Lisa Harris ~ Behind the Scenes and a giveaway

Lisa Harris2015Behind the Scenes 

Lisa Harris

and her romantic suspense




I grew up… in the Pacific Northwest surrounded by the mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

I was inspired to write my first published novel by… Victoria Holt. I devoured her books as a teen and promised myself I’d one day write my own gothic novel. (Which I did, but it’s never been published)

The books that have most influenced my life are… ones that completely pull me out of this life and into another world.

My biggest challenge when writing is… finding enough quiet time without interruptions.

One of my favourite authors is… Sandra Byrd, because I absolutely loved her Ladies in Waiting series.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be… a doctor. Or at least that’s what I wish. Except unfortunately that’s not a gift God gave me. I’m way too squeamish.

The superhero talent I would love to have is… flying. I’d love to see the world from a bird’s eye view.



No one needs to push Nikki Boyd to excel on the Tennessee Missing Person Task Force. The case of her own missing sister, still unsolved after ten years, is the driving force in her work.

When a Polaroid photo of a missing girl shows up at a crime scene, Nikki quickly recognizes similarities to the past. The closer she gets to the abductor, the more she feels that this case is getting personal, and that she is not the hunter at all–but actually the one being hunted.


My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives… Suspenseful, heart-wrenching, eerie, romantic, and fast-paced.

My main character has… shoulder-length blond hair and is athletic and prepared for whatever she has to tackle. Most of the time anyway. Her motivation comes from losing her sister ten years ago to an abductor. She knows first hand the feelings of loss and no closure and now does everything she can to stop others from going through what she went through. Which also makes her vulnerable.

My main characters resemble… Brie Larson and Michael Fassbender.

A previously unknown fact about this novel is… that it made me want to hike the Appalachian Trail.



My story’s spiritual theme is… the realization that life can be messy and scary, but when you are in that place of vulnerability, God is still there.

While writing this novel I was challenged… by the reminder that sometimes you can’t change your circumstances, but even when you’re in the middle of a storm, nothing that happens here on earth can change who God is.

The title was chosen by… my publisher and it fits perfectly.

As an author, the hardest scenes for me to write are… action scenes, because I really have to stop and block out what is happening step by step which can be very slow for me as I try to get it right.

The story I’m currently working on is… book three of the Nikki Boyd files. It’s another case that becomes far too personal for Nikki.

You may not know this about me, but… I love liquorice. (And am craving some right now!)

If I could be a character in any novel, I would want to be… Nancy Drew. For some reason it just sound like fun—solving mysteries with my friends.

Thanks Lisa!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of VendettaFatal ExchangeDangerous Passage
Character spotlight on Paige & Nick (Blood Covenant)
Review of Blood Ransom
Character spotlight on Natalie & Chad (Blood Ransom)
Interview with Lisa
Visit Lisa’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Vendetta or Koorong

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19 Responses to Lisa Harris ~ Behind the Scenes and a giveaway

  1. I think a bit of both, but more on the character-development most of all. A great example for me is North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell!

  2. I prefer more emphasis on the suspense.

  3. Oooooo tough question. Hmmm maybe on the suspense since I can always read a straight romance for the romance??

  4. I like a balance between suspense and romance. They both have to be realistic and not too quickly realized/solved.

  5. That is a good question. I would have to say that I like a good balance between the two. Thanks for the interview and giveaway!

  6. THat is a good question I would have to say more on the suspense.

  7. I love both but I lean to the suspense side.

  8. both is good but I lean to the romance adult daughter would say suspense. ;P

  9. Give me a good suspenseful story every time with just a hint of romance.

  10. I like an equal amount of romance (especially romantic tension) and suspense! 😀

  11. I like both the romance and the suspense in romantic suspense. I guess if I absolutely had to choose I would say I like the romance best.

  12. Awesome!

  13. I’m a total thrill seeker, so I like the suspense aspect most!

  14. I like more focus on the suspense.

    Enjoyed reading Lisa’s answers to the questions. My kids wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail too until they saw how long it is: 2,160 miles – wow, now that’s a trail!

  15. I prefer more emphasis on the romance.

  16. I like a good balance between suspense and romance…..that goes for any book I read! When an author can do that, then it’s a great story to me 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win a copy of “Vendetta”. And by the way, Lisa, I live in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon coast), I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world 🙂

  17. I prefer more suspense with a bit of romance.

    Can’t wait to read Vendetta and enjoyed the interview with Lisa. Thanks, Rel!

  18. Any book I read can have equal amounts of both romance and suspense. Both aspects need to be written well if the story is dividing it’s focus.

  19. I prefer a nice balance of both romance and suspense.

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