Julie Lessman: Discover more…& a giveaway

Julie Lessman


Discover more about

Julie Lessman 

and her historical romance

Surprised by Love



A book character that sticks in my mind is… Why?

Scarlett O’Hara because she’s strong, real, and doesn’t put on airs.

The last book that made me cry was…

This is going to sound weird, but the last book that made me cry was my latest release, Surprised by Love, because I always read my own books when they first come out, and I’m an emotional CDQ (caffeinated drama queen). Which means I’m an author who writes what makes me cry, so blubbering is a natural by-product when I read (or write) one of my own books.

The last book that made me laugh out loud was…

Okay, now I sound like an ego-maniac, but the last book that made me laugh out loud was my own Christmas novella, The Whisper of Hope, that will release November 10 as part of The Seekers (a group blog I belong to) Historical Christmas Collection called Hope for the Holidays. My individual novella is a subplot that was cut from one of my books about two of my most favorite characters—Charity and Mitch Dennehy. The truth is, Charity makes me laugh out loud in every book she’s in, because she’s such a royal hoot—quirky, funny, meddling, and a heart of pure gold.

By the way, I hope readers will check out both Seeker Christmas novellas for only $2.99 each. The Hope for the Holidays Historical Collection features novellas by me, Mary Connealy, Myra Johnson, and Ruth Logan Herne — all award-winning authors. The Hope for the Holidays Contemporary Collection boasts novellas by award-winning authors Audra Harders, Mary Connealy, Sandra Leesmith, Ruth Logan Herne, Tina Radcliffe, and Missy Tippens.

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was…

My little sister, Katie, who’d lay on her bed at night and beg me to read my novel to her when I was 12, the one I started writing after I read Gone With the Wind. That first effort of mine went on to become the basis for my debut novel, A Passion Most Pure, some 40 years later.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…

Oh, gosh, either a psychologist or a motivational speaker, I suppose. Either way, I have a heart to encourage people, especially when it comes to having an intimate relationship with God. But the true desire of my heart is … and has been since the age of twelve … to be an author. And, WOW, to actually be an author who writes for God?? Pinch me!

I write stories because…

To save my marriage. Face it—if I couldn’t channel all that drama and angst into books, my hubby would have walked years ago … 😉

Surpised by LoveSurprised by Love

Shy and unattractive as a child, Megan McClare has always been teased by her classmates. But when she returns home from her senior year in Paris, the wallflower has suddenly blossomed into a beauty.

With ambitions to become a lawyer or doctor, Megan accepts an internship at the district attorney’s office only to discover that she will be working with Devin Caldwell, a boy who mercilessly mocked her at school–and with whom she was hopelessly enamored. She turns to her dear friend Bram Hughes for support and advice. But Bram’s vision is clouded by his sudden unwelcome attraction to a girl he had always thought of as a kid sister. He advises forgiveness, but can he forgive himself for pushing the woman he loves into the arms of another man?

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives…

Sweet. Serious. Fun. Heart-breaking. Spiritual.

My main character is…

Eighteen-year-old Megan McClare is petite with auburn hair in the typical Gibson Girl style of the day, usually up, with aquamarine eyes and freckles hidden by rice powder. A child prodigy of sorts, she is a shy and gentle girl who endured ridicule growing up because of her thick eyeglasses, crooked teeth, and pudgy body. Even though she returns home from Paris as a beauty, she is tentative and insecure around men, still seeing herself as the wallflower she used to be. Incredibly bright, Meg possesses a soft heart for the downtrodden and those ridiculed by others, aspiring to be either a lawyer or doctor to help the disadvantaged women in the Barbary Coast.

My main character resembles….

MegMcClareVictoria Justice, except with auburn hair.

My story’s spiritual theme is…

Rejection, insecurity and guilt can skew our choices, resulting in misery and lack of peace, but acceptance, confidence and faith in God can shape our choices, resulting in contentment and peace.

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was… Why?

A Hallmark movie called Follow the Stars Home because it has everything you want in a great love story—kind and loving heroine, gentle hero, and a wheelchair-bound little girl who is befriended by a young babysitter. Get ready to cry good tears!!

The story I’m currently working on is…

A series called Isle of Hope. It’s a contemporary that I actually started before I ever got published, so I’m hoping it will be the contemp book of my heart like A Passion Most Pure was the historical book of my heart.

I knew I wanted a locale on the Eastern Seaboard, and I’ve always loved Hilton Head and Savannah, so I prayed about it, then checked out a map and was blown away to find Isle of Hope, Georgia and guess what? It’s a REAL place! It’s a small island 15 minutes away from Savannah that is actually a peninsula which becomes an island when the tide comes in.

It’s perfect for my story because it’s a charming little community with a rich history. They actually filmed part of Forrest Gump there and other movies because it’s so pretty.

The Isle of Hope series is all about hope restored — so how appropriate is that? Loosely based on my own life, it’s about woman who has recently come to Christ and the first thing God tells her to do is to heal her relationship with her estranged father. In her teens, she was a wild girl engaged to a pastor’s son who was planning to be a minister … until she runs away, leaving him high and dry. Eight years later, she’s back to make amends to the father she defied, the fiancé she jilted, and the best friend she turned her back on. Only this time, the tables are turned because now she’s the Christian and her ex-fiancé is the bad boy.

You may not know this about me, but I…

I’m not a girly-girl, meaning I’m not big on diamonds and flowers and shopping, contrary to my daughter. In fact, years ago, the diamond in my engagement ring fell out of its setting while I was cleaning, and I never did find it. Told my husband I didn’t want another one because a diamond on your hand just gets caught on fabric and things like that. But oh, boy, cheap costume jewelry, especially dangle earrings? To die for!

I might go all fan girl if I met…

The bands Three Dog Night or Bread.

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to…

Golgotha, in a heartbeat, on the day that Jesus died because if His death has radically changed my life for the better through mere faith, I can’t even imagine the impact of seeing Him carry that cross for me in person.

I get lost in the music when I listen to…

Worship music, especially by David Crowder Band, Phillips, Craig & Dean, and Hillsong.

A long held dream of mine is…

To win a Christy. You see, I fell in love with everything written by Catherine Marshall after I became a Christian at 23, so when I discovered there was a writing award named in her honor, naturally it became a dream of mine. But don’t worry—I’m not holding my breath … ;

How can readers connect with you?

I love to hear from reader friends, so if they like, they can contact me through my website at http://www.julielessman.com, through Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, or Pinterest, and by signing up for my newsletter at http://www.julielessman.com/sign-up-for-newsletter/.

Also, I have a cool blog feature on my website called “Journal Jots” at http://www.julielessman.com/journal-jots1/, which is a very laid-back journal to my reader friends that will give your readers an idea as to my relaxed style of writing. Or readers can check out my favorite romantic and spiritual scenes from each of my books on the “Excerpts” tab of my website at http://www.julielessman.com/excerpts/.

Of course I can be found daily at The Seekers, a group blog of 13 published authors that inspires, encourages, teaches, and informs aspiring writers on the road to publication and beyond. Although Seekerville has been listed on Writers Digest 2013 and 2014 “Best 101 Websites for Writers,” it is also a blog devoted to readers as well, without whom none of us would even be here.

Finally, the following freebie/sales are currently going on:

FREE DOWNLOAD on my debut novel A Passion Most Pure, American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the Yearwith 555 five-star reviews.

99-CENT SALE on my Irish Christmas love story, A Light in the Window—winner of three awards. Here’s the video to give you a peek—ALITW Video.

OCTOBER SALE ON BOOKS 1 & 2 IN THE “HEART OF SAN FRANCISCO” SERIES. In honor of the October release of book 3, Surprised by Love, my publisher is offering discounts from 66-80% on the other two books, Love at Any Cost and Dare to Love Again.

Thanks Julie!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Reviews of Dare to Love AgainLove at Any CostA Light in the WindowA Love SurrenderedA Hope Revealed,  A Hope UndauntedA Passion Most PureA Passion Redeemed & A Passion Denied
Character spotlights on Sean & EmmaCluny & KatieLizzie & Brady and Marceline, Patrick & Sam
Julie’s FamilyFiction Plus
Interview with Julie
Visit Julie’s website
Buy at Amazon: Surprised by Love or Koorong

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157 Responses to Julie Lessman: Discover more…& a giveaway

  1. I haven’t had a chance to read any of Julie’s books yet. but i have heard great things about her!

    • MIA!!!! Say it ain’t so, girlfriend! Goodness, we need to remedy that RIGHT NOW, and I have the perfect solution. If you have an ereader, PLEASE download A Passion Most Pure as a FREE DOWNLOAD everywhere!! It won American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the Year and has 575 five-star reviews, so it’s not a dog, I promise! 🙂

      And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

      Good luck in the contest, and thanks for stopping by.


  2. I think I’ve probably related the most to Faith. Her personality is so much like mine! But I do think there’s a pice in each of Julie’s characters that can be realated to!

    • Hey, KATHRYN, thanks SO much for stopping by! YES, the human condition is so universal that I do think there’s a piece of each of us in the books we read. Of course, my characters may be a wee bit more dramatic and stubborn than most, but then they come by it naturally, I’m afraid. 😐

      Believe it or not, I actually wrote the final heroine in the O’Connor series — Annie from A Love Surrendered — as a younger “Faith” who turns back to God with all of her heart after she is mentored by … you guessed it … Faith O’Connor!! I did that to bring the family saga full circle, so to speak, so I hope you got a chance to read that one. And if not? Maybe you’ll win it here … 😉


  3. I think I relate most to Marcy O’Connor. As a wife and mother who works hard to keep her family together and keep God at the center of it, I feel she’s most like me.

    • Hey, LIZ, spoken like a woman after my own heart! Because you see, in actuality, Marcy and Patrick’s marriage is based on my own, which means most of the drama you see in their subplots is gleaned from my own life — embellished, of course, by this CDQ herself! 😉 So Marcy’s actions often find their roots in my own.:)

      As a matter of fact, one night many years past, I had a friend over for dinner, and she and my hubby were talking in the kitchen. “I just loved Julie’s book, A Passion Most Pure,” she tells my husband, but then scrunches her nose a wee bit. “The only thing that I didn’t really like was how sweet Marcy surprise attacks Patrick in bed after he comes home from the bar. I don’t know,” she says with a shrug, “I just found that a little hard to believe.” My husband takes a drink of his Diet Coke, never missing a beat. “Believe it,” he says, eyes smiling over the rim of the glass. Sigh. The poor guy is always nervous when he reads my books because he never knows when he’s going to find himself and our personal life on the pages. 🙂

      Thanks for coming by, Liz, and GOOD LUCK in the contest!


  4. It’s been awhile since I’ve read the “Daughters of Boston” series, but I think that I most identified with Lizzie in book three – book loving, shy, liking someone that doesn’t see her in the same way.

    • Hi, LORAINE! Yes, Lizzie was actually my sweetest heroine, along with Emma, before I wrote Surprised by Love, but now I have to say that Meg McClare is the sweetest. Which is actually pretty odd since I tend to favor spunky, sassy heroines, so I didn’t really expect to like Meg all that much. But, WHOA, did that girl change my mind!! Now she is one of my MOST favorite heroines, so I hope she becomes one of yours too!! 🙂


  5. I think many of us who try to maintain a Christian home and deal with the issues that face us daily will certainly identify with Marcy O’Connor.
    Thank you for this giveaway and Julie, I hope that you will soon have your own Christy!!

    • You are MORE than welcome, CONNIE, and thank YOU for coming by! And, yes, I would love to win a Christy, but honestly, I kinda see that dream a little bit like my dreams as a little girl. You see, I always wanted to grow up to be either Miss America or a Southern belle — sweet pipe dreams never meant to be.

      I cannot tell you just HOW many Halloweens I dressed up like Miss America!! With ten girls in our family, there were always prom dresses galore, so I’d wear one of my older sister’s prom dress with a ribbon sash I made myself with glitter and one of my sister’s tiaras. And then, of course, I’d practice Scarlett O’Hara poses in the mirror with that haughty air and raised eyebrow more times than I can count.

      Sigh. But at the ripe, old age of 63, I have finally matured (a little) because now I can honestly say and almost mean it, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a darn.” 😉


  6. Julie has so many wonderful sounding books and the covers really pull me in, but I am sorry to say I have not read any yet. I do have “A Light in the Window” and plan on reading it before this year is over, I just get so much going on and if I start a series of books I like to read them together, if they are all released by the time I start them.


    • WENDY, NO!!! I recognize your name and honestly thought you had read some of my books before, girl, so WOW, we need to light a fire under you, and hopefully “A Light in the Window” (which is a candle) will do just that! 😉

      And I HIGHLY encourage you to download A Passion Most Pure for FREE now while it lasts. Word is the freebie giveaway on that book will end by year’s end. And if you’d rather not get into a six-book series right away, then you might want to consider downloading the first two books in my latest 3-book series, Love at Any Cost and Dare to Love Again, both on sale ONLY through tomorrow for 66% to 80% off at prices of $2.51 and $3.82 or less. 🙂

      Hope you enjoy ALITW! Let me know if you do and post a review so I can enter you in my newsletter contest, okay? And if you don’t like it … uh, never mind. 😉


      • I KNOW, I KNOW, I am SOOOO ashamed! lol I have so many book shelves and stacks of unread books, not counting the many, many on my Kindle that I get lost when I look for one to read. I will download “A Passison Most Pure” and promise to try to read ALITW ‘REAL’ soon. I really want the others and I will get them in time. I always post reviews on my blog and on GoodReads, Amazon, CBD, Books-a-Million and B&N. I also put the books I’ve read on my pinterest.


        • LOL … I can see I’ve applied the appropriate amount of guilt, young lady, so I will forgive you. IF … you promise to read A Light in the Window before Christmas (since it’s basically a Christmas story). It’s shorter than my other books and since it’s a prequel to A Passion Most Pure, it would be best to read it first, okay?

          And then … if you like it, it will be a breeze to get through A Passion Most Pure, WHICH you will download before the end of the year, YES????



  7. I can identify with Faith in “Love Most Pure”

  8. I don’t relate directly to any of Julie’s characters – they are all much stronger than me! but I love reading her stories because the female character IS so strong and doesn’t let the world around her tell her how she must act – they are my inspiration 😉

    • LOL, KIM … talk about throwing the gauntlet down, girl! Now you’ve done it — gone and challenged me to write a character you can truly relate to. Have you read all of my books, I wonder? Because if you don’t consider yourself “strong,” you would probably relate best to Lizzie in A Passion Denied, Emma in A Heart Revealed, and Megan in my latest novel, Surprised by Love. Let me know if you read any of those and relate, okay?

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK, girlfriend! 🙂

      • Julie
        No, I have not read ALL your books – and just bought “A Passion Denied” on your recommendation 😉 (plus my granddaughter’s name is Lizzie, so that clenched it!). Life (and faith) has a way of making you stronger, even if it doesn’t come naturally, so I know I am stronger than my perception of myself. I will be sure to let you know what I think of Lizzie in your story.

        • YAY, KIM — THANK YOU for picking APD up, and I hope you enjoy it. I do believe that particular book was Rel’s favorite, too, or at least Brady (the hero) is a top pick of hers among all my other heroes.

          Two of my favorite things about APD are the Marcy and Patrick subplot — heart-wrenching and actually based loosely on a situation between my hubby and me in our marriage — and then the close friendship between Collin and Brady (the hero). The deep love and loyalty gets this weepy CDQ every single time. 🙂

          Hope you enjoy it.

          Hugs and happy reading!

  9. I have not read any of her books….yet! Look forward to adding her to my authors.

  10. I am a new reader to Julie Lessman. I enjoy reading Christian Historical though; so this would be a new read for me. Thank you for the opportunity. christyjc(at)bellsouth(dot)net

    • CHRISTY, YAY, another potential reader!!! I’ll tell you what, girl, I’m in high cotton today because you are the FOURTH person here who’s never read any of my books, which means you get to meet the O’Connors or McClares for the very first time if you so choose to read my books!!

      And how can you resist with a FREE DOWNLOAD on my award-winning debut novel, A Passion Most Pure, which won American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the year and currently has 575 five-star reviews on Amazon. WITH A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!! 😉

      And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

    • That’s a skillful answer to a dicuifflt question

  11. What a fun interview, Julie and Relz!! Thank you!!

    God always knows best – I’m thrilled that you weren’t Miss America, can’t imagine my life without the inspiration of all that drama, passion and angst from your books. And as for the Christy, as long as you have breath – it’s within reach, all in God’s timing. Perhaps with the “Isle of Hope” trilogy – I just know they are going to be “special” novels!!

    You already know what my reaction would be to the career change – you’d make a wonderful psychologist (one of my fave subjects, also), however, your strength lies in the charisma God gave you to motivate and “draw people in” through your life experiences via speaking. Writing and speaking – why not a little of both?? My feeling is that your passion would come across even more strongly in person, than in your masterfully inspiring writing – as impossible as that may sound!!

    OK – down from my “soapbox”, LOL!! Seriously, Julie – your writing touches me in a way that no other does, God gave you a unique talent all your own!! I laugh and cry, with each book – just as you do – and each of your books holds a special place in my heart!! Love you and love your books!!

    P.S. Please make room for me in your chariot on your trip back in time to Golgotha – we’ll play some “Bread” on the way!!

    Shared post!!

    • LOL, BONNIE … sweet torture, my friend, like a drip … drip … drip of the Holy Spirit, nudging me into other directions. Don’t think I don’t take YOUR gut feelings serious, girl, because I do. You have an anointing on you like few others I’ve seen. 🙂

      You said: “My feeling is that your passion would come across even more strongly in person.”

      LOL … and that’s a good thing??? Not according to my speech professor in college. He said, and I quote (or paraphrase after all these years, maybe), “Julie, as a speech teacher, it’s my job to motivate and teach people how to infuse more passion and flair into their speech. In all my years of teaching, I have never had to tone anybody down … until you.” I’m happy to say that I did get an “A” in that class, despite my CDQ oratorical style! 😉

      You NEVER fail to bless the socks off of me, Bonnie, and I am SO grateful God allowed our paths to cross, my friend!

      Hugs and more hugs!

      • What does he know, LOL, can’t get too much passion re: God!! I’m just thinking what an inspiration it would be to see God working in people’s lives – first hand!! And you no longer need that Miss America crown, dear lady – we already know you’re beautiful, inside and out!!

  12. P.P.S. I’m not entering the contest as I already have “Surprised By Love”, only wanted to comment!!

  13. I think I relate to Annie the most because at that time that I read it, I was exactly her age. I felt like her because everyone also saw me as innocent and a goody two shoes, but there was a mischievous side to me, still is… 🙂

    • HA! I bet I would LOVE that “mischievous side to you,” MARISSA, because that always adds a dash of spice to a book, heroines like that. 🙂 Hopefully that young mischief has been shaped and molded by God into an adult who is bubbling with passion for her Creator!! 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  14. Love, love, LOVE all of Julie’s books! My sassy mouth makes me relate to Charity the most, although I lack her feminine wiles to make the boys drool. I wish I were more like Faith in her steadfast devotion to God. So excited about reading Surprised By Love. Can. Not. Wait!

    • AMY!!! A kindred soul, my friend, in you relating to Charity!! She is actually one of my favorite characters because she is SO real and down to earth despite her plotting tendencies, not to mention a royal hoot who ALWAYS makes me laugh! 😉 I don’t have her looks or feminine wiles either, but the smart mouth and brain that never shuts down??? Me to a T! 🙂

      Thanks SO much for reading my books, Amy, and if you have never posted a review before, I hope you will consider doing some so I can enter you in my contest to have a character named after you in my next book. All it takes is a brief review (2 or 3 lines) saying you liked my books (if you honestly did), and it can even be one generic review that you post over and over on various sites. BUT … if posting reviews is not your cup of tea, NO WORRIES!! I’m just so very grateful you read my books in the first place, my friend. 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  15. Gail Hollingsworth

    I agree with another commentator. I think most of us can find a little of ourselves in each character.

  16. Thanks for a chance to win.

  17. I guess maybe Faith… though bits in others. Looking forward to SBL!

    • Hey, CYNDI, thanks SO much for reading my books, and I hope you like SBL as much as I do — hands-down the sweetest heroine I’ve ever written … AND the most surprising because she turned the tables on me.

      Originally it was to be an ugly-duckling-turned-swan who gets retribution against the bully school heartthrob who used to make fun of her, but you know what? Meg is SOOO darn sweet and kind, that she flat-out wouldn’t let me go there, so it changed the entire course of the story!! Now THAT’s a powerful character! 😉

      Hugs and good luck!

      • As long as she ends up with Bram, we’re good! hehe. Actually, I may find myself identifying a lot with Meg… except for the coming back from Paris as the beautiful swan. 🙂

  18. i wouldn’t know because I’ve never read the book
    I love true storie!
    Thanks for the Free giveaway

    • DANIE … YAY!!! Fresh blood … 😉

      SOOO glad you haven’t read any of my books yet because that only means you get to meet the O’Connors or McClares for the very first time if you do, so I’m excited!!

      And, girl, are you in luck!! Because NOW you can get a FREE DOWNLOAD on my award-winning debut novel, A Passion Most Pure, which won American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the year and currently has 575 five-star reviews on Amazon at the moment. And all this WITH A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!! 😉

      And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  19. It is hard to pick a character that I most relate with because unlike Julie and her characters I am not a drama queen 🙂 I think I can relate in each characters struggle with faith, each characters struggle with a spouse and each characters feistiness. Each of Julie’s books brings me a new “favorite” character! Love them all and am definitely looking forward to more!

    Julie @ My Favorite Pastime

  20. I have only read one of her books so far. I need to read more to see which one I can relate to more.

    • YES, AMY C, YOU DO!!! I am assuming you read A Passion Most Pure? If not, then you need to download that one for free here OR on any site of your choosing:


      And then if you like that one, my Christmas book, A Light in the Window, is only 99 cents and has won multiple awards. Here’s the video my artist hubby created for it, using my daughter as the model on both the book and in the video:


      FINALLY, if you don’t win a free one here, there are lots of other giveaway opportunities on my website calendar at the following link, so GOOD LUCK!!



  21. I think I would be most like Emma. Though our stories are not the same, much is.
    Thank you for the giveaway! I love your writing style, Julie! Love the passion that you DON’T leave out… because passion is so very real and such a part of who we are as humans! lol!
    Kelly Y

    • YAY, KELLY … a fellow “passion” lover … I SOOOO appreciate you!! So many people object to my “passion,” both romantically and sometimes spiritually, which always shocks me. God is the Creator of “passion,” and I think it stinks that the world uses this God-given gift to promote sin. Why not use it to promote HIM instead??? Which is exactly what I am trying to do. 🙂 THANK YOU for your support, my friend! 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  22. I love Marcy a lot. And Cassidy. And all of them. Those are probably the two I identify with most, but of course, Charity remains one of my favorites – gotta love sharing a name with someone!

    • CHARITY!!! Every time I see your name pop up, I smile!! And, YES, gotta love sharing a name with that girl because she is a true hoot, isn’t she???

      Did you know she and Mitch have a Christmas novella releasing on November 10??? It’s part of the Seekers Christmas anthology called HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS HISTORICAL COLLECTION. Here’s the link if you want to check it out, and I hope you do:


      Thanks for coming by, sweetie, and hope to see you again. 🙂


  23. I am ashamed to say…. I can’t remember any names of the characters but I have read several of Julies books. The one series had me madder than a wet hen! Think it was Chsrity!

    • LOL, MEL … HAD to be Charity … she’s the one that ticks everybody off, at least in the beginning. But after the 2nd book??? She gets funnier and funnier and is SUCH a hoot, that she’s one of my favorite characters!!

      Hope things are going well for you, my friend, and here’s to a win!!


  24. I’ve really enjoyed your blog, so revealing and yet, fun. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your great books.

    • Hey, FAITH, thank YOU for reading it, my friend, and “fun” is my middle name, along with “crazy” and “CDQ” (Caffeinated Drama Queen), so I hope your give one of my books a chance.

      In fact, I encourage you to download my debut novel A PASSION MOST PURE for FREE at http://amzn.to/10CkX96 or wherever you buy your books online. Not only is the heroine’s name “Faith,” but it won American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the Year and has 575 five-star reviews, so it’s not a dog, I promise! 🙂

      And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      And then if you like that one, my Christmas book, A Light in the Window, is only 99 cents and has won multiple awards. Here’s the video my artist hubby created for it, using my daughter as the model on both the book and in the video:


      FINALLY, if you don’t win a free one here, there are lots of other giveaway opportunities on my website calendar at the following link, so GOOD LUCK!!



  25. I have savored every title by Julie Lessman. (I’m still waiting to read A Light in the Window and Surprised by Love.) Each story captures you. I can’t peg down one character that I relate to the most. I believe every leading lady has qualities and moments that are relate-able. I fell in love with the O’Connor family!

    • PIPPI!!! Thank you SOOOO much for reading most of my books, but WOW, if you love the O’Connors, I am a wee bit surprised you haven’t read A Light in the Window yet since it’s on sale for 99 cents. ESPECIALLY since it’s a Christmas story and Christmas is less than two months away, yes???

      To whet your appetite AND to give you a glimpse of what Patrick and Sam might look like, here’s the video my artist hubby created for it, using my daughter as the model on both the book and in the video:


      Thanks again, you sweet thing, for reading my books, and here’s to a win so I can send you a signed copy of Surprised by Love!! 🙂


  26. I always felt a special connection to Lizzie… I understand her quiet, bookish ways. 🙂

    • Aw, ANNA, you seem sweet like Lizzie to me, and Meg! I happen to LOVE sweet, quiet, bookish people because they calm me down. 🙂

      Here’s hoping we can pull out a win for you, sweetie!


  27. Have read and LOVED all of Julie’s books so far…..looking forward to reading SBL!
    I think Faith is my fave character!
    Keep up the great writing, Julie…..love and appreciate you!
    jacsmi75 at gmail dot com

    • JACKIE!!! Always great to see you, my friend, and I hope you like SBL as much as I do! Meg is a real sweetheart, and so is Bram, and there story is sweet.

      Now … Cait & Logan??? Not so sweet, but it will keep you hopping, I promise! 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!

  28. I am not sure which character I relate to the most, but I know I absolutely LOVED the Daugters of Boston series. It is, hands down, one of my FAVORITES!!! They were written perfectly!

    • AW, MACKENZIE, what a sweet thing to say, my friend, THANK YOU!!

      My favorite of the DOB series is Charity’s story (gotta love that Mitch!), and my favorite over all is Katie’s story, A Hope Undaunted, so I hope you enjoyed the 2nd series too. To me AHU has everything I want in a novel — a passionate love story, deep friendship, and an intricate family plot where you get an indepth look into the personality of each O’Connor as well as the dynamics of a large family.

      Thanks for coming by and GOOD LUCK!!


  29. I don’t really relate to any of Julie’s leading ladies, but I sure enjoy reading about them. The O’Connor family are my favorites but I do like the new series too. I’ve only read the first book, Love at Any Cost, so far so I don’t know the McClare’s as well.

    • LOL, PAM!! Well, if I have to choose between you enjoying or relating, NO CONTEST!! 😉

      And I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you that TODAY — OCT. 31 — is the LAST day for the mega sale on books 1 and 2 in the Heart of San Francisco series, in honor of the release of book 3, Surprised by Love this month!

      So if there was ever a time to purchase Dare to Love Again, it’s today for only $3.82, and Love at Any Cost for only $2.51.

      And fingers crossed that you will pull out a win, my friend!


  30. Hi Julie! I felt a connection with two of your leading ladies. Emma and Lizzie. They both had a quietness, a shyness, about them that reminds me a lot of myself, particularly when I was younger, though I still revert back to that at times. But I’ve loved EVERY ONE of your heroines and look forward to reading Meg’s story. Blessings, my friend!


  31. Oh, Julie, you are such a faithful blessing to your readers. Thank you for taking the time to respond to each comment. I know it is something you always do but I want you to know how valuable and appreciated it is 🙂

    Bless you xo

    • Hey, REL, to be honest, it’s one of my favorite things to do — connect with reader friends — so other than time parameters, this is NO hardship!! And my reader friends have been SUCH a blessing to me, that it’s a pleasure to pop in and see them, along with potential new readers, so thank YOU for the opportunity!


  32. Faith is the character I most relate to… loving the bad boy now redeemed especially! 🙂

    • Hey, MERRY — yeah, Faith wins hands-down in this contest (as does Collin when pitted against my other heroes), so I understand why A Passion Most Pure is still a favorite with my reader friends.

      And ya gotta love those “bad boys,” eh? God sure does! 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  33. I have not read any book by Julie Lessman yet, but I have heard great things about her characters and her stories! I grabbed “A Passion Most Pure” and I cannot wait to read it! Thank you so much!! 🙂 I am not sure if I can enter the giveaway since I am international, but I enjoyed reading the interview! 🙂

    • YAY, MARIA … thank you SO much for “grabbing” A Passion Most Pure — MUCH appreciated!! And if you like it and post a review, let me know so I can enter you in my newsletter contest, okay? But if you don’t like … uh, well … never mind! 😉

      And OF COURSE you can enter if your international, my friend — some of my favorite reader friends are international, so your name goes in the hat too! The only stipulation for international is an ebook instead of a paperback, so hopefully that will work for you if you win. And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

      • Oh, that’s great Julie! I like to write reviews of the books I read! It also helps me with my English. I am Italian and writing reviews is a good exercise! I will definitely let you know! 🙂

        Thank you so much for this chance!! I have a Kindle, so the ebook is fine with me 🙂

        Thanks again!!

        • YAY!!! SOOOOO glad, and here’s to a win!! 🙂


          P.S. I have a grouchy (but handsome) police detective in book 2 of the Heart of San Francisco series, Dare to Love Again, primarily because other than all my Irish heroes in my other books, I think Italian men make some of the MOST swoon-worthy heroes!! 😉

      • I had no idea how to approach this beonoe-frw I’m locked and loaded.

  34. I haven’t read any of your book as yet. But I have download your first book, I just found some of your other book the library. So now I can read your other books. I love finding new authors to read or to add to my ever growing TBR list.


      OKAY, whatever you do, make SURE you read A Passion Most Pure first, okay? My series, although they can be read as stand-alones, are really best read in order due to a number of big surprises in book 1, A Passion Most Pure.

      Other than that??? HAPPY READING and I hope you like them!! And if you do and post a review, let me know so I can enter you in my newsletter contest to have a character named after you in my next book, okay? And if you don’t like them … uh, then never mind. 😉


  35. I am not sure I have not read any of your books that I know of but would definitely love to!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

    • Hey, SHARON, trust me — I would LOVE for you to read them too!! And, GOOD NEWS — you can!! If you have an ereader, PLEASE download A Passion Most Pure as a FREE DOWNLOAD, available everywhere!! It won American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the Year and has 575 five-star reviews, so it’s not a dog, I promise! 🙂

      And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  36. Ooh Julie, I just love the sound of your contemporary story! I bet it will be just as good as your historicals and readers will be blessed to read it. Bless you heaps!

    • ELLIE!!! SO good to see you, my friend, and the contemporary is definitely something NEW for me. Trust me — I’ve had to contact my 26-year-old daughter more than once on the correct terminology for 20-somethings!! 🙂

      Thanks for coming by!

      Hugs and more hugs,

  37. I’d say I probably relate most to Beth / Lizzie…

    • Hey, JESSICA, then you are going to love, Love, LOVE Meg in Surprised by Love because she is, by far, my sweetest heroine yet, similar to Lizzie, yet even sweeter.

      Good luck in the contest!


  38. Megan is my kind of girl. I haven’t read one of your books yet but A Passion Most Pure
    is waiting on my Kindle…

    • Hey, DK, I’ll tell you what, girl, I’m thrilled you’ve never read my books before because that just means you get to meet the O’Connors or McClares for the very first time if you so choose!!

      And how can you resist with a FREE DOWNLOAD on my award-winning debut novel, A Passion Most Pure, which won American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the year and currently has 575 five-star reviews on Amazon. WITH A MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE!! 😉

      And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      So, I encourage you to download it, and if you like it and post a review, let me know, and I will enter you in my newsletter contest to have a character named after you, okay?

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  39. I would like to think that I relate most to Marcy 0″Connor. I loved her! I would say that I fall way short of being as good as the people in your books, but really, that is due to my own shortcomings. Julie, your characters are very real and honest, and I am ALWAYS blessed when I read your stories.

    • Hey, DEB, I’d say we ALL fall short of the heroes and heroines in my books since this is romance — more “Calgon, take me away” vs. women’s fiction, which is slice of life. But … the good news is that “when we are weak, He is strong,” which if you think about it, is JUST where God wants us — depending on Him!!

      That’s one of the lessons God really drummed into my head when I wrote A Passion Denied. John Brady was a Godly and kind hero who beat himself up for weaknesses he still had after devoting a lifetime to God. But through a conversation with Father Mac, Brady learns that King David committed both murder and adultery — and THIS from a man who was on fire for God most of his life too — and yet, he’s the only one in the Bible God referred to as “a man after God’s own heart.” That lesson stuck with me, making me realize no matter HOW much I fail as a Christian — and I do, daily!! — God loves me JUST AS I AM, and longs for me to depend on His strength and righteousness rather than my own. Which is good because I don’t have any without Him!! 😉

      Thank you SO much for reading my books, my friend, and it is I who is “blessed” to have precious reader friends like you!!

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  40. Can’t wait for your new series Julie! 🙂

    • ELIZABETH!!! SO good to see you here, my friend!! Hope all is well in NZ!!

      Unfortunately, the “wait” will be a lot longer for my next series since I took almost a year off for a spiritual sabbatical, but I do hope to put out several novellas next year (hopefully three — one about Lizzie and Brady, one about Blake McClare, and one about Jamie MacKenna’s sister, Jess. And then, of course, Mitch & Charity’s Christmas novella releases in nine days!! ;)). But we’ll see. 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK, my sweet friend!

  41. I see myself as Megan. I was shy but still see myself as that way.

    • Hey, APRUL … Megan actually is pretty shy, although she does come out of it a wee bit in Surprised by Love. 🙂 But I have several sweet and shy characters in my crew of heroines, such as Emma Malloy from A Heart Revealed and Lizzie O’Connor from A Passion Denied.

      Thanks for coming by and here’s to a win!!


  42. LOVED this interview! Julie, you definitely deserve that Christy!
    I’ve probably related most to Faith and Lizzie but I love them all!

    • Aw, thanks, ABS, but I think you may be a wee bit prejudiced since we love the same kind of story, but I sure wish you were on the committee, girl, I’ll tell you that! 😉

      Always love seeing your name pop up, my sweet friend, so thanks for coming by!

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  43. Marcy O’Connor a mother who wants the best for her family. Desires them to seek God in every thing they do.

    • Hey, ABS … good to see you here, girl, and I agree Marcy is a great mom! Way better than I ever was, but I’ve learned from her, so it’s all good now. 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK, my friend!

  44. OOOOOO!!!!!!…. Isle of Hope sounds amazing! CanNOT wait to read that series as well Julie!

    • SALYNA!!! Trust me, girl, I’m gonna want you to be one of the first ones to read it, too, because I will be DYING to see what you come up with for celebrity pix. 🙂

      Thanks for coming by, my friend — always LOVE seeing you!!

      Hugs and good luck!

  45. I haven’t read any of her books but my wife has. I would like to win the book for her.

  46. I just downlaodeded A Passion Most Pure. I think Meg is the heroine that I relate to. Thanx for the giveaway. I’m looking forward to reading more of your works. I’ve enjoyed reading the comments and your responses!

    • JENNIFER!!! BLESS YOU, girlfriend, and I hope you enjoy it. If you do and post a review, be sure to let me know so I can enter you in my newsletter contest to have a character named after you in my next book and a signed copy, okay? And if you don’t like it … uh, well … never mind! 😉

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  47. Katie O’Connor from A Hope Undaunted. I’ve learned that the best laid plans can change. She was just so fun too!

    • Thanks, KELLY, I loved Katie, too, although she was patterned more after my daughter than myself. And, of course, there’s Luke!! Sigh. He and Mitch are my faves. 🙂

      Good luck in the contest!!


  48. I probably relate to Meg McClare the most. In the beginning she is awkward, chubby and insecure. I can definitely relate to her. I’m Actually the opposite my favorite character but that’s why I love her so much. Allison McClare holds my complete adoration because she speaks her mind and doesn’t take any guff. I love her! Love all of your characters Miss Julie! Love you too. <3:-)

    • WANDA!!! I definitely would have pegged you as a Meg or Lizzie because you strike me as SO sweet and gentle!! Of course, if your favorite character is Alli, then that means you have potential to wield a mean stick if you get mad enough, I guess, so I sure don’t plan to cross you! 😉

      I love you, too, Wanda, and am SO glad God caused our paths to cross, my friend!


      • Miss Julie you KNOW I’m sweet and gentle and I relate to Meg so much. I love Alli because she has the gumption and spunk I WISH I had! I’m too tame for my own good! I need to be able to wield a stick like Alli can! LOL

        I’m very Blessed by your friendship, Miss Julie! Youre a true treasure!


  49. I love Christian fiction, so I’ve really enjoyed “meeting” Julie. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity as well. I look forward to soon discovering which character I most relate to. Blessings!

    • AMANDA!!! I just LOVE meeting new (potential) readers, girl, so bring it on!!

      In fact, I encourage you to download my debut novel A PASSION MOST PURE for FREE at http://amzn.to/10CkX96 or wherever you buy your books online. I’m happy to say it won American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the Year and has 578 five-star reviews on Amazon, so it’s not a dog, I promise! 🙂

      And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      And then if you like that one, my Christmas book, A Light in the Window, is only $2.99 and has won multiple awards. Here’s the video my artist hubby created for it, using my daughter as the model on both the book and in the video:



  50. Hello Relz. Thanks for having Julie. She write very interesting books. Hi Julie. I think I would pick Marcy. Family is all important. I would love to win your new book. Know it will be good. And, you made me laugh about driving your husband away if not releasing those good stories. LOL By the way, still never had a chance to be in Downton Abbey. Ha! Please put me in Relz for a chance to win. GOD bless you both.

  51. I have read some of Julie’s books and have loved every one of them. I look forward to reading more 🙂

  52. I love your books. I especially enjoyed the first series that you wrote. I haven’t had a chance to read the next series that you wrote but they are on my list. Also looking forward to reading this series. I know they will be good also. Thank you for the opportunity to register for this giveaway. I hope I win.

    • Thanks SO much, BRENDA — really appreciate you reading the DOB series!! I have to admit, my favorite of ALL the books I’ve written is book 1 of the Winds of Change series, A Hope Undaunted, which is Katie’s story and Cluny McGee’s. To me, this story is what the O’Connors are all about, giving you inside glimpses into each of their lives and hearts through a tragedy that happens. I hope you get the chance to read it, and if you win here, I can send it to you! 🙂

      GOOD LUCK!

  53. Yes now it will let me before there was no submit. Thanks for the help and a chance to win.

  54. I just finished Love at Any Cost, I’m finishing Dare to Love Again and am looking forward to reading Surprised by Love very much! Thank you for the opportunity to win your book, Mrs. Lessman. I pray that the Lord will grow you continually in Him. <3

    • Thanks SO much, DANIELLE, for reading my books, and if you liked them and post a review, please let me know so I can enter you in my newsletter contest to name a character after you in my next book and a signed copy, okay? And thank you SO much for your prayers — I covet them, my friend. 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  55. Oh, and, so far, I think I’ve related most to Alli in Dare to Love Again, but I have a feeling I’m going to relate more to Meg when I read SBL. 😉 Felt like that awkward girl in high school and (a couple years later) I feel like I’m still in the process of blooming. Haha

  56. Dawnelle Anderson

    I love Julie’s books and would love to win a copy of her new one. Keep on writing

  57. Dawnelle Anderson

    I just realized I was supposed to comment on which lady I relate to most. I think I relate to Katie O’Conner with determination to get what I want and a little spunk

  58. Perhaps Annie Kennedy who is sweet and innocent, yet possesses a spine of steel. As the youngest of my family it’s frustrating when some still treat me like a child. I guess it does not help matters that I look so young. 😀 I don’t claim to know it all because clearly, only God does. However, He has given me the gifts of eloquence through music, writing and, when I need it, public speaking. The first time that I met my 1st voice teacher I came across as a quiet girl with big brown eyes. By the time I left for school to pursue music, I’d undergone a transformation. I mean, it’s not that my personality changed, but that I had matured because of her tutelage and encouragement. Every time when I am down or am lacking the courage to keep moving forward, I simply recall her words to me. She told me that I had spunk! I suppose that’s why I can relate.. 😉

    • Hey, JULIANNA, you are SO right — Annie is a wonderful mix of sweet and spunk, so I like you already! You sound like a very talented and special young lady, and I’m anxious to see how you relate to Meg, because you sound a bit like her too. 🙂

      Anyway, thanks for coming by, sweetie, and GOOD LUCK!!


  59. I don’t think I’ve read any of Julie’s books yet, but I’d love to win one & read it!

    • Hey, KATHY, thank YOU for coming by because I LOVE to meet new readers, because it’s SO fun to introduce them to the O’Connors in the Daughters of Boston and Winds of Change series.

      I strongly encourage you to download my debut novel A PASSION MOST PURE for FREE at http://amzn.to/10CkX96 or wherever you buy your books online. Not only did it win American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Book of the Year, but it has 580 five-star reviews, so it’s not a dog, I promise! 🙂

      And if you DON’T have an ereader, you can always download a free Kindle app that will allow you to read APMP on your PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, or Droid, so let me know if you want the link, okay?

      FINALLY, if you don’t win a free book here, there are lots of other giveaway opportunities on my website calendar at the following link, so GOOD LUCK!!



  60. I’d have to go with the determination and spunk of Katie, but I also love the bookish Lizzie. Thanks for a great interview Rel and Julie!

  61. I think I can relate most to Faith. Even when others let her down or things don’t go the way she thought they were going to, she relies and trusts in God. I also keep reminding myself that God has an unique plan designed for us and even the most mundane thing that happens to us is part of an intricate design only He can see!

  62. I can’t wait for the new series!

  63. I have read a few of Julie’s novels and I inhale them! I probably mostly also related to Faith (or at least I aspire to be like her), but I really want to know more about the McClares. I love the O’Connors but the back story of Cait and Logan is enthralling! Needless to say then, I would love to win this particular book. :o)

    • Hey, JESSICA, if you think Cait and Logan’s story is “enthralling,” then you need to buckle up, girl, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride in book 3. But as always, I promise an ending that will put a smile on your face and a sigh on your lips. In fact, I’ve had several readers write me to say the ending was so good, they read it twice. Never heard that on a book before, so I’m guessing Cait and Logan are the reason. 🙂 After three years and three books of dancing around their attraction, I finally get to seal the deal. YAY!! 😉

      Good luck and HAPPY READING when you do get your mitts on it, my friend. 🙂


  64. So I would say I relate to Marcy, being a mother who loves her kids and tries to teach them right from wrong and to love and rely on God. And Lizzie because I can also be quite and was more shy when I was younger oh and I LOVE to read. I could probably find other similarities but those were the first few that came to mind. I have to say I love Cassie and Ally’s spunk.

    • Gosh, LISA, you cover a pretty wide range there, girlfriend, which makes you sound VERY interesting yourself! 🙂 I will say that Meg is closer to Lizzie’s and Emma’s sweet shyness than Cassie’s and Alli’s spunk, so she should win your heart like she won mine. I tend to like lots of sass and spunk in my heroines, so I wasn’t sure Meg would be one of my faves, but she made a believer out of me. She’s ended up being not only one of my favorite characters I’ve written, but the type of person I would like to be friends with.

      I’m anxious to see what you think. 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  65. I can’t wait to read this new book! I’ve read all the Boston girls books and loved them all!
    I’d have to say I relate most to Lizzie. Quiet, shy, although I’ve come out of my shell in recent years.
    I love the differences in all your characters. And when you describe the men…hubba hubba.
    Keep writing and I’ll keep reading!

    • LOL, AMY … “hubba hubba,” indeed! I’m rather partial to my guys too, and actually quite proud that each one is is own man and unique unto himself. In the beginning I worried all my heroes would sound the same, but somehow they all came out pretty different, in my opinion, which makes them all the more special to me. Glad you like them too. 🙂

      Hugs and GOOD LUCK in the contest!

  66. The last 6 or so years that I have been a great fan of your books have made a huge impact in my life. Not only am I a picky reader now (if it’s not as good as a Julie Lessman book, it doesn’t get read) but I am also a picky future husband chooser. By that I mean that found a few gems for myself from your books..such as he must love God with a passion, I must not put any guy (or anybody at all) before God, I must also be open to what God has in store for me. Anyway, keep doing those amazing, inspiring stories coming our way!

    • 🙂 Yep, she has great lessons in her books!

    • Oh, WOW, DANA … I think your comment just may have made my night … my week … and very possibly my month. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!! To know that my books have impacted you spiritually as they have is the greatest compliment and blessing an author can receive, so I am incredibly grateful for your encouragement and support! You keep those standards high, my friend, because we have a generous God who blesses accordingly. 🙂

      Hugs and more hugs,

    • Whoops, DANA, I typed my response to your comment below, so forgive me. It’s pretty late and I’m a little foggy. 🙂


    • DANA … I keep trying to post my response below your comment, but for some reason, it won’t let me, but I’ll try ONE. MORE. TIME! If this works and appears below your comment, then please check below for my initial response to your sweet comment, okay?


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