The Reading Habits of Dani Pettrey and a giveaway



The Reading Habits


Dani Pettrey



Are you a re-reader? Why, or why not? And if you are, what are some of the books you have read over and over?

I am a re-reader of my favourite books. I’ve re-read Pride & Prejudice every year. I’ve also re-read Screwtape Letters, A is for Alibi, Twilight (on audio. I LOVE the narrated version), Dee Henderson’s O’Malley series and Full Disclosure, Terri Blackstock’s Predator, Jane Eyre, and The Jesus I Never Knew by Phillip Yancey.

When is your optimal time to read – do you prefer to read in one long block, or do you also read for five minutes here or there when you can?

I love to read at night and for hours. If I’m hooked I’ll usually finish the book in one to two sittings.

I’d love your thoughts on novellas. Are you thumbs up or down? Or does it depend?!

Having just written my first novella, I’m going to say thumbs up 🙂  Seriously though, I really enjoy novellas. I’ve read some great ones. Karen Witemeyer’s come straight to mind. I particularly love when the novella is tied to another full-length book or series.

Are you faithful to a genre, an author, or simply quality writing?

All of the above. I do love mysteries and suspense, so I tend to read the most in that genre, but I also have favorite authors outside of that genre who I read regularly. Becky Wade, Karen Witemeyer, Julie Klassen, Lisa Wingate all come to mind. I’ve also read books that are recommended to me and have found some fabulous reads that way. Rachel McRae of LIfeWay’s ShelfLife blog recommended Katherine Reay’s Dear Mr. Knightley and it has become one of my favorites.

Which factors most influence your selection of a book?

Authors I read regularly and an intriguing story premise. Grab me on the back cover copy and I’m yours 🙂

Your fiction pet peeve?

Stories that wrap up too quickly. I love complex stories with multiple threads and it kills me when they all get tied up in a neat bow in two pages.

Dani's bookshelf

Dani’s TBR Stack

What book have you read this year that you could not put down, and why?

Dee Henderson’s Taken. Gripping read!

How do you mark your spot – folded page corner, bookmark, dollar bill, whatever is at hand?

Folded page corner or a slip of paper.

Whose debut novel impressed you more than you anticipated?

I think I’ll defer back to Katherine Reay’s Dear Mr. Knightley simply because I would never guess it was a debut novel. It was a stunning read, beautifully written.

When reading, what makes or breaks a story for you?

I need to be invested in the characters and what they are going through. I need to feel that I must flip that next page.

What are some of your favourite CF reads from around 10 years ago, or further back?

Dee Henderson’s O’Malley series.

Snack/drink of choice while reading?

Either coffee and chocolate, or popcorn and water. Just depends if I’m in the mood for salty or sweet.

What book cover (any genre – ABA or CBA) has really caught your eye?

Andrew Klavan’s Game Over. I loved the colors and how it immediately draws you in.

Which author makes it easy to turn off your internal editor?

Dee Henderson, Sue Grafton, and Jane Austen are my top three.

What book do you wish you had written? Why?

A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton. I think it’s one of the best mysteries I’ve read.

Thanks Dani!

Be sure to grab yourself a copy of Dani’s latest release…

rp_Cold-Shot-663x1024.jpgCold Shot

In college, Griffin McCray and his four best friends had their lives planned out. Griffin and Luke Gallagher would join the Baltimore PD. Declan Gray would head to the FBI and Parker Mitchell would go on to graduate school as a crime scene analyst. But then Luke vanished before graduation and their world–and friendships–crumbled.

Now Griffin is a park ranger at Gettysburg, having left life as a SWAT-team sniper when a case went bad. The job is mostly quiet–until the day he captures two relic hunters uncovering skeletal remains near Little Round Top. Griffin just wants the case to go away, but charming forensic anthropologist Finley Scott determines that the body is modern–a young social justice lawyer missing since spring–and all evidence points to the work of an expert sniper. When FBI agent Declan Gray takes over the case, past and present collide. Griffin soon realizes he’ll need to confront some of the darkest days of his life if he–and those he cares about–are going to escape a downward spiral of murder that crosses continents.

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Jake & Kayden
Character interview with Bailey Craig
Character spotlight on Bailey Craig
Discover more about Dani
Dani’s Pop Quiz
Interview with Dani
Author Alert @ Relz Reviewz
Visit Dani’s website and blog

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42 Responses to The Reading Habits of Dani Pettrey and a giveaway

  1. Right before bed or @ school

  2. I love reading in the evening when the house is really quiet. That could be on the couch or in bed.

  3. I love to read anytime the house is quiet but especially at night before I go to sleep!

  4. My optimal time is anytime and anywhere.

    The O’Malley series is one of the best. I finally broke down and read Jennifer’s story. I can relate to the chemo and radiation.

    I cannot wait to read your new series. If I had the money I would travel to all the places you have mentioned.

  5. I usually read early in the evening or on the weekend depending how large my to-be-read stack is and work.

  6. Jennifer Crookston

    Usually read when my little ones are napping and at night. 🙂

  7. Before bed

  8. Whenever I have time to set down and finish a book in one setting. I find books hard to put down 🙂

  9. Any time is a good time to read. 😉

  10. I enjoy reading anytime but I read best at around lunch or late at night when I’m alone and it’s quiet.

  11. I’m looking forward to reading Cold Shot. I read the preview of the first 3 chapters and it was so good.

  12. Bedtime till I get sleepy and if I am reading a good book that usually doesn’t happen! Love the post of Cold Spot and plan on reading this book!

  13. I’ll read anytime I can squeeze it in. Being a teacher and a mom of a 13 month old, any moment is optimal!

  14. Any time I have to read is great, but I love to read right before bed!

  15. My favorite time to read is during the day while the house is empty. I almost always finish a book in one day…otherwise I’m tossing and turning all night thinking about it 😀

  16. Anytime. My favorite time though is right before going to bed. A nice way to unwind from the day.

  17. I try to read anywhere I can but I mostly curl up with a book before bed.

  18. My optimal time for reading is also just before going to bed, but if the book has me hooked at the beginning, I will try to read it earlier so that I have plenty of time to finish it before I have to go to sleep. I love Dani’s writing and am really looking forward to her latest. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!!

  19. Nicole Wetherington

    I mostly read at nighttime! 10-12

  20. I read late at night just before bed.

  21. ❤️ You know that a book is done way to soon, when you arrive at the last page and you retread the last chapter to figure out how you got there so soon. With your Submerged and ColdShot it was like that!

  22. I usually read at night to unwind from my day! I also read as much as possible on the weekend if I have enough time.

  23. My optimal time to read is in the evening when it’s quiet. And if I’m in a book that’s too hard to put down, I tend to stay up way too late to read “just one more chapter”…lol!

    I’ve been SO looking forward to Dani’s “Cold Shot”, I’ve read the Alaskan courage series and loved them so much 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win!

  24. I don’t get a lot of daytime reading in during the week so bedtime & the weekend are my optimal times to read.

    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  25. On the weekend is the best time for me! I wish it was all the time but….

    Thanks for this opportunity to win Cold Shot!

  26. Anytime I can! 😀 But mostly before bed or on lunch break during the day.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. I love the late afternoon/evening hours best, after I’ve accomplished SOMETHING in my day. But any time works; if I have some free time, I’ll often be reading.

  28. get a lot of reading done in carpool line for kids’ school, but, love to read before bed.

  29. I read in the evenings.

  30. Anytime of day or night is always a great time to read!

  31. The time I get the most reading done is at night just before I go to sleep.

  32. I like to read at any good opportunity, like when eating lunch with no one else around.To me, it is always a good time to read. Too bad we have to eat, sleep, etc.!

  33. I like to read anytime I have a few minutes but really like to have all evening to read a book. I don’t like to have to stop reading to do something else. I am a fast reader but have been known to keep reading until early morning to finish a book!

  34. My optimal time to read is “all the time,” but my life would be in complete disarray if I truly lived by that standard. Yet, there have been times that a book has contributed to my lack of house cleaning, cooking for the family, etc. That’s what take-out’s for, though. Right?

  35. Book nerds clearly operate quite the same. I found myself scrolling down saying yep, yep, oh yep. So, yes, anytime, but most often at bedtime, also proclaiming one more chapter and wondering why I wake up sleepy. 🙂

  36. I read most often after my husband goes to bed, so 9:30 – 11 or 12 or 1 or 2. Depends how much I can stay awake for and how good the book is.

  37. Any time I can. Most usually 8-5 lol

  38. Right before bedtime or early morning.

  39. I read in the evening after dinner and the kitchen is cleaned up. I would read really late at night but my little dog lets me know when it is her bedtime and she won’t go to bed without me. 🙂

  40. Mostly at night before I go to bed after my children are asleep and sometimes during the day if they are watching a show on TV or playing games

  41. I read mostly at night, but my favorite reading time is Saturday mornings with a big cup of coffee and one of my dogs in my lap. 😊

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