Baron of Godsmere by Tamara Leigh with giveaways

Baron of GodsmereSynopsis:~


England, 1308. Three noblemen secretly gather to ally against their treacherous lord. But though each is elevated to a baron in his own right and given a portion of his lord’s lands, jealousy and reprisals lead to a twenty-five year feud, pitting family against family, passing father to son.

England, 1333. The chink in Baron Boursier’s armor is his fondness for a lovely face. When it costs him half his sight and brands him as one who abuses women, he vows to never again be “blinded” by beauty. Thus, given the choice between forfeiting his lands and wedding one of his enemies to end their feud, he chooses as his betrothed the lady said to be plain of face, rejecting the lady rumored to be most fair.

On the eve of the deadline to honor the king’s decree of marriage, the fair Elianor of Emberly takes matters into her own hands. Determined none will suffer marriage to the man better known as The Boursier, she sets in motion her plan to imprison him long enough to ensure his barony is forfeited. But when all goes awry and her wrathful enemy compels her to wed him to save his lands, she discovers he is either much changed or much maligned. And the real enemy is one who lurks in their midst. One bent on keeping the feud burning.

My endorsement:~

Life is rarely certain, but one of the few certainties is Tamara Leigh’s unmatched skill as a wordsmith and storyteller. Each new story she pens is better than the one before, the one where you thought she couldn’t improve if she tried! Baron of Godsmere is a wonderfully enthralling tale of a widow, abused by her first husband, now forced to wed The Boursier, whom tales tell is of the same ilk as the man who ruined her. Everything about this story is of exceptional quality, from the complex characters to the tension and danger, from an insidious unknown enemy to the emotion that wreaks havoc with your own, all combine to create a tale that is engaging, evocative, and heart-wrenching as two damaged hearts place their brokenness on the precipice once again. If you love an honourable and sacrificial hero, read Baron of Godsmere. If you delight in a heroine who is strong in her weakness and determined not to be the victim, read Baron of Godsmere. If you adore novels that sweep you to another place and time, are full of adventure, danger, romance, wit, and elegant prose, read Baron of Godsmere! And the best part? There are two more books in The Feud series to come ~ can’t wait for Magnus and Griffin’s stories.

*Currently available in digital format only

**This is an endorsement not a review, due to my personal connection with the author and her manuscript. My words remain true, regardless!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of Lady of FireThe KindlingThe RedeemingThe YieldingThe Unveiling and Dreamspell
Review of Restless in Carolina and Character spotlight on Bridget & J.C.
Review of Leaving Carolina and Character spotlight on Piper & Axel
Review of Nowhere, Carolina and Character spotlight on Maggie & Reece
Interview with Tamara
Visit Tamara’s website (she has great recipes, too!)
Buy at Amazon: BARON OF GODSMERE: Book One (The Feud 1)

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60 Responses to Baron of Godsmere by Tamara Leigh with giveaways

  1. Lovely endorsement. Thank you so much, Rel!

  2. This is basically my reaction…”I TOTALLY LOVE THE BOURSIER!!!!”

    Only I’m ususally more refined.

    HA! who am I kidding.

    Fanning self..

  3. Love her books! As for me – bravery is always appealing in a hero. That looks different for everyone too, but when it’s there, I love it!

  4. You are SO right! “…one of the few certainties is Tamara Leigh’s unmatched skill as a wordsmith and storyteller”!!!
    Beautiful review, Rel!

  5. Love this storyline! Now to find a few spare moments to read… 🙂

  6. I’ve heard wonderful things about her books! I love strength and loyalty in a romantic hero.

  7. My romantic heroes must be strong yet vulnerable in some way. I also love romantic gestures at some point in the novel. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I love strength mixed with tenderness plus a dab of mystery in a hero.
    Thanks for this review. I just read The Unveiling and totally loved it, so I’m looking forward to reading more.

  9. My husband and I love your books! : )

  10. Characteristics in a hero…strength, humility, gentleness. Looking forward to reading Baron of Godsmere! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 🙂

  11. I like my heroes to be real and able to feel some level of emotion. They need a depth, ability to be strong, yet relatable. Vulnerability helps too.

  12. I like my heroes strong but tender with their women. They tend to be kind of stoic until the right woman comes along at which point they’re not afraid to show their softer side. Love this story-line and look forward to reading this one!

  13. Tamara Leigh is in a class all by herself. I have read all of her historical romance books and none have failed to deliver. When a book is elevated to occupy my “top shelf” library it must have passed several tests – but at the top of the check list is – “Did this book bring me to an “ah-ha” moment?” – – you know that moment when it’s not the author’s voice or your own voice you hear anymore – – but that still small voice of the Holy Spirit that says “are YOU listening? – I am speaking to YOU” – – that kind of “ah-ha” moment — when the words become personal, the story stops having a fictional foundation and takes on a personal awareness, the “do-I-see-myself-here?” kind of awareness. Then the book has moved from fanciful and entertaining to “wow – I-never-thought-about-seeing-it-that-way-before” kind of perspective. Don’t get me wrong, Tamara’s books are fanciful, romantic, entertaining, adventurous, spell-binding, innovative plot twisting and more — but with all that “E” ticket ride – – you also get a deeper, spiritual sense of who God is, and who you are and how He can take all my nothing and make it into something – if I just let Him. I agree with Amber and Rel and Jennifer – – Tamara is an amazing wordsmith and storyteller – and I’ll say it like I believe “Rollo” would phrase it “Lady Tamara, ye be a God storyteller!”

    • Oh, Pam, you make me sniffle! What a beautiful start to my day. Thank you, thank you! Now to hunker down in this unusually wintry weather in Tennessee and channel the inspiration you’ve given me into a writing day. With hot cocoa, of course 🙂 Bless you!

    • Pam » What a wonderful encourager you are, Pam! And yes, we are in absolute agreement about Tamara’s writing – love your Rollo “quote”, too.

  14. A strong man with a humble side as well. A man that the last can count on.

  15. Love all of Tamara Leigh’s books & can’t wait to read this one!

  16. Loyal and responsible… oh, and a tease, in a nice way. 🙂

  17. characteristics? I like brooding and Byronic. I like intellect. I like a man who recognizes the woman as his equal and banters and challengers her.


  18. Hmmm. I do like a “hero” who is strong in the integrity department but also is wrestling with being the best he can be–even when it means the situation may not end in his favor.

  19. I LOVE Tamara Leigh’s books!! 🙂
    Tamara, how do you get your medieval speech so accurate? Mine always sounds so cheesy!

    • Thank you, Ryebrynn (pretty)! My medieval speech… I sprinkle in some ‘TIS and ‘TWAS, use some AMONGSTs and WHILSTs and EREs–and and FORSOOTHs (love forsooth), and according to Rel, am quite fond of my MISCREANTs, CURs, and POLTROONs 🙂 And I rarely use contractions to give the speech a more formal sound. I believe the key is to not overdo it, especially with the ‘TIS and ‘TWAS. It’s flavoring. I hope that helps. Happy writing!

  20. I do like a Brave knight who stands for what is right. He also needs to treat women and those who serve him with a strong hand but also respect.

  21. Love Tamara Leigh Books!!! Can not wait to read this one!!

  22. i love a hero that protects fiercely and loves fiercely.
    I really enjoy Tamara’s books and can’t wait to check out her latest.

  23. I think a hero needs to be strong, loyal and kind hearted. I love Tamara’s books! Looking forward to reading this one 🙂

  24. The characteristics that appeal to me in a romantic hero would be honesty, faith, strength.

  25. When will the winners be announced for this giveaway?

    • Hi Ryebrynn, my apologies! I had drawn the winners’ names and advised them but had forgotten to tick the Rafflecopter box to announce them on the widget. Now I have 😉

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