. I haven’t read any of her medieval yet, but I love the contemporary! She is such a sweet person (though I’ve not had the privilege to meet her in person).

    Thank you,

  3. I haven’t read any authors named in your blog, but the book covers look very interesting!

  4. Tamara Leigh’s books were recommended to me by Amber Lynn Perry! She’s pretty enthusiastic about the books she loves 😉

  5. Irene Hannon & Sandra Orchard are some of my favorites 🙂

  6. Rel, these are the authors that I was FIRST introduced to on your blog before seeing them anywhere else: Kara Isaac, Rachel McMillan and Dorothy Adamek. I have to seriously thank you for drawing awareness to Dorothy Adamek and her debut, Carry Me Home. I literally have that gorgeous book sitting two feet away from me on my bookshelf in full view! 🙂

    • Wow, Terrill!!! You have SO blessed me with your kind words about Carry Me Home! Please know… you have not just made my day, but my WEEK!

      I’m honoured to know you found me thanks to dear Rel, and so thankful to Rel for matching readers with new books and their authors. We are ALL indebted to her. 🙂

    • Terrill Rosado » Love this, Terril…love!

  7. Your blog introduced me to Kara Isaac and her novel Close to You. A blogging friend introduced me to Johnnie Alexander.

  8. Well. That’s quite a question! I’m going out on a limb here and saying most of my own rather large collection of Christian fiction is thanks to you – both via Book Club and of course through reviewing for you. Some of my favourites? Charles Martin (swoon – our first phone interview. such a gentleman), Chris Fabry, James Rubart, Robert Liparulo, Siri Mitchell, Lisa Samson, Rebeca Sietz, Erynn Mangum, Jenny B Jones. Ugh….I could probably list every author on my shelves because there is probably literally about 5 books, in my lifetime, that I haven’t absolutely loved.

    And…don’t worry so much about how your vlogs go for!!! I bet no one else minds either. 👍❤️

  9. Wow! I don’t think I can mention all of the authors I’ve been introduced to because of this blog or others because there are so many. One right off that I remember off hand being introduced is Julie Lessman. I’ve really enjoyed her historicals and her contemporary Isle of Hope book.

  10. Some of my favorite authors, Irene Hannon, Dani Pettrey & Colleen Coble were introduced to me by a friend. I’m always happy to read about new (to me) authors.

  11. REL, you have introduced me to many new authors that I now read. Thank you!

  12. Rel, I’ve just discovered your blog and it is great! Congrats on 10 years!! Love the giveaway bundles – what a great idea! In this one, Irene Hannon is one of my favorite authors.

    • Debbie Williams » Lovely to hear, Debbie – welcome! Hope you find some great reads here. Irene is a great writer! If you love her books you should try Ronie Kendig, Lynette Eason, DiAnn Mills, and Susan May Warren. To name a few. But you might already know them 🙂

      • Lynette, DiAnn, and Susan are also some of my favorites but Ronie Kendig is one I will need to check out. Thanks!!

  13. I definitely learned about Dorothy Adamek from this blog! Loved her debut! When is the next book coming out??!

    I think I’ve also learned about Kara Isaac and Sally Bradley from this blog. Loved both of their debuts as well.

    Love finding new authors!

  14. John’s Corner on solitude has given me great recs love the past few years. She introduced me to the Anomaly series by Krista Mcgee which I, in turn , introduced to my daughter.

  15. Happy Anniversary! You are such a blessing to me.

  16. So many books made it hard to remember/decide – let’s say Deeanne Gist! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  17. Wow! It’s so fascinating hearing those stats. What a beautiful friend you have in Tamera Leigh, inside & out!! Thank you for introducing me to her as well, Rel.

    • Ronie » That stats were fun to look at, especially as they are not something I pay much attention to! Always a treat to have you drop by, my friend xo

  18. Jennifer Wilson is a new YA author New world rising and New World Ashes are her first 2 books.

  19. I just discovered your blog, and have so many new ones that I’ve been introduced to that I can’t wait to try. Julie Lessman would be at the top of my list.

    • Rosalyn » Oh, that’s excellent, Rosalyn. So good to have you here – be sure to drop back and tell me your thoughts on the new authors 🙂

  20. you have introduced me to many new authors that I now read.

  21. I love Julie Lessman

  22. YES!! Rel’s vlog. Tamara Leigh. Day. Made. How can I possibly thank you enough, Rel, for introducing me to Tamara’s books, and to Tamara herself at CFRR? Still get fan-girl giddy when I look at our picture on my phone (no, I can’t bring myself to delete it). Thanks to said introduction, my bookcase now has its own Tamara Leigh section and I look forward to adding many, many, many more books to my collection (hint! hint!, Tamara).

    Other books/authors you’ve introduced me to:

    * Ronie Kendig (all those fantastic military men and at long last military woman)
    * Kate Breslin “For Such A Time”
    * Sarah E. Morin “Waking Beauty”
    * Pepper Basham “The Thornbearer” (who I also met at CRFF – sigh!)
    * Sandra Orchard “A Fool & His Monet”
    * Joanne Bischof “The Lady and the Lionheart”

    Actually, there are so many, I need to stop so others will have space to comment. By the way, your reaction of getting an autographed copy of Tamara’s book is so sweet and genuine. Your excitement, is EXACTLY how I felt the first time (honestly, it’s every time) you and Tamara responded to one of my e-mails (possibly with a touch more volume and at a higher decibel level). That personal interaction is what makes both you so dear to my heart.

    Those stats you listed are quite astounding and gives us all a better idea of how much time and effort you put into getting the word out about great books and authors. Please don’t ever stop!

    • Hi Amy! Loved, loved meeting you at CFRR. Your smile, laughter, and amazing welcome MADE MY DAY. You’re like carbonation–bright, beautiful bubbles that give the simply sweet its zing. Thank you! 🙂

    • Amy » Amy’s here!!!! Squeeeeee 🙂 Loved that you have discovered so many wonderful authors on my blog, Amy. You are the very reason I do this, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for your ongoing encouragement. I always smile when I see your name pop up with a comment. Meeting you was just as much a treat for Tamara and I, rest assured. Big hugs, dear Amy xo

  23. I’ m show her where I ran a crossed her, but it had to be somewhere online, and that is Lori Benton!
    One of the great new historical fiction writers!

  24. I was introduced to Dawn Crandall by…several bloggers I think. Can’t remember who was first, although I do recall that Courtney Clark gushes about her stories which convinced me to try one. 🙂

  25. I enjoyed the interview!

  26. Yeah!!! It’s Tamara Leigh Day!!! I’ve been following your 10th Anniversary blogs everyday – but today became “stop – drop – and comment” – – so I stopped housecleaning – dropped the laundry on the bed and have picked up my laptop and keyboard to say “Congratulations Rel – – and thank you for including my “favorite” author in your line up!” Tam – I have LOVED every book – – I will admit “Age of Faith” was my favorite – – and now (be still my heart) there is a 6th Age of Faith story in the making . . . I am waiting for the pre-order shofar call!!! AND and new time travel is on the cusp of release – – my “Rock & Read” back porch is calling!! So from this Barefoot Believer in Florida – – thank you Rel – and thank you Tam!! God is Good – all the time!!

    • Hello, dear Barefoot Believer! It’s so lovely to hear from you. I hope you had a wonderful summer break and the new year is blessing you as much as you bless others. As always, thank you for the beautiful encouragement. Yes, indeed, Durand is on the horizon. Once Lady Ever After finds her place in the world, that knight-in-waiting will be on my shoulder ready to supervise the telling his story. It’s been too long in coming. Wishing you a lovely evening. ~ Tam

    • Pam – Florida » You are gorgeous, Pam! Thought you might like this post especially 😉 Thank you for being a lovely encourager to me and many of the authors I feature xo

  27. Since I’m an avid Goodreader, I find most of my new books to read on there. However, I think I discovered the book I’m currently reading (Waking Beauty by Sarah E. Morin) through my friendship with YA dystopian author, Nadine Brandes! 🙂 They are both published by Enclave Publishing.

  28. Thanks for the chance to win all these books. I love all these authors.

  29. Joanne Bischof, Mary Connealy, and Liz Johnson are authors I became aware of through reading blogs. I’ve since read a lot of books by Joanne and Mary but have just recently read Liz’s The Red Door Inn.

  30. Thank you for the chance to win/read these. Great titles!

  31. Goodness, I think my sister-in-law has introduced me to most of the authors I’ve ever read! XD
    One author that I remember learning about from a blog, though, is Melissa Tagg. For the life of me, I can’t recall which blog it was… but I remember that I read a review of her first book on one of the blogs that I follow, and that’s what made me want to give it a try. Boy, am I glad I did!! 😀

  32. Hi Rel! How could we remember?!! LOL. OK, I do. One specifically was Melissa Jagears! I wasn’t familiar with her, but read an interview of yours that made me put her books on my radar! (Thanks by the way!)

    Happy celebration!

  33. A friend of mine got me the first three of Lynn Austin’s Chronicles of the Kings books for Christmas one year….I was hooked! I had never heard of her before that. I have since grown my collection, but I don’t have them all….yet.

  34. Jordann Langness

    I have just recently stumbled upon your blog and I am hoping to discover many new to me authors! Thanks so much for having a great blog to follow and for this great giveaway!

  35. Offhand, I’m not sure which authors I have been introduced to through RelzReviewz other than Tamara Leigh, though I’m sure there are many. I know I have definitely added to my TBR pile because of this blog! Now to find time to read all of these books….

  36. There have been a couple of authors I’ve been introduced to through your website, one of them being Sally Bradley.

  37. I have been introduced to both Tamara Leigh and Laura Feagan Frantz and they are two of my favorite authors now!

  38. Through this blog I have been introduced to Tamara Leigh.

  39. Love the interview with the wonderful Tamara Leigh! An author I was introduced to through your blog was Brandy Vallance.

  40. A BIT of a crush??? That’s like saying the sun is kind of yellow.
    I think I got into Ronie and Tam’s writing because you told me to.
    And thank you for ALL YOU DO!!!

  41. So many of the authors I’ve read were introduced to me through blogs. Two authors I was introduced to through Julie Lessman are Laura Frantz and MaryLu Tyndall – all 3 now at the top of my list!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway opportunities, Rel – congrats, looking forward to another 10 years, and thanks for all you do!!

  42. I was introduced to Rachelle Dekker through her father’s FB posts, author Ted Dekker. I also love Laura Frantz!

  43. I kinda did things backwards. A few of my favorite authors kept mentioning your blog on social media after you’d reviewed their books and I finally get around the checking your blog out.

  44. I want to be Tamara Leigh when I grow up!

    You rocked that white dress in Nashville, dear Tami! Keep on flying.

    I loved sharing writing talk, shopping gladness, and fortune cookies with you. Thank you for your kindness and fabulous stories.

    Miss you. xoxo

    • No, be THE Dorothy Adamek and keep blessing readers with beautiful stories that shine the light of hope into the darkest corners. QQSP!

      I so enjoyed meeting you in person and all the time we were able to spend together–talking, shopping, and hunting for a fitting fortune cookie (I still have my fortune!) Such treasured memories of my Aussie friend.

      A heartfelt THANK YOU to Rel for being my first Aussie friend and introducing me to another. <3

  45. I’ve been introduced to a lot of new authors through the InspyRomance blog. A friend introduced me to Charles Martin (eager to read that new one coming out in a couple days!!)

  46. Marylin Furumasu

    I was wondering if you were going to do a blog about Tamara Leigh.
    I’m such a huge Tamara Leigh fan. I have so many of her books and can’t seem to get enough!
    She is definitely one of my favorite authors and a fun friend on Facebook. One of these days I’d love to meet her. She just seems so genuine.

  47. Jan Drexler for me!

    And I LOVE Julie Lessman.

  48. So many… and most new books/authors I have learnt about on here 🙂

  49. I found author Christy Barritt by following your blog, which I found by following authors Amy Matayo, Tammy L. Gray and Nicole Deese.

  50. I found Katie Ganshert through Becky Wade. 🙂

  51. I have too many favorites to sort them all out in my head but I take book recommendations from my fellow book bloggers very seriously! The two most recent recommendations from you are T.L. Gray and Amy Matayo (who I’d heard of but not gotten to in my tbr!) Then, of course, my good friend, Carrie from Reading is My SuperPower recommended Catherine West and V. Joy Palmer to me!

  52. I love Lisa Wingate books!

  53. Oh boy! I would have to say Rachel McMillan is on that list. Just Commonly wrote a review of A Bachelor Girl’s Guide to Murder and I ordered the book that day!

  54. I love your recommendations…I’m pretty sure I learned about you from Ronie Kendig a few years ago! I love your blog and have learned about authors like Tamara Leigh from your site. Blessings on all you do and Happy Anniversary!

  55. Karen Witemeyer, Mary Connealy, Regina Jennings, Melissa Jagears 😀
    Winnie Griggs has become a favorite!

    Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  56. Rel you have introduced me to so many authors – I can’t begin to list them! I have enjoyed Tamara’s contemporary novels, and I now own most of Ronie Kendig’s books 🙂 But that is just scratching the surface…. Thanks heaps for all of them 🙂

  57. Deese!! Can’t wait to read her new one!

  58. Honestly, it’d be easier to list those you haven’t introduced me to 😉 A few years ago I wondered about Christian Industry. I had the image that it wasn’t very broad besides Francine Rivers, Lynn Austin, Susan May Warren and Karen Kingsbury. And I googled, and so I discovered there SO many more authors through you. I remember scrolling through all the cover art reveals from the past years, and writing up a BIG list of books and author for myself.

    And I chose a book by Elizabeth Camden as my first choice to read from this place. So do you have an influence on my Kindle library? Yep, a huge one.

    • Bee » That makes my day, Bee – so lovely to hear that I’ve connected you with some wonderful authors. So appreciate you taking the time to share that with me.

  59. Christina Pereira

    By following your posts, I learned about the new author Connilyn Cossette and her interesting series set in ancient Egypt.

  60. I’ve found many authors via blogs. I’ll have to check out Tamera Leigh!

  61. Tamara Leigh and Medieval fiction are two of my favorite things! I just finished Lady Undaunted and I loved how she still included a snippet of the Wulfriths.

  62. Real, There have been so many authors that You have featured whose books I love,
    Cynthia Rucchi, Dina Sleiman, so many others that are to many to name.
    Thank you for all you have done to bless us with your posts.

  63. I was introduced to Pepper Basham through the Singing Librarian Books blog and I immediately fell in love with her books!

  64. I was introduced to the entire realm of speculative Christian fiction by the Avid Readers of Christian Fiction group on Facebook. I love when people recommend books to me and that’s really how I do most of my reading.

  65. I have been introduced to many new authors from blogs. I have enjoyed Laura Hilton, Beth Vogt and Melissa Tagg to name a few.

  66. Mike Dellosso recommended the author Dony Jay and I loved his book

  67. Dorothy Adamek is one author you introduced me to and I’m very grateful for that! So Thank you! This has been a fun celebration of your blog!

  68. Melissa Tagg and Ronie Kendig.

  69. Melanie Dickerson and Cheryl St. John – and I have Tamara Leigh’s first medieval series sitting on my Kindle just waiting for a cold, gray afternoon!

  70. I’m new to your blog! I was introduced by Sandra Orchard on Facebook. But you’d better believe ‘m following now. I love finding fellow reviewers to follow!

  71. Laura Frantz but I don’t remember which blog@

  72. I was introduced to Melissa Tagg, Becky Wade through book reviews on blogs and interviews with them.

  73. I was introduced to Grace Livingstone Hill – old books, but I still love them!!
    I also love the “Hiers of Cahira O’Connor” series by Angela Elwell Hunt.

  74. I was introduced to Cheryl Wyatt’s Love Inspired books by my friend Rachel. Another one I was introduced to was Alison Stone, I learned about her books first from another blog and then by author Rachel Dylan.

  75. Hi Rel! Congrats on 10 years of faithful blogging! Will help do a shout out for you and your celebration giveaway. Thanks for all you do to connect authors and readers! Warmly, Suzanne

  76. I also love several different authors and their genre’s. Some of my favorites are: Cindy Woodsmall, Becky Wade, Suzanne Woods Fisher, and Janette Oke.

  77. It’s hard to name a favorite author, because there are so many. But two of my two favorites are Karen White and Mary Kay Andrews.

  78. HandiworkinGirls

    Definitely Melissa Tagg.

  79. Goodness I can’t begin to name all the authors I’ve been introduced to through blogs! I can name two blogger friends who’ve first introduced me to many various authors though; Kav Rees (Best Reads (2010-2016) and Savanna Kaiser (The Engrafted Word). 🙂 From there, I’ve discovered many other blogs (yours included Rel) that I follow!

    Thanks for always bringing us quality authors & their books 🙂

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