Laura Frantz: Discover more…plus a giveaway

Laura Frantz


Discover more about

Laura Frantz

and her final Ballantyne Legacy novel

Love’s Fortune



A book character that sticks in my mind is… Why? Baron Balmaine from Lady of Eve by Tamara Leigh. I’m in the midst of that book and he’s quite a memorable hero!

The last book that made me cry was… George MacDonald’s Donal Grant.

The last book that made me laugh out loud was… George MacDonald’s Sir Gibbie.

I’m completely immersed in their storytelling, whenever I read a book by… James Alexander Thom (Follow the River, Long Knife, etc.).

The first person who encouraged me to pursue my writing was… My Kentucky granny, Lena Ellen Blanton 🙂

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be… A librarian or a violinist/fiddler.

I write stories because… I cannot find them on shelves.

Love's FortuneLove’s Fortune

Sheltered since birth at her Kentucky home, Rowena Ballantyne has heard only whispered rumors of her grandfather Silas’s vast fortune and grand manor in Pennsylvania. When her father receives a rare letter summoning him to New Hope, Rowena makes the journey with him and quickly finds herself in a whole new world–filled with family members she’s never met, dances she’s never learned, and a new side to the father she thought she knew.

As she struggles to fit in during their extended stay, she finds a friend in James Sackett, the most valued steamship pilot of the Ballantynes’ shipping line. Even with his help, Rowena feels she may never be comfortable in high society.

Will she go her own way . . . to her peril?

My latest novel can be described by these 5 adjectives… historic, Pennsylvania-Scotch, poignant, layered, short (shorter than my other books, anyway!).

My main character is… Wren Ballantyne is a free-spirit, very different than her aunt Ellie and grandmother Eden. She was raised beyond the reach of the Ballantynes so comes into their world with a set oWrenf prejudices, opinions, and beliefs all her own.

My main character/s resemble…. (see attached photo, though I don’t have a clue who this is. My Pinterest boards are full of her ~

My story’s spiritual theme is… How our desire/quest for home never leaves us but always eludes us. Till eternity, anyway.

The most recent movie or tv show I loved was… Why? Klondike (Discovery Channel miniseries) with Scotsman, Richard Madden – gritty and intense and based on true events/historic figures, with no HEA.

The story I’m currently working on is… emotional. Title and cover coming soon…

You may not know this about me, but I… never wanted to publish.

I might go all fan girl if I met… Richard Crispin Armitage. The man has such class! I’ve never quite recovered from North and South. (You and me, both, Laura, as you well know!)

If I could travel back in time, I’d go to… Daniel Boone’s days, 18th-century America.

I get lost in the music when I listen to… Anything Celtic or fiddle/violin related.

A long held dream of mine is… To go to India and work among Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity.

Thanks Laura!

Relz Reviewz Extras
Character spotlight on Ellie & Jack
Character spotlight on Eden & Silas
Character spotlight on Cassius & Roxanna
Reviews of Love’s AwakeningLove’s ReckoningThe Colonel’s LadyCourting Morrow Little and The Frontiersman’s Daughter
Character spotlight on Lael Click
Character spotlight on Morrow Little
Visit Laura’s website and blog
Buy at Amazon: Love’s Fortune: A Novel (The Ballantyne Legacy) or Koorong

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77 Responses to Laura Frantz: Discover more…plus a giveaway

  1. Wow, I’m tickled and honored Baron Balmaine is stickin’ in the mind of the lovely Laura Frantz. Thank you! As for Richard CRISPIN Armitage and North & South… Very deep sighs. And more thanks–I didn’t know his middle name is Crispin (cute!). But what I do know is the name of the actress in the image above. It’s Katheryn Winnick who currently stars in Vikings as Lagertha. Fabulous and fun interview, Laura and Rel!

    • Tamara! I must say, your heroes leave me quite smitten which is a difficult feat:) Glad I don’t have to pick just one! And your stunning covers are among my favorites, too. Especially your Age of Faith series. Thanks for many hours of happily ever after even if it’s a rocky road to get there! I’m glad to know this is the Viking lady – I love her pose here and her inquisitive expression. Thanks for the info and for taking time here today. Looking forward to more from your very gifted pen!

  2. Historical fiction makes me happy. Looking forward to reading this book. PS. My favorite Laura Frantz character is Cassius. And, yes, Virginia, Santa is real because…Mr. Armitage. 😉

    • Cheri, Oh, love that you named Cassius as a fav:) And I’m smiling that historical fiction makes you happy. Well said. As for Mr. Armitage, I think he needs to do another period drama like North & South:) Just sayin’…!

  3. My favorite Laura Frantz character so far has been Jack Turlock 🙂

  4. Hello Relz. Thanks for having Laura here. I have 2 or 3 of her books. She writes very good. I have heard so many authors talk about what a great writer she is. I like the sound of this book and also the cover picture. I sure would be happy to win this book. Thanks Laura for the give-away Laura and Relz. please p may GOD bless you. Maxie

    • Hi Maxie, So good to see you here – and so happy to have you as a reader! Thanks for taking time for my books (and thanks to other authors for being so gracious)! I’d love for you to meet these Ballantynes, Wren especially. Blessings on your day!

  5. Sorry Relz but I forgot to answer the question about a favorite of Laura’s characters? I would say Morrow Littloe of the book “Courting Morrow Little”

  6. Enjoyed learning more about Laura! My favorite book thus far has been Love’s Reckoning and my favorite character Silas Ballantyne. This book made me think of Jacob’s story from Genesis. Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. I think Ellie is my favorite character…she’s sweet, but knows what she wants & doesn’t mind going after what is right! Thanks!

    • Robin, You summed Ellie up so well – I couldn’t have said it any better! You’ll find her in this new book, only a little older and a mother of quite a brood! Her sweetness and determination stay intact, thankfully. Bless you for stopping here and entering the drawing – and for taking time for my books!

  8. Sweet words of a sweet woman! 🙂 Loved reading this, Laura. I simply must read the 1st book in this series. I plan to!

    • Ganise, So happy you’re here! I’m thinking of all your lovely pins on Pinterest:) You really light up those boards! Thanks for wanting to meet Wren in Love’s Fortune (and also Eden and Silas in LR). I think it’s a grand time to read the series since they’re all out there and those details from book to book won’t be missed. Thanks for stopping today!

  9. What a great interview (I’m also a fan of North and South… SO great!)! It’s so hard to choose a favorite character from Laura’s, but I will say that Silas Ballantyne was up there. 😉

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    • Elyssa, So glad Silas won you over:) Glad, too, that it’s hard to choose! Also glad you’re a fan of N&S. I’m always amazed at the number of people who haven’t enjoyed/savored that yet. Truly one of the best period pieces ever done – and oh, the romance! Thanks for coming by today!

  10. Laura Frantz is a new author for me so I don’t have a favorite character yet.

  11. How can I pick a favorite? I’m going to have to go with Eden. She inspired me, and I hope she shows up a bt in this book!

    • Hi Kathryn, It’s wonderful to hear that Eden inspired you. I’ll remember that:) She does show up in this book, is as in love with Silas as ever, but quite aged! Yet she retains her “Eden-ness” despite everything. Thanks for being so gracious – and for being here today. Happy Friday!

  12. Haven’t read a Laura Frantz yet but I definitely will soon! Would love to win a copy 🙂

  13. Favourite character?
    Ohhhh, Laura, I do believe you know the answer to my…answer.
    But Silas is a very close second.
    Aye, but only by a dram.

    Andra needs a smack.

    • As usual, all my comments to you begin with a BIG smile and a LOL! Jennifer, I may recall your favorite character but am kinda fuzzy;) Glad Silas takes second place. We just won’t tell him that! YES, Andra needs a smack. My hubby almost threw the book across the room at one point, thanks to Andra. Sigh…

  14. I have only had the privledge of finishing one of Laura Frantz’z novels so far – The Frontiersman’s Daughter – and Ian was definitely my favorite in that one. This series is at the top of my to be read pile, though!

    • So glad you mention Ian, Amanda. I’d love for you to meet Silas and Cassius and my other heroes! Glad you want to meet Wren and those Ballantynes. I’d love to send a book your way:) Thanks for being here today!

  15. I have read The Frontiersman’s Daughter, Courting Morrow Little and The Cournel’s Lady. I really enjoyed reading those books. I am looking forward to reading your newest series. Thanks for the opportunity to register for this giveaway.

    • Brenda, Bless you for being here. It’s a great time to read the series since it’s now complete. No waiting time in between! Glad you’ve already met Lael and Morrow and Roxanna. Happy Friday!

  16. Ohhhhhh this is a difficult choice! Can it be a four-way tie? Between Roxanna & Cassius and Elinor & Jack? 🙂

    • YES, Carrie – love your heart for all 4! Glad we don’t have to choose villains:) But that might be interesting, too, for another post! I’m thrilled you’ve read some of my books and want to read more. Can’t wait for you to meet Wren and cast! Thanks so much for being here today.

      • thanks for the reply 🙂

        I’ve read ALL of your books and have been anxiously waiting for this one! Making sure my other fellow KY girls get hooked on you too 🙂

  17. My favorite Laura Frantz character is Cassius. And I have to admit The Colonel’s Lady is also one of my absolute favorite books ever. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. I’ve also lost count of how many times I’ve watched North and South. Richard Armitage…swoon.
    Laura is one of those authors whose books I fervently anticipate (along with Tamara Leigh).

    • Dear Brittaney, I’m so thrilled Cassius, our rascally colonel, won you over:) Glad TCL means so much to you! I worried having them all pinned in the fort like that for the duration of the novel but somehow his joie de vivre as they say, came through:) Thankfully! Glad you’re a N&S and Tamara fan, too. Bless you for being here!

  18. Laura Frantz is a new author to me.I don’t have a favorite character yet.I am looking forward to reading her books.Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  19. My favorite character is Cassius from The Colonel’s Lady. Love that book!

  20. I really like a lot of Laura’s characters however I think my favorite is Ellie.
    She has a lot of spunk and I like that.
    I’m really looking forward to reading this next book in the series!

    • Leah, Spunk is such a wonderful word:) Glad you saw that in Ellie. She’s a wee bit like Silas despite her ladylike ways! Can’t wait for you to meet Wren and hope you like her just as much!

  21. Have read all of Laura’s books and look forward to her future ones. My favorite character is Cassius from “The Colonel’s Lady”. What a man!! Surprised the book didn’t melt in my hand while reading his and Roxy’s story. So happy to see one of my favorite author’s on one of my favorite websites – double smiley face today 🙂 🙂

    • Amy! You always light up the web:) So appreciate your comments. Glad Cassius had ‘the melt factor’ for you and others here. I must admit it was wonderful spending time with him when I wrote that book. He continued to surprise me! Double smiley faces indeed. You do that for me. Bless you!!

  22. I also am new to your books, so would love to read one so I can discover a favorite new character! 🙂

  23. Doesn’t Laura have a character names “All”? Kidding aside, it is difficult to choose only one. I am taken with Colonel McLinn, Silas Ballantyne, and Jack turlock as they meet obstacles to becoming/displaying such men of character. Also Roxanna Rowan and Ellie Ballantyne are also heroic characters whom I am very glad to meet.

    Please, will you enter me in the drawing even if I can’t pick just one?

    Always fun to learn new things about Laura. And what a blessing to be encouraged in using your gifts by your granny! I shall think of you, Laura, the next time I float away in a cloud of Celtic music. Thanks Laura and Relzreviewz for a fun post.

    • Mary Kay! Wonderful to share a Friday with you! Love your “ALL”!! I so agree. It’s as hard to choose favorite characters as it is to choose cake:) Glad you have a soft spot for my heroes and heroines. I’m so glad you’re in the drawing. And I so appreciate your kind comments about my granny. Hope you have a blessed weekend!

  24. I love Ellie in Love’s Awakening

  25. Hi Laura, thank you for sharing. I just started reading a lot in the past year and just recently in the past few moths have I started reading historical fiction there are so many good authors and I have not yet had a chance to read any of your books but can’t wait until I do. Thank you for this chance to win. ~ Blessings and best wishes on your new book ~ P.S. that God for your Granny, my grandmother was an encourage to me and always told me that I could do and be anything I wanted to .

    • Lisa, So happy my books look like ones you want to read:) Thanks for your great comments. I’m touched you have a Granny who encouraged you. What would we do or be without them and their guidance and prayers? Bless you for entering the giveaway and for being so gracious about trying a new author like me!

  26. I’m having trouble choosing a favorite character. When I read, I immerse myself in the story–like most of us do!–so that each character becomes my favorite as long as they are good people. I really enjoy this type of historical reading. 🙂

    • Jean, I love your response. Immersing yourself in that novel and enjoying that present character is just what I do, too. Thanks for loving all of them:) You’re my kind of reader! I’m so glad you stopped by today. Happy Friday to you! Would love to send Wren your way!

  27. To be quite honest, I don’t know..:D It’s been so long since I read The Frontiersman’s Daughter, but I do remember that I liked Ian. However, I just had the pleasure of reading Courting Morrow Little and I loved it!! So, for now, it’s Red Shirt, until I read more of your wonderful books.;) Thank you for the lovely giveaway!!! P.S. I LOVE George MacDonald books! Indeed, most of my family does.

    • Julianna, So glad you’ve discovered the joys of George Mac! He’s one of a kind, truly. And I’m thrilled you still remember Ian and have a heart for Red Shirt since reading CML. Glad to have you as part of the giveaway. I only wish a book could be sent to all of you!! Have a wonderful weekend.

  28. My favorite Laura Frantz character is still Eden Lee Ballantyne. I love her calm and strong faith.

  29. Gail Hollingsworth

    Don’t have a favorite. I’m a new reader. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  30. I have not read any of Laura Frantz’s books as yet so don’t have a favorite character. I would love to win and read my first Laura Frantz book!

    • Sharon, I’d love to have you as a reader – thanks for your willingness to try a new author! A real pleasure to meet you through Rel:)

    • You have to read something by her! It doesn’t really matter which book you choose. They are all fantastic! She is one of my most favorite authors. If it has her name on it, I don’t even read the description, I just get it. I hope you get to read one of her masterpieces soon. 🙂

  31. Laura, I am laughing so much at you using Richard Armitage’s full name. That was just too funny, and I would most certainly join you in fangirling over him. I’ve probably mentioned this to you before, but I remember my grandfather always saying Daniel Boone wouldn’t recognize Kentucky too, and I think Papaw was probably right.

    • Dear Michelle, Yup, that Crispin sure gets me, too:) I just about did a double-take when I realized that was his FULL name! There’s probably a story behind that…! Glad you’re fangirling with me:)

      Love what your grandfather said. I’ve been reading a lot of Boone history lately and he’s so right in that regard. We must be kindred spirits because just today I was thinking just that very thing. So glad to see you, my friend!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend:)

  32. Tough question..Either Wren or Morrow Little. I loved both of them so much! Laura creates great characters full of depth!

    • Rachael, I’m beyond blessed to have you as a reading friend. Love hearing it’s either Wren or Morrow for you:) Thanks for being such an encouraging, faithful spirit! I couldn’t do it without you!

  33. That’s such a tough question! I have really admired all of the heroine’s in Laura’s stories, but I am going to go with Eden in :Love’s Reckoning” as my favorite. I loved the depth of her character, both the gentleness and the courage she possessed.

    • Ah, Jennifer, you are a kindred spirit:) Love what you said about Eden here. Thanks so much for that. “Depth” is such a great word and I do believe Eden had both gentleness and courage, thankfully. You’re a gem of a reader to recognize it! Thanks for wanting to meet Wren. I love all my girls/heroines so glad I don’t have to pick!

  34. Laura Frantz….oh how I love that name! It means pure goodness in my dictionary. If it has her name on it…I read it. She is one of the finest authors of our time. I am a Kentucky girl, so she had me at the “Frontiersman’s Daughter”. My favorite character is probably Lael Click simply because I fell in love with her first.

  35. Don’t have any favs

  36. I haven’t had the chance to read any of Laura’s books, so I don’t have a favorite character yet. So hope I win one! Thanks for the chance.

  37. Thanks for the beautiful interview, Laura and Rel – loved the questions!!

    I already have “Love’s Fortune” – just wanted to stop by and comment on my love of Laura’s books. I have read all of Laura’s books and find it impossible to pick a fave character – her characters are so realistic, my fave is always the hero and heroine of the book I’m reading, it’s Wren right now.

    Laura’s characters take up residency in my heart – I became addicted to her writing with the first book I read. The mastery and beauty of the historical content, descriptive phrases, rhythmic words, emotional story lines, and inspirational characters take my breath away. She is the “best of the best” and one of my very fave authors!!

    Shared post!!

    • Bonnie, You express yourself so beautifully! I’m honored to be among your favorites as there are so many fine historical writers out there. You inspired me to keep writing:) I couldn’t do it without you!

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