Katie Ganshert: Discover more…and a giveaway

Katie GanshertwdeDiscover more about

Katie Ganshert

and her contemporary novel

The Art of Losing Yourself

Waterbrook Multnomah


A book character that sticks in my mind is… Why?

Hadassah from Francine Rivers’ Mark of the Lion trilogy because no other fictional character has inspired, encouraged, and challenged me in my faith like she has!

The last book that made me cry was…

The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron!

The last book that made me laugh out loud was…

I haven’t had much time to read lately, so the one that pops to mind is Melissa Tagg’s e-short, One December Night, even though I read it back in December! Her books always make me laugh out loud.

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by…

Becky Wade! She’s definitely a personal favourite of mine. I call her the Queen of Romance, because no book can make me swoon like a Becky Wade book.

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was…

My parents! I used to write stories all the time as a little girl and they would listen to every single one as I read them out loud.

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…

Hmmm…that’s hard! Maybe an editor? I really enjoy helping others make their work shine, but it’s hard to find the time for that with my own editing and writing to do.

I write stories because…

I have stories inside of me that keep wanting to come out! I also write stories because as hard and frustrating as it can be at times, it’s incredibly satisfying to finish them!

The Art of Losing YourselfThe Art of Losing Yourself

Just like in my dream, I was drowning and nobody even noticed.

Every morning, Carmen Hart pastes on her made-for-TV smile and broadcasts the weather. She’s the Florida panhandle’s favorite meteorologist, married to everyone’s favorite high school football coach. They’re the perfect-looking couple, live in a nice house, and attend church on Sundays. From the outside, she’s a woman who has it all together.  But on the inside, Carmen Hart struggles with doubt. She wonders if she made a mistake when she married her husband. She wonders if God is as powerful as she once believed. Sometimes she wonders if He exists at all. After years of secret losses and empty arms, she’s not so sure anymore.
Until Carmen’s sister—seventeen year old runaway, Gracie Fisher—steps in and changes everything. Gracie is caught squatting at a boarded-up motel that belongs to Carmen’s aunt, and their mother is off on another one of her benders, which means Carmen has no other option but to take Gracie in. Is it possible for God to use a broken teenager and an abandoned motel to bring a woman’s faith and marriage back to life? Can two half-sisters make each other whole?  

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives…

I’m never any good at this, so I like to cheat and pull words from the endorsements. Romantic Times calls it exquisite. Authors who have been generous enough to endorse have called it poignant, honest, emotionally-charged, and sensitive.

My main character is… 

Carmen is drowning. Despite her perfect-looking life, she feels like she’s drowning, but nobody notices. Gracie is lost. A 17-year old runaway who acts tough-as-nails, but is really just lost and desperate for somebody to find her.

My main characters resemble….

Carmen Hart resembles Keri Russell, her husband Ben resembles Chris Hemsworth, and her troubled teenage sister, Gracie, resembles Kristen Stewart.

My story’s spiritual theme is…

God’s ability to breathe anything—no matter how dead it may seem—back to life.

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was… Why?

So You ThinThe Giftingk You Can Dance. I get excited every time a new season begins. I love watching the dancers and choreographers tell stories in the span of a single song. I find it highly entertaining!

The story I’m currently working on is…

The Gathering, the third book in a young adult trilogy I’m going to put out this summer! I cannot tell you how excited I am about this project! If readers want to learn more, they can subscribe to my K.E. Ganshert mailing list.

You may not know this about me, but I…

Am terrified of black birds. They aren’t nice. One tried attacking me once and my brave husband was going to defend me with a tennis racket, but the bird was already dead on the sidewalk. I guess I wasn’t the only one it was attacking. It’s left emotional scars, I tell you.

I might go all fan girl if I met…

Well, considering I DID go all fan girl when I met Karen Kingsbury, I’m assuming I would do the same thing with Francine Rivers. These two women inspired me to write Christian fiction. I devoured their books in college.

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to…

The beginning months of my daughter’s life so I could see and know her story with as much detail as I’ve seen and known my son’s. Then I could come back and tell her all about it.

I get lost in the music when I listen to…

This new worship mix CD that a friend sent me for my birthday! Every single son speaks so intimately to my heart. It was the best gift.

A long held dream of mine is…

To write books. I thank every day that God allows me to live my dream.

Thanks Katie!

Bio: Christy Award finalist and Carol Award winner, Katie Ganshert, graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison with a degree in education, and worked as a fifth grade teacher for several years before staying home to write full-time. She was born and raised in the Midwest, where she lives with her family. When she’s not busy penning novels or spending time with her people, she enjoys drinking coffee with friends, reading great literature, and eating copious amounts of dark chocolate. You can learn more about Katie and her books by visiting her website or author Facebook page.

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Davis & Ivy
Reviews of An October BrideA Broken Kind of BeautifulWishing on Willows and Wildflowers from Winter
Character spotlight on Ian & Robin
Character spotlight on Evan & Bethany
Interview with Katie
Katie’s Author Alert
Visit Katie’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: The Art of Losing Yourself or Koorong

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24 Responses to Katie Ganshert: Discover more…and a giveaway

  1. I loved her novella for the Year of Weddings collection. It was my favorite and even though it was short in length seemed like a full book!

  2. I haven’t read any of Katie’s books, but they are on my TBR list!

  3. THANK YOU for this Rel! Love you and all that you do for us crazy authors. 🙂

  4. I have read a couple of Katie’s books. They’re inspirational!

  5. Her writing makes me love contemporary stories 🙂

  6. Hey Rel! Thanks for introducing me to Katie. I look forward to reading her stories. 🙂

  7. I would describe her writing as deeply emotional and inspirational. I loved the last book I read by her, “A Broken Kind of Beautiful.” Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. I read Wildflowers from Winter. I’d like to read Katie’s other books but haven’t yet. It’s been awhile since I read it, so I hope I remember correctly. I’ll say the writing was real and thought-provoking.

  9. I haven’t read any of Katie’s books before.

  10. Connie Saunders

    Katie’s books are heartfelt and God-given! Thank you for this interview and giveaway.

  11. I’ve read two of Katie’s books with Wildflowers from Winter my current favorite. Her style is contemporary covering deep themes. Very much enjoy her work and look forward to reading The Art of Losing Yourself.

  12. Thanks Relz. Katie has some good books. I would love to win her book. I will be so happy when I can ever get her book, “The Butterfly and Violin. Thanks and GOD bless. Maxie

  13. I remember reading her debut book years ago, left quite an impression on me. Loved her raw, edgy writing style.

  14. I read her first book and I would love to read some of her other work.

  15. Deanne Patterson

    I have not read any of her books yet. I have heard such high reviews of them that I would love to start on one now.

  16. This sounds like an excellent book. Can’t wait to read it.

  17. I haven’t read Katie’s books yet but they sound beautiful and touching.

  18. Terrill Rosado

    I always fall in love with Katie Ganshert’s book covers. They are gorgeous!

  19. I haven’t read one as yet, I’m sorry to say.

  20. Brittany Keating

    I’ve read all of her full length novels. She’s one of the only writers that makes me want to read contemporary fiction…I usually prefer historical fiction. I think I love how relatable the stories are. None of the characters are made to be unrealistically perfect. More than anything, though, I love that she is an author that writes stories that are clean and inspirational.

  21. No I haven’t read any of her books but from todays post I think I would really enjoy them 🙂
    dkstevensne AToutlookDoTCOm

  22. I think I would describle them as heartwarming. They are full of realistic people facing struggles and hurts while learning to overcome.

  23. Katie’s writing is emotional and gives one food for thought. She’s very talented in being able to put herself in another person’s shoes.

  24. I haven’t read any of Katie’s books, yet! But my daughter and I will definitely need that triology!

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