Character Spotlight: Joanne Bischof’s Tucker & Sarah with a giveaway

This Quiet SkyMeet two young dreamers in

Joanne Bischof’s

Historical Novella

This Quiet Sky


The Story

There is nothing extraordinary about Tucker O’Shay’s dreams. 
Go to college. Become president. Fall in love. 
And pretend like he has enough time to get it all done.

Sixteen-year-old Sarah Miller doesn’t expect anything out of the ordinary when she begins her first day at the one-room-school house in her new hometown of Rocky Knob. But when she meets seventeen-year-old Tucker O’Shay—the boy with the fatal illness who volunteers to tutor her in algebra—she finds herself swept up in a friendship that changes the way she sees the world and a love that changes her life. 

Introducing Tucker & Sarah


Brief physical description

A younger version than the woman readers first meet in my other books, sixteen-year-old Sarah is a bit tomboyish and feels awkward.  She also has reddish brown hair and a cheery smile… and I wish that she could see herself the way that Tucker does.JBSarah


I had the cover image for the novella early on in the writing stage and Sarah’s look melted perfectly with the photo model.

Strengths and weaknesses

Her sense of humor, outgoing nature, and ability to love are a few of her greatest strengths in this story. One of her weaknesses is the very reason she meets Tucker—she’s so terrible at math that he ends up being her tutor after she flunks her test in the first chapter.


Because she has no idea what she wants to do with her life and has a hard time voicing her own hopes, Sarah often answers questions with another question.

Your inspiration for the character

The inspiration for Sarah definitely came from the Cadence of Grace series. There, she’s a source of strength and a comforting anchor for others. This younger Sarah stemmed from my desire to illustrate what—and in this case who—helped shape her into that woman.


Brief physical description

JBTuckerNearly 18, Tucker has sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes that are rimmed in soft shadows due to his illness. He finds it a flaw, but to Sarah, he’s the most handsome young man she’s ever seen.


Tucker is equal parts confident and vulnerable, so when I first spotted Swedish model, Benjamin Eidem, he was the perfect fit.

Strengths and weaknesses

Tucker is both friendly and candid which compliments Sarah’s journey as she struggles to make sense of who she is. In contrast, his greatest weakness is his physical state. Tucker has a form of cancer that is many years away from being treatable. At first, he’ll wrestle with this, but as time goes on, he’ll learn more and more to entrust his future to God. In turn, what seems his greatest weakness ends up making him stronger.


One of Tucker’s quirks is his high-level of intelligence. Though he’s a backwoods boy from Appalachia, his goal is to become president. But first he has his sights on college and ends up receiving full scholarships to the finest universities in the country.

Your inspiration for the character

Tucker’s character was the reason I wrote this novella. His mark on Sarah’s life is what became This Quiet Sky and as I look to the novels that proceeded this novella, I can see his mark on Sarah’s heart even there.

I also wanted Sarah to affect Tucker in a special way. Because of his illness, and others’ superstitions and ignorance surrounding it, Tucker loses most of his friends. When he meets Sarah, it’s the first time in a long time that anyone dares to get close to him—and his heart. She becomes one of the brightest spots in his life and changes each of his days for the better.

Background to the story

The inspiration for this novella really stemmed from Sarah being a young adult who didn’t know how to dream big on her own behalf. She has a lifetime in front of her, but is bound up in her own insecurities and hesitations. I wanted her to bump into Tucker. She quickly sees that he’s a boy who has everything to lose but dreams as if the future is his for the taking. Partially with his words of encouragement, and partially with the way he lives his life, Tucker encourages Sarah to do the same.

Thanks Jo ~ this is such an amazing story. I loved it!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Review of Be Still My Soul
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Buy from Amazon: This Quiet Sky

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30 Responses to Character Spotlight: Joanne Bischof’s Tucker & Sarah with a giveaway

  1. I love this book! I’ve read it as an ebook, given paperbacks for Christmas presents, and listened to a good portion of the audio (thank you, Joanne!). The reader is great. Can’t go wrong choosing any version of this moving and courageous story. I haven’t stopped thinking about it for weeks.

  2. I think I dream but I stay realistic 🙂
    I put my future in God’s hand and let Him dream for me 🙂

    The books sounds amazing! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I definitely dream big. 🙂

  4. My dreams tend to be more practical.
    Thanks for more behind the scenes info about This Quiet Sky. It’s the first time I’ve read that the Sarah in this book is from the Cadence of Grace series. Quite interesting! I certainly want to read this novella now! Thanks for the chance to win it.

  5. Oh boy. I’ve never felt like a big dreamer, even though I am consistently day-dreaming. While I know I want to work with kids as an Elementary teacher (and that’s what I am currently working towards) I think my dreams are open and shifting, waiting to see where God pushes me. So maybe both? This books looks so sweet!

  6. I dream BIG because God can & does do the impossible if we only have faith & believe!

  7. Keren Herrera Lyles

    I have always dreamed BIG, but somehow I stay thinking not too big as I dream. As always thank you for the opportunity to get a copy of your book. I enjoy them very much and knowing that Sarah comes from the series prior has my real dreaming BIG of a chance to be able to get the book. Blessings. May you continue sharing beautiful stories with us.

  8. I believe, due to my age, that I dream more practically. When I was younger, I had big dreams, and fortunately many of them came to be.

  9. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!
    As for the dreaming – I would like to dream bigger, to be honest. As for now, I am more practical, but I know that my dreams are influenced by fear amongst other hactors. I hope for more more hope when dreaming! 🙂

  10. I agree with a couple of others here: I do dream big but let God do with those dreams what He will. I want nothing that He doesn’t wish for me, and everything He does wish for me.

  11. I am sorry to say that I am more practical. I dream, but it is in a smaller scale.

  12. I am practical and don’t have big aspirations or dreams. Altho I do dream about being thin some year or decade or at least in Heaven!

  13. I have a dream of becoming debt free, and having a enough $ to retire on…but right now, it’s looking pretty bleak…

  14. I sometimes dream big but don’t like to get my hopes up because I am disappointed really easily.

  15. I’m more practical….I used to dream big years ago.

  16. I dream big with some practicality…

  17. More practical than a big dreamer as you would know Rel.

  18. I believe in dreaming big. If you don’t dream big and try your best you may not accomplish all you are capable of.

  19. Well, if you asked my sisters they’d definitely say I dream big and I’d have to I agree with them though nothing like becoming president:)

  20. It doesn’t hurt to dream big but I am more on the practical side of things.

  21. I tend toward the practical, but I try to dream bigger – who knows what God will do when we do?

  22. I dreamed big when I was younger – like being able to go in a large bookshop and buy every single book that caught my interest – but these days it’s more practical dreams.

  23. My dreams are more practical. I like to be a little more concrete instead of dreaming big.

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