Within the Veil by Brandy Vallance with a giveaway


They never should have met. But they might be made for each other.

Feya Broon, a Scottish half-gypsy, knows what it is to go hungry. Trapped in the Edinburgh tenements with a father lost to his past and only the faded memory of her mother’s faith, Feya is desperate to provide for her siblings. When an ill-conceived plan leads to thievery, she finds herself in the last place she’d ever want to be—captured by a palace guard. But there’s something about this man that tears at every preconceived notion she’s even had about the haughty English.

Alasdair Cairncross never dreamed he’d be forced to transport a gypsy woman halfway across the wilds of Scotland. The timing is disastrous, considering his fiancée’s imminent arrival and his father’s political goals. Not only that, but the fiery young woman threatens to lay bare secrets Alasdair would rather keep hidden. And yet the farther they travel together, the less concerned he finds himself with duty—both to the crown and to the plans his family has for him.

As their walls begin to crumble, Feya and Alasdair must fight to survive a decades-old feud, a Highland kidnapping, and the awakening of their own hearts.

My take:~

With vivid imagery, arresting characters, and lyrical prose, Brandy Vallance proves her prodigious literary talent with Within the Veil, an exquisite story of prejudice and betrayal, passion and devotion. Every aspect of this story is intriguing – the history, the gypsy culture, Edinburgh, Holyrood Palace, the Scottish Highlands – and the characters second to none. At first glance Feya and Alasdair have nothing in common, she’s a free spirit, he’s a man who lives for discipline, honour, and obedience, yet as the story unfolds and their lives become involuntarily enmeshed, their vulnerabilities, hearts’ desires and faith journeys reveal a rhythm and symmetry that forges a love story imprinted with courage, devotion, and sacrifice. Within the Veil will stay with you long after the last page is read. Brandy’s next offering can’t come soon enough for me!

With thanks to the author for my review copy

Relz Reviewz Extras
Excerpt from Within the Veil
Character spotlight on Bianca & Paul (The Covered Deep)
Visit Brandy’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Within the Veil


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40 Responses to Within the Veil by Brandy Vallance with a giveaway

  1. So agree! Fabulous book.

  2. Lord Ranulf in Melanie Dickerson’s “The Merchant’s Daughter” came to mind first and then Roxanna in “The Colonel’s Lady.” I do know that I’m completely intrigued by the synopsis of this book. It feels like it will be a mixture between “From Across the Ancient Waters” and “Afton of Margate Castle,” but I’m just guessing. I’m excited about this giveaway!

  3. Injuries sustained in war always elicit sympathy from me. General Seamus Ogilvy from Laura Frantz’s The Mistress of Tall Acre comes to mind.

  4. Terrill Rosado

    This really does sound like a beautiful book. Ironically, I just purchased a copy of Brandy’s first book, The Covered Deep, a couple of weeks ago. I’ve yet to read it, but I’m even more excited to start it now after hearing all of this book’s praise.

    As for a literary character with a physical vulnerability, I am quick to think about Captain Stephen Overtree in Julie Klassen’s A Painter’s Daughter since I just finished it a couple days ago. His facial scar isn’t physically debilitating, but it almost uses it as a barrier to healthy relationships. It’s as if it makes him unlovable.

  5. Tony “Candyman” VanAllen in Beowulf Explosives Detection Dog (A Breed Apart) by Ronie Kendig. I won’t spoil anything about his physcial condition in case some may not have read the book yet, but it definitely impacted me. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. The cover alone makes it worth owning.

  6. The cover is definitely different from the “usual” – so that is a draw. The story line is a draw for me as I can only imagine the sparks that will fly between the fiery Feya and the black & white “rules” world of Alasdair – they are definitely opposites that are bound to attract. And then there is the ill conceived designs of man that freight train into the will of God – and how He can turn all things together for the good for those that love Him . . . now that’s a story that’s hit the top of my TBR pile! Thanks for the blog Rel!!

  7. I know I’ve read several books with characters with physical disabilities, but I’m having a hard time remembering most of them. The one that comes to mind is Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre. It’s interesting how his eventual physical disabilities actually helped free him in a way from his greater emotional disabilities. I just finished reading Mr. Rochester by Cora Holmes. She wrote the book from Rochester’s viewpoint and it really gave a greater insight into his character. I have often found myself frustrated with him in Jane Eyre because I felt he treats her unfairly at times, putting her in uncomfortable situations. But reading it from his perspective gave me more compassion for him.

  8. War Injuries.

  9. I’ve read a lot of books with characters that have physical disabilities such as Kilmeny of the Orchard by LM Montgomery, that inspire me. I love books that help me want be better and inspire me in my own life whether they have characters that have physical disabilities or have to overcome trials. Would love to win this book! The story sounds amazing and the cover art is beautiful!!!

  10. Regina Jennings’s novella “An Unforseen Match” comes to mind, where the heroine is coming to grips with the fact that soon she’ll be unable to see anything, not even light. It was very thought-provoking, especially for a novella.

  11. Several have mentioned war injuries and I’d definitely agree with that. As for a particular character…Sarah Sundin has had several main characters with a physical injury that evoked my sympathy.

    I’ve had the Covered Deep on my Kindle much too long!

  12. I just recently “met” Brandy on another blog where she talked about this book. I had no clue of the books existence nor did I hear of her as an author until then! This sounds like an exquisitely written novel that would stick with me for a long while 🙂 I fell in love with it just by your review Rel, thanks for featuring a new-to-me author!

    Brandy, your book is already on my very long TBR list 🙂

    • I guess I was suppose to answer the question…sorry! I can’t really come up with a literary figure who has impacted me due to a physical weakness or vulnerability. I’d have to think on it a while, lol!

    • Hi, Trixi! I’m so grateful to Rel for featuring Within the Veil! <3

  13. Hadassah in “An Echo in the Darkness” and Roxanna in “The Colonel’s Lady” both come to mind.
    Definitely intrigued by “Within the Veil”!

  14. I like reading books about people that have physical limitations.I can’t think of the titles of any right now.

  15. I enjoy reading stories when characters overcome great obstacles from their past! This sounds like an awesome read! Thanks for a chance to win! Have a blessed day!

  16. In Jody Hedlund’s Hearts Made Whole the hero suffered from drug addiction and alcoholism as a result from being treated for some injury from the civil war (if I remember right), and it made for very interesting character development. I usually like it when characters have some kind of emotional hurdle (which sometimes is a result of a physical one) to get over in order to live life to its fullest. 🙂

  17. We have three children through adoption who all have special needs. They impact me daily as I watch them carry on with grace. I always love characters who have something they have to overcome. . such as a war hero. Becky Wade’s book A Love Like Ours has Jake who is struggling with PTSD.


  18. I just found out I WON a copy of this on another blog!!!!! So please take my name out of the drawing so others have a chance at this beautiful book….thanks Rel! 🙂

  19. In the book A Distant Melody by Sara Sundin the main character Walt is injured in the war. This was surprising considering that he wasn’t already a typical handsome protagonist, that made the story more real.

  20. Can’t wait to read this! I love historical fiction! The gypsy aspect of it reminds of The Red Necklace by Sally Gardner (one of my faves!!) I also recommend Lisa Bergren’s River of Time Series if you like historical fiction 🙂 They are AMAZING!

  21. BRANDY, I LOVED The Covered Deep! I enjoy reading about characters who have something to overcome. I am currently reading through Becky Wade’s Porter series. Jake Porter struggles with PTSD.

  22. Just added this to my Amazon wish list (via your link). Looks really intriguing!

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