The Lady and the Lionheart by Joanne Bischof with giveaways


Two worlds collide when the circus comes to Victorian-era Virginia.

Raised amid the fame and mystique of the Big Top, Charlie Lionheart holds the audience in the palm of his hand. But while his act captivates thousands, it’s away from the spotlight where his true heart lies. Here he humbly cares for his pride of lions as if they were his brothers, a skill of bravery and strength that has prepared him for his most challenging feat yet—freeing an orphaned infant from the dark bondage of a sideshow. A trade so costly, it requires his life in exchange for hers, leaving him tarnished by the price of that choice.

As the circus tents are raised on the outskirts of Roanoke, nurse Ella Beckley arrives to tend to this Gypsy girl. All under the watchful eye of a guardian who not only bears a striking resemblance to the child, but who protects the baby with a love that wraps around Ella’s own tragic past, awakening a hope that goodness may yet reign. When their forbidden friendship deepens, Charlie dares to ask for her heart, bringing her behind the curtain of his secret world to reveal the sacrifice that gave hope to one little girl—boldly showing Ella that while her tattered faith is deeply scarred, the only marks that need be permanent are his own.

My endorsement:~

Only a handful of authors craft stories that leave an indelible mark on my heart ~ Joanne Bischof is one of them…guaranteed, every single time. The Lady and the Lionheart is simply stunning, from the provocative beginning to its exquisite conclusion, this story is mesmerising. Delicate and vibrant prose immerses the reader in the sights, sounds, and aroma of the circus, with a tale that leaves jagged edges upon your soul for a time, then binds the wounds with healing and hope. Charlie Lionheart is the most attractive of heroes, handsome and charismatic, yet it is his life changing sacrifice that will render your heart more than once. Ella Beckley’s heart shines more gently, but her compassion and courage, stemming from her wounded past, is the perfect foil for Charlie’s magnetic appeal as both lion tamer and man of faith. Joanne writes with such nuanced spiritual depth, this tale captivates heart, mind, and soul, its themes reverberating for a good while to come.

With thanks to the author for my review copy

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Character spotlight on Tucker and Sarah (This Quiet Sky)
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Buy from Amazon: The Lady and the Lionheart (releasing August 1st)

I’m so enamoured with Jo’s writing and this story, I’m offering a US (paperback) and international (ebook) giveaway for my readers! Enter below…

The Lady and the Lionheart


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44 Responses to The Lady and the Lionheart by Joanne Bischof with giveaways

  1. This was already on my to read list. Your review makes it imperative! Can’t wait to read.

  2. There are so many compelling literary hero’s out there I can’t choose a favourite!
    And from the sound of your review Charlie Lionheart is another wonderful hero!

    I can hardly wait to get a copy of this book and start reading!
    Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

  3. That is an impossible question to answer 🙂 so many possibilities 🙂 cannot wait to read this book and the cover is stunning!!!!

  4. Where do I even start!? I’m trying hard to think of just one literary hero …I’m thinking of several authors and their amazing characters…everyone from Tosca Lee, to Brendalyn Collins, Susanne May Warren, Joanna Bischof and all in between! I DEVOUR their work! Cannot wait for this book!

  5. I absolutely love Joanne’s books they’re amazing

  6. What a horribly difficult question! I think of recent books I’ve read by Tamara Leigh, Ronie Kendig and Becky Wade and all of their heroes are compelling. One that really stands out from another book is SS Kommandant Colonel Aric von Schmidt from Kate Breslin’s “For Such A Time”. Who would’ve ever thought I’d fall for a Nazi!?!?

  7. This book is been on my to-read list for a l-o-n-g time – ever since I first heard about it. 🙂 I really enjoyed Joanne’s This Quiet Sky and am looking forward to reading this one even more now!

  8. Oh, such a difficult question. There are so many great heroes to choose from I agree with Amy, I loved Aric from For Such a Time. Another hero I absolutely fell in love with and keep going back to, is Cassius McLinn from The Colonel’s Lady. I love how imperfect he is and yet struggles to do the right thing in challenging circumstances. I love how is character is redeemed by the end. Such a hard man with a soft heart.

  9. Carrie Turansky

    I’ve loved all of Joanne’s books and I can’t wait to read The Lady and the Lion Heart! One of my favorite heroes is Henry in Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson. It was wonderful to see their childhood friendship grow into committed love. Lovely story!

  10. Most compelling literary hero: Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia

  11. This book deserves ALL THE BLOG POSTS, ALL THE TWEETS and of course, all the fun giveaways. 🙂 It’s beautiful. <3

  12. Wonderful review! This is already on my TBR list, but your review makes me want to read it even more. It sounds fascinating! I’m having a hard time trying to pick a favorite hero. There are so many amazing ones to choose from.

  13. You pose quite a difficult question. How could I choose just one as a “most compelling literary hero?” However, having read THE LION AND THE LIONHEART, I’ll make a case for Charlie Lionheart. It’s been several weeks since I read the book, but I still get teary when thinking about it and the sacrifice he made. His strength of character goes way beyond a typical hero.

  14. Brenda Murphree

    I have so many favorites. But since I just got through reading “The Captive Imposter” I’m going to say Dexter in this book. He overcame his feelings and went with his heart. And he was so tender. Thanks for the opportunity to win your book. It’s definitely on my to buy list.

  15. This book has been on my to-read list since the moment I first heard of it! The cover is simple beautiful (I’m in love with that fishtail braid, haha)

    Trying to pick the most compelling literary hero is quite a daunting task! I think I’ll steal one of the above answers and go with Aslan, one of the most influential literary characters in my own reading journey.

  16. I can’t wait to read this book! It looks lovely. My most compelling literary hero would be either Captain Wentworth from Persuasion or Mr. Thornton from North and South.

  17. I don’t think I can choose a most compelling literary hero! There are just too many that I have really liked to pick just one. I canNOT wait to read this book! I have read so many good reviews of it on different blogs and it sounds amazing!

  18. I had missed this book as a child, but read it with my son while he was home-schooled and it was a beautiful book with two very compelling heroes – The Door in the Wall (a medieval children’s/young adult novel.) Brother Luke and the young disabled boy, Robin, are the heroes of this novel. Brother Luke is a faithful servant who helps Robin understand his giftings without the use of his legs. By the end of the book, it is Robin who saves Sir Peter’s castle.


    That’s too hard to answer. Every book I read – I have a new hero! 🙂
    Thanks for the chance to win! Have a Blessed day!

  20. I usually fall for at least one guy in each book I read so I can’t answer this easily. Your review promises that I will have another great pick when I read this book! Thanks for the chance.

  21. Wow! I MUST read this book! After The Quieting Sky, Joanne has stolen my heart. I just need to time read all her other novels! And this one! #Bestillmynerdgirlheart (took that from Bookworm Mama)!

    And to answer your question, Mr. DARCY was my first literary hero, so I will always say him

  22. I’ll go with a classic and say Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre, in the beginning he is a rude brooding man. I think he earns hero status when he tries to save the other servants and someone else he wanted to be rid of earlier in the book.

  23. My favorite is Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights because he was so mysterious and deep.

  24. I love them all.

    • Fave literary hero is Farmer Gabriel Oak from Far from the Madding Crowd. I love how he is the perfect match for Bathsheba–always there for her, but also firm with her when she needs it (and sometimes she surely does!). I’ve already read The Lady and the Lionheart and I love it so much, I have determined I will make one of my rare softcover purchases and buy it in softcover. However, I thought I’d throw my name in the hat for a chance to win one here! I recommend this book for anyone–very moving.

  25. Elizabeth Bennet, from Pride & Prejudice 🙂

  26. This cover! Beautiful! And the book sounds amazing! Your question is a really tough one! Not sure!

  27. I’m with everyone else here, I can’t possibly choose one literary hero! There’s so many 🙂

    I can’t wait to read this story! I have it on my very long TBR list! Thanks for the giveaway chance Rel!

  28. So many compelling heroes, I can not possibly choose one! I love Joanne’s stories. I am so excited for this release! Rel, thank you for the giveaway! 🙂

  29. Richard the Lion Hearted.

  30. Not sure about a compelling hero…I could go along w/ the couple of responders who said Aslan. I also have read some Biblical historical fiction w/ characters that I really liked. Most recent Eliana from Tessa Afshar’s Land of Silence. I have always been fascinated by the woman who touched the hem of His garment.
    Thank you for sharing. Here’s hoping.

  31. I think I will always be in love with Sir Percy Blakeney (the Scarlet Pimpernel); he has such a deep, abiding love for one woman and one woman only, he is daring and clever, and to top it off, he’s selfless and not afraid to sacrifice himself for those under his protection.

  32. Ah, it’s so hard to choose one character. 🙂 Hmm… I’ll go with recent. I loved Colin from “An Elegant Facade” by Kristi Ann Hunter. 🙂

  33. I cannot wait to get my hands on this book!! Literary hero…hmm probably Hosea from Redeeming Love. He is just wonderful!!

  34. My library hero would be “Dewey” the cat who was found in the book bin inside a public library. I love that book!

  35. That is a really tough question, there are so many great heroes in the books I read that I can’t really name just one. Looking forward to reading your book.

  36. I have pre-ordered this book – so my Kindle is ready for the big top!
    Joanne Bischof certainly wrote an exceptional read in “This Quiet Sky” – so I am eagerly anticipating this release. I’m just glad my Kindle will stand in line for me as it looks like there’s a long line waiting for this ticket!

  37. Other than Rhett Butler, the most compelling hero for me is whichever one I’m reading about. Love your review!

  38. I am going with Darcy because he’s Darcy, the original brooding heartthrob *swoon*
    I have yet to get my hands on a Joanne Bischof title but I am determined to remedy that ASAP!

  39. Most compelling hero? I would have to say Red Shirt from Courting Morrow Little.

  40. I’d say most compelling is Michael Hosea from Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. SO good.

  41. Hmmmm… I have always loved the story of Ruth and Boaz… Does that count? I really enjoyed Tessa Afshar’s rendition in In the Field of Grace.

  42. I am getting excited for this one! Heroes are my favorite, how can I pick just one!! How about I go with my most recent hero that made it onto my favorite hero list? Phillip from Edenbrooke.

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